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Locking stables?

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Locking stables?

#272509 Posted on 2024-03-18 10:44:35

I've noticed that most of time I end up getting a training or riding school from a stable of someone who hasn't been online for a while. And tbh sometimes im too lazy to go and find a friend, then click on their stable lol.

I wonder if we'd be able to have something that locks those players stables from being recommended to players so that the more active players can earn more money, progress and expand their stables? Just like with the studs and broods getting locked if the owner hasn't been on for 7 days?

just a small little thought. 

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#272510 Posted on 2024-03-18 10:55:13

this has been suggested a lot before and maybe was even on the google doc at one point? (can't remember for sure) now that development has been stopped it's probably not going to happen, so usually the best workaround for me is to just look at the online players list and find a stable from there.

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#272530 Posted on 2024-03-19 07:17:26

Unfortunately with EV no longer being developed currently, I don’t think this suggestion will be implemented. But yea I agree with you on supporting the more active players. Btw my stable currently has 2300 stalls so if you have a lot of ponies it’s open XD

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#272765 Posted on 2024-04-06 09:30:00

Unfortunately Siren is right, there won't be any additions or modifications to the game for the foreseeable future.
I believe there was a suggestion similar to this one, not just for stables but for schools and training as well though it wasn't implemented.
What WAS implemented was removing the defunct stables that were inactive due to the player's deluxe running out, so there's that at least lol

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