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[ADDED] *Make Cubes More Rare

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Topic is locked [ADDED] *Make Cubes More Rare

#183944 Posted on 2018-08-12 09:40:08

i agree 100% with nebula. 
i do think cubes should be less common, and i don't really mind how that is done (whether by reducing the frequency they are given out or reducing the number of uses they have or some alternate method)

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#183948 Posted on 2018-08-12 10:31:23

I don't know why hay cubes per use was made so high in the first place - from someone that doesnt use them at all (I feel its a bit cheaty and also I won't spend the money on conversations!) 

I always thought it a tad unfair you could get 10 uses of a supposedly "special more stat giving per use item" than finding a discipline specific treat like a carrot for example. But that's by the by & I sucked it up & just sold any cubes (sugar & hay) to fund the purchase of discipline specific treats from the store/market trade/other players etc I suppose thereby funding a small part of EVs economy ... so maybe theses treats have their place just knock down the "use per find"

I am still a believer in EV being able to be played freely so if players want to treat with cubes fine. But these same players cannot then complain when cubed horses don't sell when others on EV won't/don't touch a cubed horse!! There is a trade off to the easy route to higher stats. That is is. The potential struggle to sell the animal. If the show system wasnt so low non spec oriented these cubed horses might not be so alienated but it is, so nothing will be changing anytime soon.

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 10:32:39 by Fabelhaft [WBs/Friesians]

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#183949 Posted on 2018-08-12 10:32:26

Don't support, I see no point in it. I don't think it will have the affect that some of the supporters are hoping for. 

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#183961 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:25:30

Thank you for posting your thoughts!

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#183984 Posted on 2018-08-12 12:41:55

I'm on the fence.
Because making hay cubes more rare than they're now probably won't fix the horse market. Same with the cap on EC since there's no problem with foundation horses.

Many people who use hay cubes (including me) do it on horses that will be converted. There are many motivations behind that and it's fine as long as this horses are converted before breeding. And while we're talking about new players haycubing their horses...well, horses can be ruined by using apples, carrots and turnips too...for example I was treating with red apples my first dressage horses.

The biggest pain in current breeding system is the fact that non-spec stats are almost impossible to be breed down and if a player make a tiny mistake at the beginning of their game there's no way to fix it in future generations. Cubes aren't as guilty as it seems to be - players with some experience in game will avoid them/convert horses/not breed "unfixed" ones while new players still will be doing mistakes because...they're new in this game (and many may not be active on forums - also, to be honest, I feel like tutorial should give more informations about the gameplay).

People who would like to have their horses haycubed after making cubes more rare will be force to spend more money than now (buying cubes plus 10k for converting every single horse). There are a lot cubes now and it will take some time before players run out from them but I'm not sure if we want to have another treats that will be worth 3k per use like peppermints. Even if they're more common and will be worth like 1,5k per use - it's still a lot of money.

Also I have 8000 uses of hay cubes in inventory, recently I traded in 5000 uses or more plus I always trade in all my sugar cubes. It's an extra cash.

So, uhm, I feel like the only way to fix the market is to give players the opportunity to fix non-specs on horses with pedigree. I know that Abbey doesn't want to make non-specs able to be breed down so that I thought about making second conversion cheaper (maybe 50k EVD instead of 2 EVC) and including some EVC items (discipline applicator (5EVC)/randomizer (3EVC)?) which would set non-specs to under 65 and toss remaining stats into specialty (with a little decrease of total stats (like...2% or something) no matter if you want to convert horse from eg. racing to dressage or from racing to racing.
Mess in pedigrees? Yes. I know that it will cause mess in pedigrees.
But there's enough mess with pre-recode and post-recode pedigrees plus we can "fix" colors and markings on non-foundation horses, change specialty multiple times during horse's life and little players really bothers it...

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 12:59:50 by Royal Storm

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#183998 Posted on 2018-08-12 14:11:10

I just don't see why you're bring up previous version of the game into the suggestion? They're obsolete methods and breeding strategies, we should be focusing on trying to improve the current situation, not derailing the suggestion to past versions of equiverse. 

I brought it up because someone asked about what's incentive of special treats. I brought the precode up because it is relevant. Special treats were designed for pre-code gameplay not this version. therefore, that's why they are unwanted and people are avoiding it and complain about market of cubed horses. 
This topic was originally brought this up purely because of the market NOT because of surplus supplies. 

"Part of the horse market issue is people struggling to find horses with foundation level non-spec stats as many players are using cubes/mints to increase their horse stats quickly."  
"The decrease in cubes obtained would just mean that it would be harder herds of horses to be fed cubes their whole life."
"I understand that some players wish to play the game through using free treats in order to save some money, or their goal is to create horses with as high as stats as possible through treating. However, I think this is one of the larger aspects that is currently hurting the horse market." - Quoted from Eliza D's original post

Surplus issues were brought up later by you but it wasn't the original problem. If Eliza D want to solve the cubed market problem. Get rid of the special treats are the only solution. Surplus supplies is a separate problem. you can reduce it and solve the surplus supplies but it will not solve the cubed market because it will still be available. I am trying to stay with the original problem that Eliza D brought up.

I'm also not sure why you're bringing up my buying habits into the conversation? That seems rather a personal vendetta-

Oh no! I wasn't intent to sounds like I am holding a personal vendetta. I was trying to make a point that cubed isn't a real problem. I might should've elaborate little more. In past, I often will sell horses (converted or not). Sometime I would go ahead and convert horses before putting them up for market. I usually priced them higher because I have to paid $10k to convert horses. Players, including you, usually didn't complain about it. However, if I sell an unconverted horse for a lot cheaper (at least 15k cheaper), players would complain about the fact that they aren't convert even if you guys actually would save at least $5k by buying them and convert them yourself. You guys are quick to complain once you saw that they were hay cubed but didn't put consider in prices and other factors. I have nothing against you since you are just one of many people who did same thing. My point was, it is not the fact that they are being hay cubed that are the problem. I honestly think you guys just don't want to deal with the converting part otherwise you guys would've brought unconverted horses because they are cheaper. That's okay... it is quite hassle for me as well. that's why I usually like to sell unconverted horses lol Also, it seems like your issues are with players priced their horses incorrectly. You mentioned that a lot of cubed horses priced high. I can understand why you're frustrated. I would be too if I searched for expensive horses in hope to narrow down to only higher quality horses but got bunch of lesser quality horses instead. Maybe try tweak your way of searching for horses? Personally, I rarely came cross lesser quality horses when I search for high quality horses to add to my herd. I did a test trail just now to see what I get when I searched for horses and didn't see a lot of cubed horses. Not sure what we did differently, but feel free to message me if you want to figure out what we did differently that gave us different results since it is not related to this topic.

you don't need to keep repeating yourself because you have made your stance quite clear

I repeated myself because I wasn't clear. Maple've stated earlier that she's confused with my stance. That's why I repeated myself. You've misunderstood me earlier as well so I tried to clarify things. It is kinda unfair for you to get mad at me for repeating myself when you guys didn't understand me. I didn't get mad at you guys for not understanding me. I knew that it is a problem on my part, not your part. I wouldn't never repeat myself and clarifying things if you guys didn't misunderstood me. I am aware that English isn't my primary language so that's why I usually try to clarifying things. I apologies for try to ease the misunderstood and clear up Maple's confusion. 

As always, someone else explained it better than me. Fabel and Royal Storm covered most part of my thoughts that I am trying to express pretty well (especially the tiny part at end of RS's post).

PS: Would appreciate it if you stop call me Andro as it is not my name :)

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 19:56:59 by Missionis Decerpendo

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#184011 Posted on 2018-08-12 15:01:32

I do believe that the cubes uses or frequency could go down quite a bit and probably help the market in the process.
I have over 35,000 uses of hay cubes in my inventory and while I use them quite a lot on my foals before converting, the number never goes down. Now, I do not believe it should become as rare as peppermints or winners circles but kicking it down a notch will actually bring back worth to the item as it used to have.

I do not support this because of the blatant annoyance people have for those that like cubed horses though. If people want to cube their horses and breed them, it is not our call to change that. I know this is not the main point but I believe I saw someone bring up cube bred horses into the discussion. 

But overall I support.

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#184049 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:39:57

Just for fun, found THIS OLD POST. Someone else has already suggested this idea of making cubes more rare daaaaays ago. Post is labeled as "added" yet cubes are still EVERYWHERE?

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#184078 Posted on 2018-08-12 20:15:35

I think it is incorrect to state that cubed horses are not a problem as there is proof here, in writing from multiple members, that even if its just to them, cubed horses are a problem. I personally agree cubed horses are a problem. They are the reason I am not purchasing outside horses, because too many of them were cubed and in my breeding program I only want horses that will perform well in shows and well, cubed horses will not do that, so I do not want them. I have 4 million evd in my bank account, its not that i cant/wont/dont want to convert a horse, its the fact that a lot of the time I cant see what a horse's base stats are, so I don't want to risk purchasing a horse that even with conversion, will not be useful to my program. That in itself is an issue that has been suggested to be fixed. However, the cubing is still an issue because a lot of the times horses have already been converted once and with the crappy current prices of credits, I cannot afford to convert a horse a second time if they have been messed up by being cubed. There are LOTS of horses for sale that have already been converted and were still fed cubes or are being fed cubes and therefor STILL being messed up when it comes to show performance, so therefor the cubing is the problem. I dont think the importance of non specialty stats and when to/when to not cube your horses has been emphasized enough, but it IS a problem.

Edit: to bring purpose to my comment based on this post, I will add that by reducing cubes and making them less common, members wont abuse them and feed them when it is no longer beneficial as they wont want to waste their uses, just like peppermints. You dont see many, if any, horses being fed peppermints their entire lives right now because peppermints are limited and it would be wasteful to feed them to horses that are intended to be show horses or match the way the showing system is currently set up because uses are limited. Nobody is asking to make cubes as rare as peppermints, we are asking for them to not be as common as regular treats. And sometimes, not everyone can get what they want. If we were to try and please everybody, equiverse just wouldnt function. If we have to displease a few members in order to benefit the majority of equiverse, thats what has to happen. There are things that have been changed about Equiverse that I dont like but I have adjusted and adapted, not complained or thrown a fit about it. Things have to change in order for the game to work, and pleasing everybody is not what will always be best for Equiverse. You cant complain about the way the game is now but be so dead set against a change that will more likely than not be beneficial to equiverse and make it better.

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 20:20:07 by wey

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#184798 Posted on 2018-08-16 15:51:53

I would also like to see some version of this implemented. Either increasing the rarity or simply decreasing the number of uses (1-5 would be better then 10) or replace cubes (hay and sugar) with a new treat that adds more stats between the two specialty stats (could just change sugar, hay and peppermints? while also having sugar and hay cubes more rare)

I have one group of 10 foundations that I cubed from foals until around 8 and then converted, and have since not used them (it's too easy to do it wrong for me) I now just sell them all back to the store. 

Also I show my horses regularly (within 15-100 stats of their grade depending if it's N/L/R/Na/I) and since the last showing fix my showing results have been reasonably predicable and stable. Personally I don't think showing is buggy anymore, if you care for your horses and have 5/5 tack for them and they are close to the top of their grade they should do well.

I also see a big issue in the market with horses that are cubed (people using cubes to then convert are not an issue as those horses would not be posted for sale or available for public breeding) it makes it really hard to find good outside stock to buy or to breed to. Horses that are cross discipline breed are a whole other issue!


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#186971 Posted on 2018-08-26 18:26:28


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#187139 Posted on 2018-08-27 19:57:12


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#190473 Posted on 2018-09-30 12:20:58

I think Sugar cubes should be drop all together since they give no better than stat specific treats, and randomly at that.
As for Hay cubes, how about lowering the uses to 5? Maybe that way they're "rarer", but not so hard to get for free in normal gameplay that players who don't use them can get away with price gouging?

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#202956 Posted on 2019-05-11 04:01:00


Last edited on 2019-05-11 at 04:03:51 by tundastruck Mustangs

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#208445 Posted on 2019-09-03 15:11:59

Added! ♥

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