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Fast Find (Human RP)

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Fast Find (Human RP)

#30536 Posted on 2016-04-13 20:16:04

This Saturday, there is a speed dating event going on at a restaurant in your town. You never really intends to go. But your friends have convinced you that it could be fun. And who knows? Maybe the event to lead to something. Maybe you could find the love that your heart has been yearning for.


You must create even genders
Be kind
Do not take matters into your own hands
No controling someone else's character
Keep this Pg-13
Only light cussing

~Character names and Numbers~

Jace 1
Owen 2
Kaiden 3
Tucker 4

Annabeth 1
Delilah 2
Ana 3
Pandora 4

~How this works~

Your characters will mingle until all players have posted. Once I have given the go, all female characters will find the table with their number. Then, the male characters will go around and to one table to start. You are allowed 4 posts each per table. Your male characters will go only to the tables with female characters that are not your own. We don't want you to have to date your own character. Once everyone has had their 4 posts with the other, you move on to the next table.

How will we be matched:

I want you all to take a sheet of paper. List all the names of characters that are not yours. Every time you talk to someone and find a connection, make a check next to their name. If not though, make an X mark. Do not share this info with anyone. Once you have talked to everyone, send your results to me through PM. I will review them to find matches. Matches are made when there is a mutual attraction.

Do I have to stick to my character's match?

No! This is only a suggestion. I want you all to have fun. If you feel it would be better to have your character matched to someone else, go ahead.

What do we do after the speed dating session?

Continue their lives. Develop their relationships with other characters. Have fun!

I hope I've answered everything I f you have any questions, feel free to ask. Other than that, Have fun!

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#30606 Posted on 2016-04-14 05:14:31

Ana ran down her carpeted stairs. Her violet blouse and faded skinny jeans ruffled as she moved. She stepped onto the tile and raced into the kitchen. She slowed quickly and began making a protein shake. Ana smiled as she mixed the ingredients and flipped her long, curled, brown hair over her an shoulders. Ana quickly finished and plopped a straw into her cup. She walked to the dinning room and sat down to drink her shake. After she finished she checked herself in the mirror one last time, examine her naturally tinted makeup and dark hazel eyes.

Kaiden sat on his couch as he watched the morning news. Plate of waffles in hand he watched as the anchorman on the tv spoke about todays weather. Kaiden smiled as he took his last bite of breakfast and jumped from the couch. He walked into the kitchen, lay his plate in the sink, and turned on his heels to head upstairs. Kaiden reached his room and began to dress into a light blue tea and grey joggers.

Last edited on 2016-04-14 at 14:05:30 by Bopper

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#30620 Posted on 2016-04-14 05:47:30


The small girl sat up in bed and threw aside the blankets that were piled on top of her. She yawned and stretched a little. Finally, with a little less vigor than usual, she stood up and walked into her small master bathroom. She flipped on the light and stood, facing the vanity. She grabbed her comb and started to tame the wild mess of hair. As she did this, she thought about the event tonight. Pandora really hadn't wanted to go. But after being bugged by her friends non-stop, she be-grudgingly accepted. Pandora didn't like big social events. And this one was worse, because it included dating. She hadn't dated since her boyfriend had died in a car accident. The girl set down her comb a turned on the water. She put a little tooth paste on the tooth brush and began cleaning her teeth.


Tucker shut his closet door and put on his tee. He grabbed his motorcycle keys off the shelf of his large oak dresser. Tucker headed out the door and to the kitchen. He grabbed a piece of gum and headed out the door. Tucker locked the large door and walked to the vehicle. He got on and stuck in the key. With a slight turn, the machine roared to life. It hummed and bounce. Tucker smiled at the sound. He revved the engine and started down his driveway and towards the hardware store.

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#30811 Posted on 2016-04-14 13:57:40


Don't panic.
She tried telling herself these things, trying to force it in her brain. To think everything was okay and she wasn't going to make a complete fool of herself, but she knew her own mind was far too smart for her desperate attempts to stay relaxed. She was finishing up her makeup, a simple eye look with winged liner. Not like she was wanting to woo men with her talented steady hand. She sighed as she backed away from her bathroom mirror, long blonde ringlets cascading down against her short torso. Hazel eyes mocked how she looked; no way anyone would think you're any more special than the next. She was wearing something easy: ripped skinny jeans, black converse, and an Obey tank top. It wasn't much considering she did have better things to wear, but what was the point? She was just going to meet people. Maybe meet the one. She chuckled to herself, knowing very well she wouldn't know who the one was. She had spent almost four years with a boy she thought was the one.


Music boomed from his car, anyone near him could hear the lyrics of the band clearly, for his windows were all the way down. He danced obnoxiously to it, knowing very well that if some girl would be with him they would plead him to stop and that he was embarrassing them. He would of course come back with an eye roll and announcing them to live a little and continue his dancing. He wasn't worried about this 'speed date' thing. He was confident but not cocky. Maybe it was because he wasn't coming with the mind set of meeting his potintial girlfriend. He had came with the conclusion earlier on in his life that there was no point in trying to find a girl that he could never keep. Besides, he had other things to worry about like his music career. Would they judge me for getting kicked from college? he asked himself as he slowed his dancing. Why would they? They're no more perfect than myself. He came to a red light as he slowed his red jeep, feeling a bit on edge. Was he nervous? Of course not.

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#30833 Posted on 2016-04-14 14:31:48

Jace Buckley
Why was he even going to this thing? That was the thought racing through Jace's head as he walked toward the restaurant. His friends at work had convinced him to go, and though Jace had not wanted to, they promised to be there. He had no idea why he had given in. He didn't want to meet anyone and make them a significant part of his life. It would keep him stuck in this town and he would never be able to take to the sea again. Oh, how he wished to take to the sea again! His father's face floated in his mind for a moment, but was soon pushed to the side as questions and rebukes shoved their way to the front. Buckley saw the flashing sign for the restaurant. Open. Of course it was. Why wouldn't it be? He groaned inside. He wasn't nervous, just annoyed. He didn't really want to go. Why was he still walking? Oh, yeah, he promised to go. His coworkers had pressed him to promise, and he honored his promises. He rebuked himself again for giving in.

Annabeth Ring
Annabeth sat at table #1, looking around the room calmly. This whole "fast find" set-up was amusing to her, and she went just for the experience. She didn't really expect anything serious to come of it. Besides, most boys had no interest in the caramel blonde haired, blue eyed bookworm. The thought reminded her of her phone, which carried on it's Kindle app the book she was currently reading. She tried to engage herself by looking at the menu but couldn't resist the want to continue in the novel. She smiled, glancing around the room once more. Yes, she was way early. She had planned to be. She wanted to get a drink in her dry bones before the thing started, wanted to relax and get used to the surroundings. Well, maybe not. She just wanted a time to read for a little bit before the whole thing started and not miss it because she was late, engrossed in the book on the couch at home. She pulled out her phone and settled in the booth comfortably, reading the words and instantly being sucked into the world of the story.

(Umm... Jace is #1 and so is Beth...)

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#30849 Posted on 2016-04-14 15:42:05


Pandora pinned up her long side bangs into a front poof. She popped in her earnings and put the backs on. By now, it was tree o'clock. She had spent her day catching up on work and such. She pondered how they would make money for the shelter she worked at, thoigh her thoughts soon shifted again. She walked to her closet and opened the door. She grabbed a long Maxi skirt. It was black and whit e chevron. She grabbed a black loose cardigan and a white camisole. She slipped into the camisole and then the cardigan. She grabbed her gold sandals and gold neclace and put them both on. She grabbed her keys and ran out the door. She started her old Volkswagen Beetle and drove towards the restaurant.


The boy pulled into the parking lot of the restaraunt. He shut down the engine of his car and slicked back his hair while staring in the mirror. He opened the door and climbed out. Tucker tucked his white dress shirt into his jet black pants. He then headed int the restaraunt.

(It won't matter, as your characters won't interact with each other.)

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#30880 Posted on 2016-04-14 17:38:10

Jace Buckley
Jace wore dark blue jeans with a dress shirt on. It was a black polo tucked in at the waist, a leather belt neatly in place. His black hair was neatly in place, though nothing had been done to it. It sat on his head, down to his ears. He ran a hand through it before stepping into the building. The smell of food struck his nostrils as he glanced around the building. Not very many people here for a fast find jig. Jace's thoughts were casual as he looked around the room. Maybe people were smarter than me and avoided the place.

Annabeth Ring
Beth looked up at the little jingle of the door bell. She looked at the boy a beat longer than necessary, analyzing him. Was he here for the FF (Fast Find. Beth had taken to calling it FF) or just here for some grub? He was definitely here for the FF. This was a casual place and he was dressed up. Beth looked down at her dark blue slim jeans and lavender sweater. Pretty pathetic. Her blue eyes looked once more at the boy, then at her book. She turned off her phone and took a sip of her lemonade. Her caramel blonde hair was swept to the side, slightly curled. She looked back at the boy. His hair was not really her taste, but his green eyes were nice. She would have to know his personality before jumping to anything, though. Most definitely. Tread carefully, Beth, she reminded herself. Stick to your books. She turned back to her phone and turned it on, continuing her read.

Last edited on 2016-04-15 at 05:58:44 by Oswin

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#30899 Posted on 2016-04-14 18:31:27


Pandora opened the large door of the restaraunt. She walked in, looking a bit timid. The small girl glanced around and noticed a few of her friends. She smiled and waved to them. She then glanced at some of the other people that appears to be there for the event. She tucked her hair behind her ears and bit her pip as she scanned the room. There was a girl sitting at a table and a boy standing around. She looked up to the large board with names and numbers on it. She was a 4. She read through their instructions and then headed towards her table. She sat down gently and folded her arms
She sat in silence as she observed the little restaraunt.


The boy glanced to a girl at a table. He noticed her staring. But all he did was smile and wave. His bright green eyes twinkled in the light. Tucker then glanced around to the others. There was another guy, who looked unhappy to be here. And, there was another girl that looked very shy and quiet. He observed these characters intently till he finally got bored. Once the boredom set in, he resorted to checking his Facebook feed.

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#31005 Posted on 2016-04-15 05:05:07

Ana walked out to her car, phone in hand, and got in. She started her silver Chevy and backed out of her drive. Ana drove steadily down the road as her mind swirled. Am i ready for this.. just face it Ana no one is gonna pick you. She shook her head as she gazed upon the restaurant. She sucked in a breath and pulled into a parking space quickly. She looked around and got out. Ana ran her slender fingers down her blouse and began to walk threw the large doors, the smell of food warped around her as she smiled shyly. She soon walked to the small table and grabbed her instructions and number. She was 3. Ana walked to her table and turned her head and smiled uncomfortably at another girl.

Kaiden walked threw the large doors and looked around. He smirked as people chatted and laughed. Kaiden walked over to a table and read his pamphlet and grabbed his number, 3. Kaiden looked around and headed to his table and sat down quietly as he watched others skip around.

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#31016 Posted on 2016-04-15 05:32:31


The girl watched quietly as the restaraunt started to fill up. Two more people entered and they looked like they were here for the event as well. Pandora started breathing slowly, trying to calm down. But her heart kept beating faster and faster. She felt panicky. Pandora didn't want to be here. She didn't want to meet someone. She didn't want to replace her other boyfriend they she had tragically lost. It just didn't seem right. But she had promised her friends. So, she stayed. Pandora slowed her breathing once more and calmed down a little.


Tucker leaned back on his chair and slipped his phone in his pocket. He also noticed the restaraunt filling up. He rolled his eyes and thought This Damon event is so stupid. Why did I promise to go? He rolled his eyes again and folded his arms. He leaned his aromas against his chest andn leaned his head against the wall. He shut his eyes until it was time to start.

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#31017 Posted on 2016-04-15 05:37:16

Double post...

Last edited on 2016-04-15 at 05:59:41 by Bopper

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#31018 Posted on 2016-04-15 05:37:35

Ana glanced around as the lights dimmed slightly. The room was filling with somewhat cheery people. Ana sighed as she pulled out her hone and scrolled threw her snapchat. She waved down a waitress and ordered a water. Ana rolled her eyes as she watched annoyed people slouch around. She giggled slightly and thanked the waitress that brought her her drink.

Kaiden sat quietly and pulled out his phone. He texted one of his friends quickly saying... GET ME OUT oF HERE! i cant stand the damn place. He shook his head and closed his eyes.

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#31033 Posted on 2016-04-15 06:05:48

Jace Buckley
Jace looked at the board and saw his name with a number. 1. Great. He went and sat at the table, looking around the room. His emotions were masked, his face an unreadable block. Inside, he writhed with exasperation. Why am I here? This is pointless. Jace looked out the dirty restaurant window and caught a glimpse of the sea. A boat bobbed up and down on the small waves, and Jace's heart wrenched at the sight. Still, his face betrayed no emotion, even as he glanced around the room.

Annabeth Ring
Beth looked up from her book. The place was filling up. She discreetly slid her phone back into her purse and glanced at all the people, not letting her gaze linger too long on any of the men. She took another sip of her lemonade, glad she had gotten here early. She believed she had a good table, too - a view of the street outside and just barely she could see the ocean. She held her hands in her lap as she waited for the event to start. Who was running it? She didn't really know exactly what to do, but she didn't really care either. Was she supposed to just sit here? She shrugged inwardly and looked back out the window.

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#31239 Posted on 2016-04-15 17:46:49


She sighed heavily, parking her red Mazda outside the building where the 'fast find' was being hosted at and got out, bringing in her small black purse which mainly consisted of her wallet, a gum pack, her phone, and her keys. She didn't have any other special thing she could fit in it. Fingers nervously combed through her blonde hair as she entered the building, greeted by smiles by the waitresses, but she knew they could obviously tell how much on edge she was, her emerald/gold eyes could never hide a secret. She was given a number; #2. Great. Not first but not last. She sat at the table labeled #2, long freshly done nails tap against the taxed wood which made up the table. She considered taking out her phone to look at herself; make sure everything was perfect because she knew for sure looks was the main thing when it came to this. Who else would want to take the time to get to know her.


He would much rather be tuning away on his guitar, forgetting the world just a tad bit more. The place, as he expected, was filled with anxious people. He considered just skipping this and going out with one of his friends. How would that make him look? Like an ***. But he already had that title. What would make things any more different? But he stayed within the confined walls, walking towards his table, #2. When he finally settled down, he looked around; there were some good looking girls. Some decent guys. And then there was him. He was just coming for the experience. That would be his excuse. He chuckled, like he needed an excuse. Might as well pass the time doing something other than judge people. He waved down a waitress, a somewhat tall girl with striking red hair. Wasn't his type, but he didn't complain about her temporary company as he ordered a water.

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#31354 Posted on 2016-04-16 07:24:01

Jace Buckley
Jace glanced around the room again. Many people appeared not too happy to be here. Huh. His own face showed none of his thoughts as he turned to face the waitress that had appeared to take his order. "A Coke, please." She hurried off to go get it as Jace looked out the window again. The barge bobbed on the waves, just a little vessel. Still, it would be better to be there then here. Jace thought of his own ship, the one he couldn't use because he still had debt to pay off. He was so close, too! The day he sailed off the coast, sea salt on his lips and wind in his hair, would be the best day since the days he had sailed with his father. He thought of his ship, the Sea Giant, a gorgeous ship that was large but also fast. He remembered the creak of the wooden planks on the deck, the feel of the ship's wheel in his hands, the flap of the sail... He was broken from his reverie when the waitress appeared with his Coke. He picked it up and took a gulp, the bubbles fizzling down his throat. He looked to the clock. When was this going to start? The sooner it started, the sooner it would end.

Annabeth Ring
Beth stopped looking out the window and glanced at the clock. Maybe she would have some time to read. She had tried not to read, but she was bored now. She took out her phone and turned it on, reading the words but not letting herself disappear into that world. She didn't want to miss the instructions. With one ear listening to the chatter around her and the rest of her engrossed in the book, Beth absentmindedly sipped her leomnade.

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