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Waltz *Human RP*

#35580 Posted on 2016-05-01 11:16:09

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to waltz in the glorious balls of old? Join us in a historical roleplay of the late 1700s. The East India Company is very much a power in India, run and ruled in and by England. Ladies are arranged to be married to prominent men in the Company. Balls are often danced among those wealthy English - both in England and India. Many native Indians serve happily as servants to those English living in India, having good comforts. India is not without tribulations, though. Many men in the Company are power-hungry, and nothing can stop them from getting what they want. Tigers sometimes prowl the lands. War with Burma over borders is seen on the horizon. Crocodiles wait with open jaws in the rivers. Many more dangerous await you - and many wonderful joys.

You are English. You may live in either England or India. Young English women and ladies living in England may be arranged to marry older men in the Company, having to sail to India to meet their soon-to-be husbands. Many are happy and content with this, others are not. Women/ladies can also be already married (to lords in England, men with the Company in India, or other men) or heiresses to many different things. Men can be lords, Company men (whether older and prominent, older and less prominent, or younger with prominence/less prominence), pirates, for-hire sailors, captains for the Company, and the list goes on!

You also have the choice to be Indian. You may be a child or an adult, a servant or a free man/woman. If you choose to be a servant, you cannot be your own character's servant. You may only be a servant to those who live in India. If you are free, you can be a merchant, a thief, a mercenary, etc.

~ You must read the above
~ Keep this PG-13
~ No swearing please
~ This is the 1700s - no cars, cell phones, etc. (xD) Also, mail going from India to England or vice versa can take 6 months
~ Marriage happens a bit young, from around 17 up for women. Men often wait longer
~ Minimum of 3 well written sentences a post, please
~ No text talk
~ I have the right to kick you from the RP for any reason

I suggest reading the Heart of India series by Linda Chaikin. The series is wonderfully written and gives you an amazing perspective of the time.

If you have any questions about the time, please PM me!

Sign-ups are still open if you want to jump in or add more characters! See that post here: The Sign-Ups.

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#35588 Posted on 2016-05-01 11:53:16

Jace Buckley
Jace stood leaning on the rail of his ship, glancing out over the docks. It was a peaceful scene, this sunrise in England. His face, showing no emotion, glanced around at all the ships docked. Soon, this place would be bustling with people, loud and busy. He much preferred the calm of sailing on a nice day to this. He was planning on going into town today to sell some wares, but the meeting wasn't scheduled until ten o'clock. It was a mere 6 o'clock in the morning, and the sound of waves lapping against all the hulls of dozens of ships was peaceful and serene. Jace's thoughts were broken by the scuttling feet of his servant, Jacoo. "Sahib, I made you some coffee." The old man's face was broken in a wide grin as he offered forth a tray with coffee steaming. Jace smiled at the man. Jacoo used to be a slave of a harsh master before Jace had bought him and saved him from death. Jacoo insisted on being Jace's personal servant. Reaching out, Jace picked up the cup and sipped the dark drink. He sighed with contentment. "You made it just right, Jacoo. Better than that cursed tea you insist on brewing." Jacoo just smiled and shuffled away, proud to have pleased Jace.

Belinda Kendall
Belinda swept her brunette curls out of her face as she walked, lady-like, down the steps of the mansion. It was breakfast time. She wore a soft blue dress of silk with matching slippers, a light shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She planned on escaping to the garden as soon as the meal was done to escape talking about Theo. No way was she going to marry him if she had a say in it. And she should have a say - it was her life! She flounced into the dining hall and plopped into her seat. No one payed her any attention, all of them chatting away aimlessly. The clock struck six and servants streamed out of the doors carrying trays of food. Soon, the family was eating the delicious steaming foods with gusto.

Jay woke to the sound of the rooster crowing. He leaped off of his mat and quickly dressed in his usual servant's attire. It was extremely early - about 5:30. He hurried to the main house so that he would be ready for when the family would wake. He rushed in the door, panting, and went quickly to get his assignment from the servant in charge of all the others, Natine. He salaamed to Natine and said, "What is my assignment, sahib Natine?" Natine looked at Jay scrutiningly before speaking. "Wake sahiba Lassie at six so that she will be ready for breakfast." Jay salaamed again and rushed away to wait.

The half hour ticked slowly by. When the clock struck six, he rushed to Lassie's room. He knocked softly. "Missy sahiba, missy sahiba!" he said quietly. "It is time to wake."

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#35686 Posted on 2016-05-01 18:19:50


Arabella had already woken up early out of range for her father's words last night at the dinner table. The words still echoed in her ear as she struggled to ignore them "You will marry Lord, Grat" Arabella had gone to her room early to sleep off the ill words but woke up early to ride her horse Rusted. Through the fields she rode side saddle her blonde hair flying behind her. With her pack on Rusted that carried a small amount of food and clothes she had planned to run away. Cantering through she finally reached the harbor area and looked around at the ships. Clicking foreword she rode her horse and stopped getting off him. Walking in her yellow dress down the docks and looking at the ships. "Mr.Grant can I have a ride on your ship?" she asked the stocky looking man as he replied with a gruff and motioned her off.

Eric was sleeping in the little house that his partner rented to him. With a jolt the clock rang 5:00 and he shifted out of bed to get ready for work. Changing into his blue pants and a work shirt he went to the stable's to get Willlow a paint mare that need work on her shoes. Leading the mare to tie her up he stopped to stroke the mare's head and give a kiss.

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#36361 Posted on 2016-05-04 22:23:48

Chasity Glanville

Chasity hummed quietly to herself as she followed her older brother through the docks, she wore thick fabric clothing that were white and gold, her red hair tied back though still half hung out that extenuated her curls even more. She looked rich, and that was how her father wanted it, to further boast his wealth through his children as Joseph looked rather nice as well.

Though the dress was heavy, and her feet ached slightly as she forced herself to stand tall much like her brother as they searched for a boat, captain or someone that could take them in for travel. She was to travel with him as he looked for his "future" or what he liked so call it. Unlike him, her life was already planned for her to marry some rich guy to bring more fortune to her family and herself. Though her brother, Joseph, lucky to be born a man, had the free choice being what he liked, even if their father preferred he take on the Banks that they currently owned.

Joseph Glanville

The red haired man grunted slightly as he looked around for someone that could help him out, he had finally convinced his father to let him explore the world more, and even got lucky to bring his sister along. She was much quieter then him, and was less likely to use her mouth to speak her opinions, so he did most of it for her.

Pausing in his brisk walk, he glanced behind to Chasity and said. "As soon as we find a ship to take us to other countries, we can gather our luggage and leave here momentarily before your wedding." That caused Chasity to smile gently and nod her head towards him, leaving Joseph to feel slightly happy inside that his sister was to be free for awhile. Walking pass many ships, he finally found someone that stood out on the ships deck and near the railings. He got closer to the large ship and yelled out to the man (Jace Buckley). "Excuse me!"


((I hope I did this right or played the characters well for the era, and I'm really sorry for the long paragraphs. That was something that I just couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. XD))

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#36498 Posted on 2016-05-05 14:03:43

Jace Buckley
Jace glanced down, surprised, coffee cup raised to his lips. He took a large sip before placing the cup on the rail, not worried at all about it falling into the water below. A man and a woman stood on the docks below, looking up at Jace expectantly. Jace, his face a mask of emotion (you'll hear that a lot. He never shows emotion except when he does xD), noticed that they were siblings. That was quite obvious. He sighed and held up a hand, making his way off the ship. "Hello, sir, ma'am." He noted their expensive dress and thought to himself, No doubt they will bribe me with riches to transport them or some cargo. He sighed inwardly. He needed money, no doubt, but ferrying rich stuck-ups was not what he had in mind. Still, he needed to get the money for the tea plantation in Darjeeling, in memory of his now gone friend more than his ambitions now.

Belinda Kendall
She was finished with her meal. It had been quiet at the table, like most mornings. Belinda basked in the silence as she stood slowly, servants bustling to carry away her empty plates. She thanked the English servants before walking gracefully to the garden stoop. Her father's booming voice stopped her. "Where do you think you are going, young lady?" Belinda froze, controlling her face before turning back innocently to face her father. "To the garden, father," she said, fluttering her dark eyebrows. His face remained harsh, but he waved her on. She smiled, thanked him, and hurried to the garden, still a bit chilly. Dew clung to branches and grass and wettened the hem of her skirts as she walked through the lawn, not walking on the cobbled path.

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#36566 Posted on 2016-05-06 04:13:29

Chasity Glanville

Chasity looked up at the man once he responded, he seemed quite cold and emotionless, but she didn't want to be one that judged. Though she kept quiet and watched the scene that played in front of her as her brother tried to ask for a trip off this country. She was actually filled with joy that her father accepted Joseph's terms on letting her travel before being married, in fact, she didn't even know her intendeds name other then he was a rich man that owned a lot of land and businesses. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for the rejection of many people that will not let them travel with them.

Joseph Glanville

Joseph smiled before responding, "I know this is a lot to ask," the red haired man took a breath before continuing. "But would you be willing to let my sister and I as your passengers on your vessel during your travel's?" Once the question was asked, he let it sink in for awhile before adding, "There will be payment of course, and we are willing to go where you like as long as it is away for at least a few weeks, if maybe more." Joseph sure hoped that the man would agree and he would even offer more money in hopes this would further turn the mans decision in his favour.

Last edited on 2016-05-06 at 07:26:31 by Western Outback Stables

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#36576 Posted on 2016-05-06 05:32:31


Lassie slowly drifted out of sleep when she heard a boy's voice gently calling her. "Coming, Jay," she said, slipping out of her bed and quickly brushing her hair. She quietly opened the door to see Jay in his usual garments. Lassie wondered if he actually liked working at the Adams' household. "Good morning," she whispered, giving him a warm, sleepy smile.

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#36641 Posted on 2016-05-06 13:20:22

Jay smiled nervously, a blush darkening his already dark cheeks. "Good morning, missy sahib Lassie! It is breakfast time." He salaamed to the girl then straightened, casting a glance around the hall. Leaning forward, he whispered conspiratorially, "Want to go to the gardens again today?"

Jace Buckley
Jace sighed and looked the man up and down, then turned his gaze on the woman before turning back to the man. "Are you both fit to travel? Storms may erupt and you may lose your lives in that case." He didn't mention that it wasn't storm season. "I will be going to India later today, but I have a meeting to attend before I leave."

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#36681 Posted on 2016-05-06 16:21:46


Lassie stepped out into the large, open hallway that led to all of the Adams' bedrooms. She silently closed the door behind her, careful not to wake her sleeping family. "Oh, Jay, I'd love to!" she breathed. "How about at around noon time after my riding lesson?"

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#36686 Posted on 2016-05-06 16:41:49

Jay nodded, grinning and blushing. "That is good time to meet in the garden. My apologies, missy sahib Lassie, but Natine may start wondering where we are so we should hurry to breakfast." He smiled at her widely.

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#36687 Posted on 2016-05-06 16:56:39


"Of course," she replied, noticing Jay's blushing. Lassie beamed and thanked him for waking her, giving him a polite curtsy before starting to walk down the hall. Her long blond hair streamed behind her as she hurried to the dining room for breakfast.

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#36695 Posted on 2016-05-06 18:00:52

Joseph Glanville

Joseph only nodded with a smile, he was prepared for anything, as he was looking for his future, and that meant taking risks. "I will be ready to leave when you are." He said to the man, before glancing back to his sister and then back to the man. "But may I ask for your name? I'm Joseph Glanville, and this is my sister Chasity, our father owns quite a few banks around here and other parts." The red haired man said, introducing both him and Chasity.

Chasity Glanville

Chasity gulped quietly, she was going to speak up, but kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to disagree with anything, as that could take away her chances of exploring and going on adventures before her marriage. Even if it meant going through storms that may end her life, at least she would be free for even a margin of the time before death if that was to happen. She opened her mouth again to speak, but nothing came out, so she shut it. Letting Joseph do all the speaking instead.

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#36748 Posted on 2016-05-07 06:11:11

Jace Buckley
Jace sighed, looking up at his ship for a moment. He turned his gaze back to the man before him. "I'm Jace Buckley." Jace studied the man for a moment, then turned to the lady. He addressed her. "Miss, I need your compliance to board with the risks." A gull screamed overhead as it spotted something it wanted, swooping low and almost touching the three people. Jace ignored it.

Jay followed behind, moving quickly to keep up with the hurrying girl. When they neared the dining room, Jay slipped into the kitchen quietly and without telling Lassie. He had work to do and Natine would be mad if he saw Jay enter the dining room with Lassie.

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#36753 Posted on 2016-05-07 06:30:56

Chasity Glanville

Chasity ducked when the gull swooped low, feeling as though she would be hit if she had done otherwise. Though when this Jace asked for her to speak her compliance, she felt herself freeze before glancing to her brother for his reassurance. Joseph smiled to her with a nod of his head, in which she smiled nervously back and turned her gaze to Jace. "I..." She started, before clearing her throat and continuing. " I am willing to board despite the risks your propose." Chasity's quiet voice was barely hearable, but it was sure to be heard as she wish to not speak louder.

Joseph Glanville

Joseph sighed as his sister spoke up, she was always the quiet one, and seemed to believe it was wrong to speak her mind. But he guessed growing up in his family as a women meant it was wrong to speak when not asked or when it was not desired. Though, after those words left Chasity's mouth, he glanced over the Jace and grinned, as though when Chasity spoke it sealed a deal of them traveling with the man whether he liked it or not.

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#36814 Posted on 2016-05-07 09:56:30

Jace Buckley
Jace looked at Chasity a bit more before turning and seeing Joseph's grin. He didn't show whether he would accept their offer by an expression change. "I will allow you to go on my ship. I will be travelling to India." He turned and walked onto the ship. "I'll show you your quarters." Jacoo shuffled out and Jace talked to him privately. Jacoo hurried off the boat and into town with a parcel.

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