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Change Grullo Coat

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → Change Grullo Coat

Change Grullo Coat

#250771 Posted on 2021-12-21 15:21:20

The grullo coat on the quarter horse (probably other breeds also, but I haven't had any other breeds) looks a lot different in the game then in real life. The shade of the coat is like a grey colour, when in reality, grullo is actually more of a brown tone. I have also noticed in other dun colours, they all have the striped and general dun characteristics, however the grullo does not have any of those marking in the coat colour. Grullo is otherwise known as black dun, so I would like to see if we could do some minor adjustments to the grullo coat (not genetics wise, just the art itself) to make it more realistic. 

Maybe take the classic dun art and make it slightly darker with black points. Or darken up the smokey black dun art, as the smokey black dun art looks more like grullo then grullo does. 

Last edited on 2021-12-21 at 15:30:21 by ~ Fan¢y ~

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#250777 Posted on 2021-12-22 06:41:33

A little bit of brown won't hurt to add, because grullos are mainly gray with some brown. Adding the markings commonly found in duns would also make it seem more like grullo.

Also, there are different shades of grullo. Some shades have more brown than gray, and some have more gray than brown.

Last edited on 2021-12-22 at 06:42:35 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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