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*Auto Training Idea

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*Auto Training Idea

#228115 Posted on 2020-09-24 14:14:06

Hello there \o

I've read through other suggestion threads about auto training and gave it some thought. It has been recognized by the staff but I wanted to suggest implementation that came to mind.

This first version would be for upgraded accounts only
As an upgraded account, we get out own arenas. My suggestion is to implement something like auto schooling. It would be a 2 EVC paid bonus per month where it would select 10 horses to run in that training. This script would pick only horses able to train in that division, so a Novice arena would train only Novice horses, while an International would train everyone, just as it does now. So if you only have 10 horses, voila, done in a click. If you have 200 horses, you still have 20 clicks.
Note: The EVC bonus runs out with the upgrade. It would not roll over to the next upgrade unless done within 24 or 48 hours (a buffer to help people who just can't login/login long enough/forget to re-upgrade for a day)

This next idea would be for public arenas.
Since arenas are a form of income, and not everyone has upgraded accounts or EVC to spend, an option could be similar to the tack shop but also merging with the riding school. The script would run ten horses at a time but with a premium on top. The arena owner doesn't receive this premium but it instead goes back into the game. It would be a small EVD dump. 
The steps to training in a public arena:
1. Find an arena and click into the page where the drop-down list is.
2. Select the auto-train and have a page warning about the price such as the tack shop does (idk the tack shop premium but let's say 10% for the sake of easy math so a $20 fee x10 is $200 but with a 10% premium is $220)
3. Continue.

A thing to note is that the last group to be trained in either option would only work if the arena has at least 10 slots remaining. So let's say you train 55 horses but the arena has 57 slots. While there are technically enough, it would only function in 10s.

One of the comments on the other suggestions about how automating would make everything less engaging by taking the work out. I feel like these ideas keep a good grasp on engagement while allowing those with a lot of horses and not a lot of time the option to bust through their horses significantly faster. It would also offer an EVD solution for public arenas so upgraded accounts wouldn't lose out on any income and it could possibly help with inflation, albeit only a little based on the fact that most upgraded accounts would likely opt for the EVC option to train their horses.

So...yeah! Those are my thoughts and my ideas on how we could implement an auto train feature. What are your thoughts and ideas on mine? x)

Thank you for reading! Hopefully this all made sense c:

Last edited on 2020-10-14 at 14:50:34 by River

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#228239 Posted on 2020-09-29 19:03:58

I mean... yeah. I'll support this. I probably wouldn't use it because I can't handle the stress of so many horses that I'd need a feature like this, but for those who have MASSIVE herds, I could see how this would be useful. So as long as it won't affect overall gameplay for everyone and is just an extra optional feature, then why not?

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#228246 Posted on 2020-09-30 03:12:54

Support. This auto-train option, no matter how expensive in credits, would make game much more playable for me.

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