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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#254499 Posted on 2022-03-11 11:21:50

      "Nyx listen to me, you are strong, your father is gonna come back. I just know it and can feel it he wouldn't abandoned any of us or the herd," she nuzzled the made trying to comfort her in any way she can. 
      "Oh hunny, I don't know how long it gonna be until he comes back. Its very tricky to get away from humans, but your father is smart, and can find a way to get back home" she nuzzled her foals as they nursed 
   "Na ahh I won fair and square big bro" she chuckled as got some dirt on her from thunder shaking all the dirt off of him. She raced to her dam to nurse "Hopefully daddy comes back soon" she had a positive smile on her face to help her.

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#254501 Posted on 2022-03-11 11:58:14

     "I just hope your right," she said walking over to her mate and her son. "Apollo I'm sorry I snapped at you, but your too young to understand," she said.
     Apollo mumbled, "I'm always too young to understa-" he stopped as his father gave him an unhappy look. "I'm sorry know I just like exploring..." he said lowering his head not even daring to look up at her.
     Nyx just stood there, and nipped at her son's little forelock as he looked up, "I can't loose you son, but you aren't to stray from the herd for awhile. At least until your grandfather comes back...if he does..." she said mumbling the last few words.

     Rowan trotted against the fence in circles. He had to find a way out of this place soon before the men could even try anything, but that didn't last long. The man decided to walk into the pen as Rowan stood his ground giving a loud snort as a warning. Though, the man ignored the warning and walked towards the dangerous stallion. Though once the man got too close, Rowan reared causing the man to fall as Rowan stood before him. The man laid in terror as the stallion stood over him. Rowan gave a snort as the snort blew air in the man's face. The stallion turned around and walked off as the man quickly got up and left the small round pen. "That's what I thought," he said with a snort. Though he sighed as he looked at the two mares from his herd.

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#254504 Posted on 2022-03-11 13:44:40

      Star stayed with her twins, keeping an eye out for humans if there any signs of them. She hoped Rowan would come home very soon cause she didn't know what to her foals, if doesn't come home. She was trying to stay strong for everyone, because they what a lead mare would do, and think postivie about everything.

   Sky went over to her big brother "Do u think daddy is gonna come back home?" She questioned her brother because she didn't know what was gonna happen. She was scared she might not see her sire anytime soon. She then started to play with her big brother and tickled him, with her little Whiskers on her muzzle.

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#254505 Posted on 2022-03-11 14:03:19

     Not long after the man had learned a lesson, he came back with the other two men. The stallion turned around as the other two men had ropes in their hands as they threw them on his neck. Rowan fought but the ropes only got tighter the more he did. Though, the one man hand something in his hand as he approached the stallion with more caution this time. There was no where for Rowan to go as the man tried to get something on his head. Unfortunately, the man had succeeded. The stallion then had a bridle on with a harsh bit in his mouth. "The quicker I get you tamed and trained, the quicker I get my money," said the man with a chuckle as he already had a buyer coming in a couple days. Though, Rowan would escape with his mares before then.

     There was a girl that walked outside of the barn as she led her horse to the pasture. Though, she stopped seeing the unfamiliar horse in the small round pen. "Why would there be a horse in there? I should put them where they belong, the new rider probably just forgot or something," she said tying her horse's lead nearby the pen that held Rowan. Though, once she looked at the horse from the outside of the pen, she recognized the horse. It was the wild mustang stallion with the gypsy mare! The girl looked over seeing two mares from his herd. "What have they done to you?" she said seeing the bridle on his head. 
     "Get away from that horse! He's dangerous!" said a voice from behind.

     "I don't know. I don't even know what a human is. They can't be that bad." he said cluelessly. Though it made sense. Thunder and his sister were only about a week old, and didn't know much about the world and the dangers from it. "Would you stop that?" he said with a snort as she tickled him. Though he was ticklish, he still didn't really like it, and he wished there was someone he could play with other than his sister. Though there wasn't any colts to play with that were his age.

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#254506 Posted on 2022-03-11 14:12:00

     "Alright sky, your brother asked you to stop tickling him." She chuckled as it cute seeming them play like that. Star Trotted over to her son "Thunder why don't u like playing with your sister" She Nuzzled her son gently. She just wish they could play along with each other, since they don't have anyone else to play with. "Maybe you can go play with Apollo, I know he being dying to do something" she nudged her son towards Apollo.

     Sky stopped playing with big brother, because he didn't wanna play with her anymore. Sky trotted over to her half-sister nyx "Can you play with me? Big bro doesn't wanna play anymore" she sighed sadly, wishing she could play with her big bro more than anything.

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#254570 Posted on 2022-03-12 18:32:21

     "She's a girl," he said not wanting to play with his sister all the time, "Plus she gets annoying sometimes, and she's always bothering me," he said. "Apollo is a lot bigger than me though," he said, "Why do I have to be the only colt?" he said giving off the smallest snort. There were a few mares who were expecting, but it wouldn't be awhile until another colt or filly would be born.

     Nyx was grazing trying to keep positive thoughts in her head, but she was worried sick about her father. She couldn't even sleep that night. The mare did look up at Sky trotted over, "Why won't he play with you?" she asked knowing how brothers were. Nyx had a older brother by the name of Buckeye. He was the same way with her as Thunder was to Sky. "How about I tell you a story or something instead?" she said hoping that would distract the both of them from their father. 

Girl (Lily)
     Lily quickly turned around hearing a man holler behind her, "No he isn't! You have a harsh bit in his mouth, and you took him from his home! Would you like it if you were taken away from your home like that?" she said unhappily, "Why would you do something like that?" she said feeling bad for the stallion.
     "That stallion is going to make a pretty penny," he said with a wide grin on his face, "Now why don't you take your horse and mind your own business." he said before the girl left. The man had walked into the pen as Rowan didn't even glance at the man. Lily watched the man from a distance for awhile wishing there was something she could do to help this stallion and his mares. 

     The man had a whip in his hand as he slapped the stallion on his hind end making him canter around the small round pen. The stallion kept his head low as he cantered around in circles to "escape" the whip that stayed behind him. Rowan's mouth was painful, and the bit caused some wounds on the inside of his mouth. "Come on get!" yelled the man as Rowan slowed down, "You don't get a break, your done when I saw your done," he said with a wide grin on his face. The two mare's from his herd just stood there, and watched their leader painfully as the man whipped Rowan for slowing down.

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#254571 Posted on 2022-03-12 18:56:34

    "Just because she is a girl, doesn't mean you can't play with your sister Thunder" she was bit frustrated on why he didn't wanna play with his sister. "You might be older than her by a few seconds, but you should always love your sister no matter what" She nuzzled her son. She softly chewed on some grass "Thunder we have no control how many colts and fillies are born through the mares" She looked up to check up on the herd. 
      She trotted through out the herd, and making sure that everyone was doing well. She seen a fee mares that were still expecting, but that would be a while for when they have their foals. Star had seen sky walking over to nyx, and curious on what the were talking about.

   Sky had sighed "h-he told its because I am annoying and also because I am a girl, me sees nothing wrong with me being a girl. And he doesn't wanna play with me all the time" she was hurt that her brother didn't wanna play with her anymore. Even after a week old of just being born. She laid in between nyx legs "Yes!, what is the story about sissy?" She was curious about what the story was about. She had to keep her mind off her father, and hopes that he would could back soon. 

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#254577 Posted on 2022-03-12 20:48:48

     "My brother was the same way little one. It has nothing to do with you, it's just a thing about having a brother." she said trying to comfort her half-sister. The mare had laid down as the sun had began to set as she gave a small chuckle. "How about your mother?" she said as the filly laid down and snuggled beside Nyx. 

     Thunder didn't really say anything as he just trotted over to Apollo. The colt just hung around with the yearling as they both eventually snuggled up together. Though, Thunder was worried about his father, and what had happened to him. "Apollo?" he said, "Why hasn't my father come back yet? What happened?" he asked as the week old colt didn't know much about the outside world and the dangers it held. Though, Apollo wasn't quite sure either. He didn't know much about what happened, and the only thing he knew about humans was that they saved him and his mother.

     After a couple of hours, the man had left for the night. Rowan's legs shook as the man forced him to gallop in circles in a pen that was too small for it. By the time, the man had left it was already dark. Everything was quiet, even Rowan. The stallion had closed his eyes unwillingly, but quickly awoken as he heard footsteps. Though the footsteps weren't like the man's, but like the girl's. Lily had a hoodie on as she climbed through the fencing. "Easy boy...I won't hurt you. Remember me?" she said in a soft and quiet tone. The stallion had remembered her as he slowly walked over to her. "Let's get this off of you," she said slowly reaching her hand out to remove the bridle and harsh bit. "I bet that feels better," she said once the bridle was off. Though, someone else was up and Lily had to hide quickly. Once it was clear, Lily came out of hiding. "I'll get you three out of here soon, but I can't tonight," she said before heading back inside.

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#254578 Posted on 2022-03-12 21:12:47

    Star was laying down at a new spot that over looked the herd. As lead mare, it was her job to make sure everyone was safe, while the lead stallion was away. She looked up into the sky "oh mom, please bring rowan home to me and the foals, we need him now more than ever" she laid her head down on the ground, and slowly started to close her eyes to get to sleep, and beofte she closed her eyes she looked to see where foals, and they were in great hoofs, so she fell to sleep.
    "What about my momma sissy?" She wondered what this story had to do with her dam. She snugfled real close to her half-sister as she was gonna tell her the story about her dam. She listened to the story, and peeked over to see her brother over with Apollo just talking. "Sissy, can I ask you something?" She interrupted her story talking for a minute, curious where her sire was.

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#254579 Posted on 2022-03-12 21:31:54

     "Your mom wasn't born in the wild like the rest of the herd Sky," she said beginning as she looked at Star for a moment, "She was born in the other world for horses. You see little one, there are two worlds a horse can be born into. The wild, or the world of humans. Your mother, Star, was born in the world of men. They used her to jump over really high objects until she saw your father-" she said, "Of course Sky, what is it?" she said not minding her interrupting.

     The stallion laid down exhausted as he looked up at the stars. "Agatha...I need you now more than ever," he said, "Help me get back home." he said looking up at the North Star. Rowan looked over and Ember and Dakota as they were already asleep standing right by each other for comfort. "I need to get us out of here," he said knowing he wouldn't have all the time in the world. He eventually fell asleep only to be awaken by the man early the next morning...with a saddle. 
     "Ugh that little pesty girl must have taken off that bridle," he said angrily once he entered the pen.

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#254580 Posted on 2022-03-12 21:39:51

     Star kept wishing and wishing for her mate to come back home very soon. She wanted him, needed him, she could run a herd all by herself for the whole time. She was having a time trying to be strong for everyone, but it was getting harder by every moment that passed by without having him here, by her side, and to be here for the foals .
   "Where is my daddy? Me thought he would be home by now? I misses him" she started to teary up even though she was a foal she missed her sire very much. After she asked her questioned she wait to get an answer before they conutuined the story about her dam, and how their parents met. Sky was cuddled closely to her half-sister, because they had a special bond unlike thunder and her. Sky could rely on her half-sister all the time when ever she needed.

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#254581 Posted on 2022-03-12 21:56:06

     "Oh little one. Your father kept the rest of us safe like he always had and always will. I'm sure he's trying to come back right now," she said telling her the truth without giving her the full story. "Now back to the story. One day Rowan, our father, had went to go check out the stables, a place a filly like you shouldn't go to." she said. "Your mother saw him, and escaped going after him. He was hard on her, and kept denying her telling her to go back where she came," she said looking over at Star, "That is until she saved me." she said looking back down at Sky.

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#254584 Posted on 2022-03-12 22:08:44

     "What happened to you that my momma had to save you?" She was a very questionable foal, who like to ask a lot of questoins. She listened to the story, for while until she started to yawn a bit. Making it harder to focus on her half sister telling the story about her parents, and how they had met. She really wanted to her the rest of the story, but she was having a hard time staying away during it.

    Star was sleeping at the new spot she had found, and wish's she could feel her mate sleeping right beside her. She was having a really hard time. And didn't know what to do. she kept asking for her mom to help out, and bring rowan home, but nothing has happened so far yet. 

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#254598 Posted on 2022-03-13 07:21:25

     "Last winter was harsh as there was so much snow in some areas we couldn't walk through and it was very cold, so your mother brought the herd to a cave. I gave birth to Apollo not much longer, and your mother helped me through it. A couple months later, and spring was almost here. Your father had allowed Star to stay with the herd until spring hit, and he would decide if she'll stay or leave. Though, one night there was a earthquake. The rest of the herd was able to escape the cave, but the entrance was blocked before me and Apollo could. Your mother and father did everything they could to get me out including going to the stables. They came back with a girl who had made opening allowing me and Apollo to escape. My son went first, and I got out just before the roof collapsed. Your father then ended up making your mother the lead mare." she said ending the story to see Sky asleep. 

Man (Bart)     
     The next morning, the stallion heard familiar footsteps. "Get up you lazy horse!" yelled the man as he whipped the stallion to get up as soon as he got into the pen. The man, Bart, had brought a saddle. He saw the bridle on the ground and cursed, "That pesky girl must of taken it off!" Bart put the bridle back on, and tied the stallion up. "Now let's get this on you," he said with a wide grin. After some time, the saddle pad and saddle were on the stallion. Bart whipped him making him gallop and buck around the pen. Though Rowan only got whipped more the more he bucked.

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#254601 Posted on 2022-03-13 08:06:14

 Sky had fallen to sleep during her half sisier telling the story, and cuddled closely to her half sister, and slept. She was dreaming about how her dam and sire had met, and all the rough patches they went through before they got together. She started makes some cute little snores.
    Star woke up the next morning hoping to see if rowan had come back to the hard, but there was no sign of him yet still. Star trotted over to Nyx "I see she sleeping very good last night with you" she chuckled as she nuzzled her filly, and then returned nuzzled nyx "what did you guys do last night?". She laid down next nhx and her filly trying to be supportive for nyx, since her sire was the only thing she had left besides Rico and Apollo.

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