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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#72984 Posted on 2016-10-23 04:25:48

Jewl blinked her eyes and continued on her way "That's good there are no others to run us off" she muttered to herself as she bounded to a rock and climbed on top of the rock looking out across the lands. Taking a step she lifted her crippled paw and slammed it on the rock "From now on I will be Queen of this territory and now male will ever hurt my cubs or me and it shall be called Gem pride." Taking a leap off the rock and going back to the cave she smiled at her sleeping cubs. Going over to them and nudging them awake she smiled "We found a land that we are calling home my little ones"

Zircon blinked her green eyes and nodded in excitement as she ran to the exit of the cave and gave a little roar that was more of a squeak "No body is ever going to mess with us!" she said running back and leaping on Quartz and Sapphire to play fight with them.

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#73076 Posted on 2016-10-23 15:54:59

A loud argument was heard from the midst of the hyena clan, Kali ran over to see what was going on, and gasped. "How dare you!!! I'm not in the mood for your ridiculous challenge!!! Back off!!!" Mabaya snarled, but a hyena laughed, and then a horrible fight broke out. The challenger, another female hyena named Raksha, which meant "devil", and Mabaya broke off their fight to circle one another; eyes flashing, fangs bared, claws out, and ready to get it on. The hyenas surrounding the fight laughed, yelled, stomped their paws into the dirt/sand, and chanted, "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!!!!" Kali tried to run in, to stop this needless fight, but several of the hyena's sneered at her, "This is between hyenas and hyenas only!!! The leader of our clan is to be decided by this fight. Back out Queenie." Kali was totally offended, but growled as she backed off, knowing that this was part of the Circle of Life, and that as Queen of the Savanna, she had to respect all the other animals traditions. Mabaya and Raksha attacked each other at the same time, while loud snarls, yelping, laughing, biting, crunching, flesh being torn off could be heard as the dust was kicked up. Kali thought desperately in her head, "Please beat her Mabaya. You're one of two hyena's I honestly trust with my life." Suddenly, wild laughing could be heard, then some protests of anger, others were yelling who-knows-what, and it was clear that Raksha had Mabaya pinned. She smiled viciously, thrust her left front paw onto Mabaya's head, forcing it up, bared her teeth once more, and got ready to deliver the final deadly blow; but then she was knocked off by a blur from the crowd, though Raksha got to her feet fast, glaring to see who on earth dared to knock her off Mabaya, and snarled with fury at Mabaya's little sister Shenzi, who stood between Raksha and Mabaya. "How DARE you!!! You cheated, you witch!!! I and my friends saw you kick that sandy soil into Mabaya's eyes, and that's the only reason why you were able to pin her!!!! I shall challenge you myself!!! I am the next in line for the clan's leadership if Mabaya can't rule." However, Mabaya herself used the few precious moments she had to get herself up, and walked over. "No Shenzi. I will not loose you too. Come, we are leaving. However, a word of warning to you, Raksha." Mabaya hissed this name. "You did cheat and as such; won't be the leader this clan needs. This clan will only come to a horrible end, for you don't know how to lead, nor care for the Circle of Life. Mark my words." At the end of this warning, Mabaya grabbed Shenzi's tail, and dragged her protesting and crying sister away; disappearing into the grasslands within moments. Raksha shook off the warning, like it was a pesky fly, and laughed.
"Come! Let's return home." One of the males, was puzzled. "You mean the abandoned aardvark dens we've been living in?" Raksha growled, stalked over, and slapped his face hard; knocking him over. "Idiot!!!! No, I mean our ancestral home. We can take back what's rightfully ours while those stupid Doles are busy at the Golden City. Besides, this ain't our fight. This is the lions fight. We don't need them and they don't need us!!! Hyena's are for the hyena's!!!!" The entire clan of 250 laughed and raced after their new leader; leaving Kali speechless. "Oh no................. Oh WHATEVER!!!! TARZAN!!!!!!!! NOW you and Bahari can use the Roar on those Doles. We can get along without them, those backstabbing hyenas." She roared and raced forward; with all the prides racing behind her, while Sassy, and her pride flew above.

In the newly claimed land, wild yelping could be heard a short distance away, getting louder every moment, until a small pack of terrified aardwolves raced towards a cave to hide, for they were fleeing a group of 10 Doles who were sent to scout out "their" land, and flush out any other predators that lived there. The aardwolves bolted into the cave to hide, but yelped in terror, and skidded to a halt when they saw the strong lioness and her three cubs. "We're going to die one way or another!!! Oh, have mercy on us Mufasa!!!" The 7 aardwolves whimpered, laying down on the soft earth of the den, and hiding their faces with their paws.

Last edited on 2016-10-23 at 15:55:48 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#73085 Posted on 2016-10-23 17:15:50

Turning her attention to the aardwolves she tilted her head and then growled "What are you doing on Gem prides land?" she asked with a snarl as she stood up putting herself inbetween the aardwolves and her cubs. "I won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt them." she stated as Jewl motioned to her waking cubs behind her.

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#73088 Posted on 2016-10-23 17:31:14

The aardwolves whimpered in terror, while their leader gulped, visibly trembling, "Do...... do..... DOLES are after us. You and your family aren't safe either!!!! They are overrunning our homes and pushing us all out; or killing those who won't leave right away!!!! Please don't hurt us. We only eat termites, not lion cubs."

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#73089 Posted on 2016-10-23 17:37:11

Jewl blinked in terror as she roused her cubs up "Come on little ones its not safe...." she said trying to hide the fear that was in her voice. Once the cubs were up she took the lead exiting the den with her cubs and going into a slow jog into the tall grass. The cubs followed there mother rather quickly oblivious to the threat that loomed onto them.

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#73090 Posted on 2016-10-23 17:42:14

The aardwolves decided it wasn't safe for them in that cave either and bolted in the opposite direction. Neither family group left too late either, for soon those 10 Doles were sniffing around the den, growling, looking around, and decided to look for the aardwolves later. They turned towards the other scent and followed Jewl and her family!!!!

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#73236 Posted on 2016-10-24 16:32:20

Tarzan nodded and growled, and snorted for the Guard. Bahari streamed behind her father, and her Guard fanned out to the left, and the first to the right. Kubadili [censored] ahead, with Skano and Krebu above. Lily swiveled her ears and kept watch for the doles, and hyenas.

Assassin roared and took to the sky, along with Julie, Nebula, Adle, Star, and all their cubs, took to the air and glided ahead of everyone else.

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#73238 Posted on 2016-10-24 16:45:22

"Back away troops!!!! Back away!!! This place is obviously cursed!!!!!!" The Dole commander snarled, as one-by-one, the doles who dared to try descending into the valley of the Golden City were turned to stone statues. The remaining troops growled, whimpered, and backed away with terror as they listened to their commander. Suddenly, a cry of alarm rang out from their scout. "COMMANDER!!!!!!! There must be close to 200 lions approaching!!! From the ground AND the sky!!!!!" The commander snorted, for he didn't believe there could be that many lions, and certainly not from the sky! He jumped onto the rocks where his scout was on lookout, looked for himself, and turned pale as a ghost. "Lions that fly?! That's impossible!!!! Where's my son???? He was sent on a mission to find out the lion's plans and never came back. Red!!!! So, you finally return.......... did you find my son????" Commander snarled, Red whimpered, for he didn't look forward to telling his leader the news. But, he drew himself up, breathed deeply, and told him his news. "Your son is dead. Been killed. By a lion, for I could tell by the bite marks, one quick bite to the jugular is all it took, and he must've been high up; for all his bones were broken." Commander stared at Red with horror, "My son is....... dead? THEY WILL PAY!!!!" He turned from Red and glared at the approaching lions.

Marzipan and Zuberi raced after the Lion Guard, ready to do their part, and help the combined prides defeat the Doles once and for all!!! Kali growled, skidded to a halt, growled at Moyo, and Valido; who stood on either side of her, to which they gave the orders to either side, who spread out in a large horse-shoe shape, with Kali, Cali, Moyo, Valido and Kopa in the middle. "Come out of that jungle and face us!!!! You cowards, you dogs, you murders, you lawless creatures, scum of the earth, you..... you..... DOLES......." Kali roared, sounding and looking like her father. Sassy and her pride held back, flapping their wings just above and behind Kali; out of respect, for this was her kingdom, even though Sassy was over Kali in rank.

Last edited on 2016-10-24 at 16:53:44 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#73241 Posted on 2016-10-24 17:04:38

Assassin and his patrol soared in circles above the lions, their eyes glistening. Their teeth shine like hail stones, ready for battle.

Tarzan and his Guard huffed behind Kali, with Bahari's not far behind. Kifo snarled, the buff male riveting. Tarzan snorted at his son, who quieted, but not for long. He began a deep rumbling in his chest, he wanted to fight.

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#73242 Posted on 2016-10-24 17:12:49

Marzipan bared his fangs, as silent as the wind, glaring, and ready to fight. Zuberi snorted, stomped his front feet into the ground, and stared towards where he could SMELL the Doles to be with his trunk.

Commander growled, refusing to be drawn out, even though that lioness totally insulted him, and backed off. "Let THEM to come to us. I won't be drawn out......" He growled, his troops backing off, and refusing to leave the shelter of the trees.

*you may need to do something to get those Doles to leave the Jungle!!!

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#73245 Posted on 2016-10-24 17:29:01

A rumbling thunder shook the clouds, and a bright light shone behind the doles. A large, dark lion appeared, and unfurled his wings, and flicked his tail. Two huge, glowing lion heads, one Sky's, the other River's. They twinned and hit the ground causing, right behind the Doles, an explosion. The Doles ran from the fire, straight to the ready lions.

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#73250 Posted on 2016-10-24 18:09:19

Wild yelping of terror rang out, as the huge pack of Doles bolted for their lives, loosing their minds, even the Commander, and Kali roared, "ATTACK!!!!!!!" She and everyone surged forward; grabbing the terrified Doles that had ran ahead of the main pack, tearing them to pieces, with Zuberi stomping them into the ground with his huge feet, while Commander screeched to a halt, and yelled, "Get into formation!!! Fight for our land!!! Kill the lion pests......" He snarled as he bolted to the right, hiding in the tall grass, and searching for that so-called Queen.

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#73402 Posted on 2016-10-25 18:52:34

The sleeping lioness awoke from her slumber, a moan rising from her chest as she weakly stood. Her paw reached for the back of her head, pulling it away to see blood smeared across the skin. A knot turned in her stomach at the sight, the pain only to be increased by an egregious headache. Ignoring everything, she stumbled out of the cave, trotting through what seemed a forest. As she soon made her way out into the open space, a enormous rock appeared, hoping that a pride might be there she sped towards it.

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#73424 Posted on 2016-10-25 21:36:55

The one lioness who had been told to be the lookout growled. For she spied a lone lioness racing towards the Great Rock and didn't know what to make of it. But as the lioness got closer, she recognized her, and smiled. Stormfly raced down to greet Vitani, saw that she was injured, and gently escorted her into the main den; shoving a large boulder aside, revealing a narrow entrance, and led her down to where the other lionesses and cubs were hiding. "Vitani, rest your weary bones on this pelt. I need to go back to my post." Stormfly nuzzled her and trotted off. Another lioness stepped forward, with a bowl of water, and a soft leaf to clean her wounds; applying the healing cream after she finished cleaning the dried blood off her wounds.

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#73453 Posted on 2016-10-26 07:15:26

Vitani gratefully laid down on the pelt, relief spreading through her body. "Thank you." she mumbled, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep. A strange thought came to her mind as she lay there, How did she know my name? I do not know of her. She lightly shook her head, pushing away all questions as she fell asleep.

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