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#25814 Posted on 2016-04-02 04:37:25

I didn't logon last night as I was dead tired, but my water log (according to what I tracked in my Fitbit) I drank 5.5 cups of water.

As far as the half your weight rule, that's what I do. HOWEVER, I'm not sure how accurate that rule actually is. I know for someone like me who works out as much as I do, it's vital I get in a lot of water. I'll have to look in my Personal Trainer study book to see what it says about that.

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#25856 Posted on 2016-04-02 08:45:06

I think I drank perhaps three cups yesterday. I do better than that at home versus on vacation like now.

Last edited on 2016-04-02 at 08:45:28 by River

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#25905 Posted on 2016-04-02 11:22:15

I'd never heard the "half your weight" thing before. For me to do that, I'd have to consume 175oz of water per day. I guess it's not that bad. It's not uncommon for me to go through a gallon (128oz) of water in a day. Heck, I only woke up about 30 minutes ago and I've already downed a good 32oz. I imagine I'll probably refill here shortly. ^_^

I don't drink soda, fruit juices, kool-aid, gatorade, or anything like that. The only things I willingly drink are water, unsweetened tea (both iced and hot), and milk. Sometimes club soda and lime. That's it. Very rarely do I drink anything with sugar in it. Not because of a conscious effort at health, but because I've just never liked sugary drinks. Even when I was little, my mom would try to give me soda or fruit juice and I just wouldn't drink it. They make me feel dehydrated after drinking them. Lol.

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#25907 Posted on 2016-04-02 11:26:20

lucky, mouse! I always crave them so badly even though i know they are horrible for you!

I guess the more tissue there is, the more water you would need for everything to function properly. I think that's an active thing though. like if you are active you need half your weight

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#25928 Posted on 2016-04-02 12:27:45

Nitt's late to the party, as per usual.

I have a really long weight loss/gain story that would bore you all to tears should I decide to go into every little thing about it so I'll avoid it and write a short version apparently write all of it and just give you what I'm currently at so you can avoid it.

I remember being about 120 pounds and probably 4'9", 11 years old, and my mom and sister telling me that if I could maintain that weight for the rest of my life I'd be perfect. I lost my mom at 13, my freshman year at highschool, and at 15 my sister went to a college that was too far to commute to, so she lived there. I remember her coming back to live at home when I was a senior, and commenting about my weight (nicely, as I had asked her about her crazy weight loss from 250+lbs to 130lbs over the course of two years, like, insane.) because I had moved up to 140 or so. Over the next few years, I began to creep up, until my senior year I was about 160lbs.

So this is the image that made me realize that I was overweight. I mean, you always kinda know it when you are, but it was the first visual reference of it. Sure, there were more that I had been tagged in (if you look at my facebook from 6 or 7 years ago all the pictures I had taken were notoriously from the shoulders up) but over time I kinda just... untagged myself from them. Seriously, I took no pictures of myself where more than my head and shoulders showed.

I was happy though, I had a boyfriend (my now-fiance) that liked me, good friends, I wasn't particularly active but I did go out and do stuff. But I was probably 175 pounds, and creeping higher. I was out of high school about a year, in my freshman year of college, and not doing too terribly. But then my boyfriend broke up with me and I was devastated. It was not because of the weight, but from issues where I was spending so much time with him he was worried I wasn't doing great in school. And I wasn't. I was doing the first mini-revolution of my life and skipping classes to hang out with my boyfriend, sneaking out occasionally - things that you shouldn't do but I hadn't before and was feeling restless. I didn't commit any crimes, at least.

Anyway, after that, I remember stepping on the scale and it saying 197. What? I couldn't be almost two hundred pounds, could I? I was 5'1". I was the kid that had been the smallest in my class in kindergarten. I was the one that could hide on the bottom shelve in hide and seek. I couldn't be this girl that had to lay down on her bed to button her pants, and felt winded when just running up to her room to grab something. That, mixed with the seething hatred of a woman scorned - got me into running. I found the couch to 5k for free on the app store, slapped it on my phone, and got out there. My oldest sister, who had been at home all this time, would go out with me on occassion, giving me someone to run with. I didn't go fast, and I didn't go far, but I ran at a jog that was less than a crawl and felt like I would die some times. The weight fell off, and it wasn't more than a few months that I was down to 160, and felt amazing. My dad even got me Bariatrics, in there, with some coupons a friend had gave him, which gave me a bit of an energy boost.

I got down to about a 145lbs, this is me. My boyfriend had become my best friend, and then my boyfriend, and three years later my fiance. Over that time, I've put a lot of my weight back on, so that I'm sitting around 170 pounds, but it fluctuates. I seriously want to get down to 115 or 120, and since I was back at around 190 a while back, then sat at 180, and now at 170, it's at least going down, albeit slowly.

I don't really exercise, as terrible as that sounds. I have my moments when I kick up a new plan, get out there and walk for a week, but it only lasts for a week. Nitt is a lazy bum that sits on her computer and watches hulu and only leaves the house to go to the gas station/store. Though I've been better about that, and taking my MIL to appointments and things. But no exercise! Which needs to change, and will be even better if I can drag my fiance with me.

Current Weight: 169 lbs
Goal Weight: 115 lbs


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#26024 Posted on 2016-04-02 17:21:20

Hi, I'm Amber. You guys may know me better as Cling Queen or CQ though. I'm 15 years old and am semi-active, obviously not as much as I would like to be.
When I was younger, I enjoyed being outside and doing all sorts of sports. We had a swimming pool and I went swimming a lot. I also rode horses weekly up until about last year.

Well, as I became older, about meh 12 probably, I noticed that I was becoming less active due to finding interesting games and such on the computer. I noticed that my stomach was starting to bulge and that my arms and legs were starting to 'flab up'. My skin was also losing pigment due to lack of being out in the sun.

I tried multiple times to get on a heathy lifestyle but things never really worked out. This year, I joined the soccer team at my school and I lost weight and got in shape, but after the season was over, I went back to my unhealthy, junk food, sodas, etc. lifestyle and gained it all back. I even tried going vegetarian twice this year. The second time I tried, my friends were like "You've tried that before and it lasted like two days. It's not going to work." That made me upset that my friends of all people didn't think I could do it. I do have some good friends though that tell me I am not fat, like I think I am, and even get frustrated when I say that I am.

Nevertheless, I am still not as comfortable as a 15 year old girl should be with her body. I would like to wear a two piece bathing suit without feeling like I need to have my arms wrapped around my stomach at all times. I would also like to be able to wear tight fitting shirts without feeling like it shows my fat rolls or that I'm too fat to wear them.

I really do enjoy being active but I feel like I need to find friends who enjoy the same things as me and don't tell me that since I haven't succeeded in the past, I simply can't do it, because, even though I have a low self esteem, I do have some hope and belief that it is possible for me to do it if I just get the support and motivation that I need.

Current Stats:
Height 5'5'
Weight About 140 lbs.
BMI About 23.3

Weight 110-120
BMI 18.3-20.00

EDIT: At the beginning of this school year(August), I ran a mile in 6 minutes 45 seconds and can put on bursts of speed with short breaks(usually still including running/jogging in them) in between them.

Last edited on 2016-04-06 at 16:35:24 by Cling Queen

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#26050 Posted on 2016-04-02 18:11:32

Daily water intake:: 96oz (12 cups)

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#26053 Posted on 2016-04-02 18:13:20

Guys, I've been so bad today :( I hate like 15 lemon oreos and an icecream sandwich... I guess I'm doing double time at the gym tomorrow. crappppp.

Daily water: 4 cups. (I slacked A LOT today)

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#26063 Posted on 2016-04-02 18:29:50

That's ok, Gaia. I didn't do too well in the food department today, either. I had 2 McDonald's sausage biscuits at breakfast. Then for dinner/lunch I had 4 hot dog franks on 2 slices of bread cut in half.

And.. guys.. does walking around Walmart count as exercise? xD

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#26073 Posted on 2016-04-02 18:57:45

4 Cups of Water That I Counted (Meaning I just drank 4 cups of water over the last like hour or two)

I also had a soccer game today so I drank water then too but I don't know how much. ;;

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#26074 Posted on 2016-04-02 18:58:52

I think I had four cups of water today.

Walking around DC visiting museums and shopping got me up to 13,000 steps for the day, and they recommend 10,000 so I feel good about that. I had paella for dinner but that's not too bad for you (plus the seafood was great), and last night I did a little yoga from what I could remember without my app along and that was nice.

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#26128 Posted on 2016-04-02 20:13:30

5 cups of water today. I spent more time playing in a fish tank then filling one Dx

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#26153 Posted on 2016-04-02 21:04:23

@Gaia you bad kid you lmao when I eat oreos/small cookies (which, granted, isn't often because I don't crave them very often) I eat like a whole row LOL

@Mouse that totally counts! I haven't had time to run the past few days (besides at night, and we only have streets so it's too weird for me) and I feel bad but then I just remind myself that getting up and walking is better than doing nothing! I also try to throw small exercises in where possible to make up for not actually exercising. Like, I'll squat instead of kneel if I'm doing something low down and try to stand up while using my hands as little as possible. Every little bit counts!!!

Also I've had 8 cups today!

Last edited on 2016-04-02 at 21:04:55 by losteh;;

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#26178 Posted on 2016-04-02 21:49:15

Hello! Im honestly so glad this post was made, especially the little fish tank water challenge, maybe I'll find some motivation! D:

Im starting to realize im getting a littlle chunka chunk and that my metabolism is -maybe- slowing down. Im fifteen years old (I know, too young to be worrying about weight blah blah) but i am in a HUGE depression right now, hence my recent absence. I mean, normally i hit a depression slightly less difficult and come back up from it much sooner, but life is just not going my way right now and my medicine is no longer really helping, Im in partial hospitalization right now so hopefully things will turn around, but all of what's going on is really eating up my energy and motivation for...anything. I've really just been sleeping and sitting around on video games all day :( However, we did just adopt a second dog solely for me three days ago, so i have been having to take her out to potty and play (which also means i have been taking the other dog out too, so our walks have been longer and involved alot more running), so hopefully that will help pull me out of my depression, and if i manage to keep that up maybe there will be a few pounds that get left behind as well!

Anyway! My weight has begun to fluxuate between 140-145 for the past couple of months, so im not worried if there are ever a few more or less pounds i carry. I am a very tall lady standing at 5'11 and am expected to reach 6-6'1. With that height, i strive to be a model - i dont care if im not some Kendall Jenner or Alessandra Ambrosio (of course if i did make it that far i wouldnt say no), but i have always been told that im tall and pretty and that i should be a model, but having model friends and seeing how much skinnier they are than me, ive always told myself to tone myself up and lose that fat first. I am skinny, but recently noticed that im getting some chub in my tummy, on my back, and today i noticed under the chin D: I am well aware that i am a healthy weight for my height, but there is room to lose a few pounds and tone up, and still be healthy. I just cant find the motivation to run, or go to the gym (even though we have a year membership), and im also horrible at staying consistent with that stuff. I did see sometime mention roller blades (was it Gaia?), so maybe i'll get those suckers out and see what i can do with those. But i still need to find something that i enjoy and can regularly do without it being a constant drag to remind myself - especially because exercise releases endorphins, which could help with my depression.

My second issue is that i dont.drink.water. Ever. Unless i put crystal light or something in there, which im pretty sure takes away the whole point of it being water, but i just fill up on water - or anything i drink really, and the it messes up my appetite. I literally cannot do small sips, i get so in to drinking that i dont stop until i run out. That being said, i love coke. I have at least one 12 oz glass a day. At LEAST. Im going to challenge myself to stop drinking soda after tonight. Maybe I'll pick up juice, and then transition to water.

So thats me. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please also excuse the lack of details and spelling errors as i am on a tablet.


Toned tummy
Build calf and thigh muscles
Lose the cellulite
Lose the extra flab

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#26190 Posted on 2016-04-02 22:18:29

Wey - I was hardcore about my pop, would have at least 1-2 cans or bottles a day, and I forced myself to quit cold turkey 3 months ago. I told myself NO POP and replaced it with juices and tea and if I REALLY needed pop I would only drink Sprite or maybe some type of Crush/Fanta. I think I was addicted to the caffeine or something, I don't know but I would literally crave it. I broke that though and now most pops I'm not really interested in, but occasionally if there aren't better options (I'm bad about choosing water over flavor) I'll have one. It's way different now though because I'm drinking it, not NEEDING it.

As for drinking more water, I still haven't consistently done it but I put mine in containers where I know just how much I'm drinking..I washed out a gatorade bottle and now I know when I finish it, I've had 4 cups. I also have a water bottle that has lines every 4 ounces. That way you can't underdrink, you're aware of everything. Drinking from a glass is fine if you know just how big it is, but for trying to track yourself originally I would go with something that has fl oz on the side, like a reused bottle of pop. I'd also put it in the fridge, because it's more appealing to drink cold water than lukewarm.

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