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Custom Speed Painting

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Custom Speed Painting

#49551 Posted on 2016-06-27 12:09:25

I am looking for someone to do digital speed painting of something for me. I need a manip of my old husky Kiyara and my new one Nala.

I want one husky face half kiyara and half nala with a pink and purple water paint like background. This will be printed and framed in my house for my mom or a blanket, stuff like that. Would love for it to be realistic and shaded.

If you want a lot of EVD (over like 2mil.) you need to give me time to make that or do an art trade. I am willing to give you an unlimited Art Pass (what you get will be discussed through pm between us both) or a bunch of custom characters, tags, custom sketches, lrg art, sigs (now I can't do custom items without free lines)

I want to give it to my mom by Kiyara's death anniversary (October). I believe you would need to give me a copy right notice thing giving me permission to print it.

Background story on Kiyara:
We got kiyara a couple weeks after I was born. We shared a birthday. She died of cancer if 2012. After she died my mom refused to get another husky because she wasn't ready.
Background story on Nala:
We got Nala 2 weeks ago she is now 10 weeks old. My mom was talking about how if she rolled over and had a spot on her chest, like kiyara, we would look at her and sure enough she did and she had it. She was the only black and white husky there. Any who Nala convinced mom with her looks to adopt her.

Please post examples and price.

Every offer means the world to me for you to offer it!

Last edited on 2016-07-02 at 08:56:53 by Salvatore Piaffe

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#49563 Posted on 2016-06-27 12:41:12

I would love to do this!


And look until you see some tags of draft horses :)

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Malibu Estate

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