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[RP] Andromeda Valley - Please read intro first

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[RP] Andromeda Valley - Please read intro first

#261245 Posted on 2022-10-10 19:05:08

Andromeda Valley - Fantasy/Wilds/Futuristic Adventure

Minimum 5 Charries for main storyline

Can use side characters/temp characters

Advanced Lit - 1 to 2 paragraphs

Factors: Minnow Plains (Flat), Ancient Walkers Tribelands (Forest), Fledgling Falls (Springs/Waterfall), Outrim (Ruins/Fallen Cities), Grouger's Folley (Swamp), Gild Peak (Mountains)

Herds: Ursa Herd, Mythics Herd (work with ancient walkers), Brodum Herd (gatherers/drafts), Spellgem Herd (Light magic), Veldere Herd (Dark magic)


Nestled in the scapes of Adromeda Valley was Minnow Plains. Despite it's name, the territory was vast with nature reclaiming the human structures time had long since forgotten. It had been decades since the humans parished to themselves rather than the Earth's demise. The only remaining humans were those in touch with nature long before the others, they call them Ancient Walkers. They, you might ask, being the bands of wild horses that had brought the territory back for their own - the Earth healing bit by bit as the horses adapted. Evolved, even. The Ancient Walkers and the horses shared the land peacefully, respecting one another in some unspoken agreement that only nature knew.

Among these horses existed Ghost, a young colt with some growing up to do. Though he was flashy with his satin black overo coat - a clear descendent of the Ursa herd with their more unique and easy to spot coats - he was now on his own and learning the history of his world long before it was as it stands now.

If you would like to join, leave a short description of your character, what herd they're in and where they can usually be found. Accepting magic/no magic, all breeds, etc.

Basic rules:

  • No godmodding

  • No inappropriate or explicit acts, triggering topics or rude behavior

  • Respect others characters

  • Be safe and have fun!

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#261253 Posted on 2022-10-11 13:27:38

Name - Eldora
Breed - Andalusian
Gender - Mare
Age - 5
Family - unknown
Herd - Veldere
Magic - Eldora has strong dark magic. She can do many things, but if she ever uses her magic on someone, she often keeps her true power hidden. She will only use her full potential when it was necessary, but maybe not always.
Appearance - Eldora has a beautiful palomino color with dapples all over her body. She has two front socks on her legs, but no other white markings on her body. Instead her head is mainly a smoky black color as well as parts of her neck. The black and yellow form what seem to be a part of a horse skull with the way her markings are placed which only adds to her spookiness. Along her neck is a gold necklace with bones...or teeth. She has numerous piercings on her ears, and gold spiral bracelet that wraps around her front left leg.
Personality - Eldora is a mare that prefers being by herself, but that doesn't stop her from using her dark magic. She's harsh and isn't afraid to harm others. Even some from her herd are scared of how it's easy for her to harm others. Eldora gets offensive pretty easily, but sometimes she gallops off to the other herd's territory to scare them. It's one of her favorite hobbies. Eldora can often be found in Outrim and the Ancient Walkers Tribelands.
Backstory - Due to Eldora not speaking much about herself, or often being alone, not much is known about her. It is said that her father left or died before she was born, and her mother neglected her from birth. How she survived no one knows. Was it her dark magic? She was frowned upon since she came out of the womb, but once she was old enough to learn how to use her magic things changed for her. Everyone started to respect her more to keep from being harmed or spelled by her.

Last edited on 2022-10-11 at 13:29:25 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#261255 Posted on 2022-10-11 19:31:27

Welcome to Andromeda Valley, Eldora!

May the Ancients smile down on you.


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#261350 Posted on 2022-10-16 18:01:03

Name: Clarimonde
Breed: Lusitano
Gender: Mare
Age: 7
Family: Uknown Heritage
Herd: Mythics Herd
Magic: Light Magic, Shapeshifting, and Elemental Control. Clarimonde is oftentimes mistaken to be a low level magic user due to her not using her magic often. She is actually quite strong and can control the elements with ease as well as change her shape at will.
Appearance: Silver Black Dappled Overo, Purple mane and tail with a small streak of silver in the mane. She has minimal white overo markings with most of her white markings on her face. Her facial markings resemble that of a skull and has baffled many of her herd mates. She wears a sapphire gemstone around her neck with a matching bracelet around her front left ankle. 
Personality: Clarimonde is a quiet, shy, and timid mare that is usually overlooked and often thought of as mute. She has a very soft-spoken voice when she does speak, however she usually reserves her voice to important herd meetings with the highest ranking members only. She has a relatively high status in the herd due to her ability to wield light magic, even though most of her herd mates think of her as weak and a detriment. What most don't realize about Clarimonde, is that she is a very powerful light magic user. She doesn't like to show that she call fully control the light magic she can call on to the average horse. Clarimonde has very few friends and can usually be seen by herself. She has an aura of power and sometimes doesn't realize that about herself. She enjoys nature and can often be found in the Ancient Walker Tribelands, around Fledgling Falls, and atop Gild Peak. 
Backstory: No one really knows much about Clarimonde. All she really knows about herself is that she was an orphaned foal that was taken in by Mythics Herd when she was around 1-2 months old. Some suspect that she came from the Spellgem, Veldere, or Ursa herds due to her unique coat and facial markings. Her adopted mother and father were once very supportive and caring of their daughter, but have since distanced themselves due to her unusualness. Clarimonde learned from a very early age that she had the ability to control light magic and soon after had mastered the usage. Around the age of 2, she learned that she could control the 5 elements, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, & Spirit. It took her several months to learn to control her powers due to her training in secret and not wanting anyone to find out that she had more than just an affinity for Light Magic. Clarimonde thought that she was done receiving gifts, but was very wrong. Around the age of 4, she discovered that she had the ability to shapeshift. It didn't take her long at all to master that ability because most of the time she spent by herself anyway. She was able to have full control and change her shape at will just one month after she discovered the ability. Around the age of 5 is when the higher ranking members had the suspicion that there was more to Clarimonde than she let on and asked her to be a bigger part of the herd. Helping in decsion making and meetings related to the welfare of the herd. She soon realized though that she would not be welcomed in by all from the herd due to her isolation and quietness.

Side Note: This is my first RP, but I really like the premise of it and want to be a part of it. Please tell me if anything in Clarimonde's story doesn't make sense or contradicts itself and I will be sure to fix it. I hope that me being a beginner is okay and that I can still be a part of the RP. Thank you!! ♥

Last edited on 2022-10-16 at 18:02:13 by Deer Creek

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#261360 Posted on 2022-10-17 12:25:33

Welcome to Andromeda Valley, Clarimonde!

May the ancients smile down on you!

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#261634 Posted on 2022-10-26 19:35:33

174 days

It had been 174 days since Ghost had left his herd, setting out on his own to start anew. Adventures awaited him, overwhelming the young stallion with both excitement and fear of the unknown. He was no stranger to new ideas and places but they had always been with his herd in tow - but now he was fully on his own. Galloping across the turf of Minnow Plains, he felt the wind drag through his mane as he couldn't help but feel a little carefree in the moment. He felt unstoppable, even if it was temporary. There was no shame in enjoying the fleeting moments. He was heading towards Fledgling Falls, a place he only ever dreamed of going. His herd members had spoke of how beautiful it was there, no matter the season so he knew he had to see for himself. The only sounds keeping him company were the sounds of his pounding hooves and the wildlife that occupied the plains. He had yet to see any other horses around, which felt unusual to him but he didn't think too much on it.

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#261687 Posted on 2022-10-28 15:04:46

Eldora had been away from her herd, the Veldere herd, known for having strong dark magic. They were known to not be the friendliest of the several herds that would be found within Andromeda Valley. The palomino mare huffed as she walked passing through minnow plains in order to get to outrim, a place she spent most of her time. Eldora usually was off on her own as her herd wasn't much of a herd to her. Sure most of them had dark magic, and weren't the friendliest, but the golden markings on her face created a skull which horrifies even her own herd. Though that didn't bother her much. She preferred being on her own anyway. Meanwhile the mare stopped in her tracks as she placed her muzzle to the ground. Tracks. Fresh ones at that. Eldora snorted causing some of the dirt to fly up before she looked up. There had been a young horse that passed through, but why would she care? The mare just took a moment to look around before she continued on her way taking her normal path. As Eldora walked peacefully on her own, the gold tooth neck piece she wore bounced on her chest creating a small bell like noise as she wandered through the area. Everything was quiet, and no living creatures were in sight. Just how Eldora liked things even though she did also like to harm others.

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#261691 Posted on 2022-10-28 15:38:26

Clarimonde was in one of her usual quiet moods trekking around Fledgling Falls. This was one of her favorite places to get away from the prying eyes and judgmental thoughts of her herd. Sure she was unusual to the Mythics herd. She had light magic. You really only heard of the Spellgem herd having light magic. Clarimonde was used to the looks and comments about her coming from her own herd. She knew that having a white marking on her face that looked like a skull was unnerving and made others feel uneasy, but she felt like it was now old news. She was 7 for crying out loud, she thought that others would be used to her unnatural markings by now. As Clarimonde was stuck in her thoughts, she found herself wandering closer to the largest of the falls. Her favorite! She looked up at the water cascading around the rocks and cleared her mind. She centered herself and let the cleanness of the water element wash around her and wash away any straying thoughts. Oh, did she mention she can control the Elements? She especially loved the feeling of the water element swirl inside her. Clarimonde then stepped into the shallows of the pool and looked down. She saw her reflection in the pool and was happy. She began to drink the cool inviting water. Man, she was thirsty. Clarimonde knew that she shouldn't have her back to the entrance to the falls, but she didn't really care. No one came here anyway, she thought. She knew it was her own private getaway.

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#261700 Posted on 2022-10-28 19:08:48

Eldora peacefully walked through the plains stopping for a minute or two in order to look around. She was a very cautious mare not liking it if she was being followed or watched. The rustling of a bush made the mare immediately turn to look at it as her ears pinned. Eldora's eyes started to glow a gold color until a small rabbit jumped out. She snorted as her eyes had gone back to normal as she looked at the small being walking past it. She wasn't in much of a mood to harm anything at least something that was so small and helpless anyway. It would have been pointless. Soon Eldora came across Fledgling Falls which was on the way to where she was slowly heading. Outrim was quite far away meaning she spent days on end away from the herd, but that was something she quite enjoyed since Eldora was a outcast in her herd. She didn't care much about it except for the fact that she blended in well with them. Oh well didn't matter to her. She didn't need family. Eldora just approached one of the smaller pools in a more hidden spot as she got a drink flicking her ear as a fly had been bugging her. She took a couple minutes to get a drink before she looked up getting a look of the area before continuing on her way unaware of the horse nearby. Though she didn't really care at the time.

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#261704 Posted on 2022-10-28 19:25:11

Dipping and dodging the trees, he lowered his head until his whiskers brushed the lush green under his feet. Ears flicking at the distant sound of rusing falls, making his pace quicken with excitment to see the views. His thirst for adventure was unquenchable and blinding to the young stallion. Bursting through the opening, he slid to a harsh stop with hooves ripping up dirt and grass at the very force. His upper body thrusted into the air with hooves flailing in pure adrenaline, a shake of his dark mane followed before his blue eyes scanned the falls. He tossed his head, prancing over with a soft fluidity in his step as he watched the falls flow over the cliffside. He immediately shoved his head beneath the rushing water, a heavy sigh leaving his nostrils as his muscles twitched beneath his overo coat. His forelock now slicked to his face as he enjoyed the coolness. As he pulled his head away, he picked up a scent of a new presence - another horse. His blue eyes moved over to a mare in the pool, his body just ducked out of sight. He was unaware of the other presence, another horse, in the same vicinity.

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#261708 Posted on 2022-10-29 05:06:55

As Clarimonde continued to drink she felt like she was being watched. She heard a noise that sounded like another horse coming from the area around the falls. She thought that was odd, since not many horses or other creatures came this way. She then lifted her head up and twitched her ears in the direction of the falls to listen for any other sound. However the sound of the rushing water became increasingly loud. Clarimonde thought she saw something move slightly in the bushes around the falls. She froze for a moment. Trying to rationalize what she could have saw. She was torn between moving towards the sound to check it out or to move away and wait to see if anything came from that direction. In a split second decision she left the pool and circled towards the falls in the opposite direction of the sound she heard. If anyone was in here disrupting her peace, she would know about them before they knew about her.

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#261712 Posted on 2022-10-29 08:31:19

Eldora had been walking through the bushes and trees after getting a drink. She was planning on getting to outrim before nightfall. Though she stopped when she heard something. Her gold eyes began to glow as she looked around cautiously. She heard a lot of splashing, but that wasn't what had concerned her. It was the feeling that something was slowly coming closer towards her. This alerted her. Eldora made sure to keep quiet not knowing if this being was a predator or not, but she started to think it wasn't. The mare sensed a single, but rather large creature. One as big as herself. It was another horse. Now Eldora didn't relax at all, instead she tensed up quietly taking a few steps toward the horse even if she couldn't see it yet. The longer she eyes glowed, a small aura of golden smoke seemed to come from her eyes. Whatever this other horse wanted, was wasting her time. She'd show them that. After a couple minutes, Eldora decided to step out. When she did just that, she saw a mare. Eldora snorted as she stomped the ground clearly not happy about any of this, "I don't suppose you have a reason to waste my time?" she said harshly as she awaited an answer from this mare.

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#261714 Posted on 2022-10-29 10:50:58

Ghost was quiet enough that he swore the water droplets moving down the contour of his large head could be heard, pinning his ears in a slight panic. His blue eyes caught the intense purple on stark black of another horse - a mare, it seemed. Odd, her coat was striking but he never recalled seeing her around the Ursa herd. His eyes narrowed as he watched from his place of hiding now behind the falls. Just then, his ears flicked at another sound - a voice. Another horse? How? He didn't even hear them approach. His eyes moved to catch another, equally striking mare. For a split second, he swore the two could be related just on their face markings alone. As he watched the exchange, he felt strange just hiding. Maybe it was the remaining foal instincts he had to take shelter at sudden events. He huffed softly, swallowing hard before he stepped out from his hiding. His head lowered, showing he meant no harm as his steps matched that same cautious energy.

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#261719 Posted on 2022-10-29 16:47:46

As Clarimonde was walking through the bushes and trees. She heard something large coming towards her, but was sucked into her thoughts once more. She wasn't sure what was going on. She thought to herself that she was the only horse that ever came this way. She was the only horse who visited these falls as many tended to stay away. Rumors always flew around that the place was haunted. That spirits of the dead ancients wandered the falls. However, Clarimonde always felt at peace here. It always eased the spirit element within her when she visited and helped to clear her mind. She felt the spirits of this beautiful place. However, she was jerked out of her thoughts from the voice that came at her from the mare that was now standing in her path. The mare had asked her, "I don't suppose you have a reason to waste my time?" She just stared at the new visiting mare. The mare was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that. She was a beautiful golden Palomino with black chimera markings around her face and neck that resembled skull-like markings. Clarimonde thought that was odd, this mare had a similar pattern to Clarimonde's own. Only difference was this mare's pattern was black, while Clarimonde's was white. She then realized this mare was wanting an answer. Just as Clarimonde was about to speak, another noise came from her left. She turned her head to the direction of the noise, just as another horse stepped out. This one was a young horse however, very handsome in his turn though. He was a satin black colt with overo markings, but she had to snap out of this. What was happening in her usually quiet private getaway?! She decided that she needed to have answers, but to also answer this mare that was in her path, as the mare seemed quite standoffish. She turned back to the mare and answered in her soft tone, "I have no reason to waste your time, it seems you are the one to stand in my way." What was Clarimonde thinking?! She never stood up for herself, this mare was very intimidating, yet Clarimonde got a very powerful feeling from this mare and knew that she needed to be brave at this moment.

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#261721 Posted on 2022-10-29 17:35:00

Eldora stood her eyes glowing as she awaited an answer. It wasn't until she heard another voice that she took her eyes off of this mare only to see another horse. This time it was a colt. She snorted pinning her ears as she looked at the mare once more. She noticed similar markings on the mare similar to her own, but knew she wasn't a part of the Veldere herd. Eldora just looked at the mare awaiting a answer. Her already intimidating and harsh look only got worse at the answer. She snorted stomping the ground clearly outraged by the answer, "I was in your path!? You were following me!" she snorted snapping at the mare before looking at the colt once more, "And what do you want?" she said clearly not happy. All she wanted was to get to her destination on time without any interruptions. She knew she shouldn't have stopped here even if it was for a drink. It wasn't just her anger that was boiling up, her magic was too, "I suggest you watch your mouth if you want to leave this place unharmed." she grinned evily. Eldora liked to harm others especially in times of these. It was one of her hobbies. Probably why her herd feared her more then each other even if they all had dark magic. Oh who cares about them. She sure didn't.

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