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#190883 Posted on 2018-10-05 13:29:19

Denver had tuned out of the conversation, deciding to check his list ten more times to see if he missed anything.

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#190955 Posted on 2018-10-06 10:35:45

"Yeah. Let's head up to the great lakes via the forest. Maybe one of the Dryads' saw something that can help us?"

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#190959 Posted on 2018-10-06 11:59:21

 "How, exactly, do you plan on getting to Michigan from the forest? You know what, I don't care, let's go. I'm tired of talking about the Cardens." Ethel concluded her point by stepping around them and exiting the tent, not waiting for a response.

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#190965 Posted on 2018-10-06 14:33:42

"Maybe we should go find James now," Jade suggested, digging through her bag just in case she had forgotten something. 

Mildred had sent him to his room to rest for a bit. She said he didn't look too good, and Beau wasn't going to argue. He felt a bit queasy. He sank onto the bed and pat the mattress. Rhyme leaped up and nuzzled his hand. The door was closed, and he was glad to have some privacy while he tried to get a grasp on his situation. It upset him that he didn't know who he was or where he was from. He had been holding the thoughts at bay all day, just barely, but now he tried to sift through the precious little he did know and figure something out.

He practiced magic for an hour or more before stopping. He had a headache from his concentration. Noah went to the cellar and grabbed a water bottle, doing a small enchantment under his breath. The water went cold in his hand, and he grabbed another, doing the same enchantment. Returning to the main floor, he opened the door and tossed the extra cold water to his new body guard. The monster caught it and thanked Noah. He was pretty cool, for a monster. And pretty good at cards, too. Noah had lost miserably to him the previous night.

She drifted toward what she had been told was the camp store. As she drew near, a girl popped up out of seemingly nowhere. Nikkol could barely keep up as she rambled on and on, but she did understand that the girl wanted to help her. Nikkol shrugged, and then found herself being dragged along. The girl said something about being an Aphrodite kid. She was young, maybe 13. Nikkol looked around the store once inside, completely lost and not knowing what most of the stuff was. The girl, who said her name was Wren, led Nikkol around, pulling fabric off racks and holding it up. Most of it was discarded. Nikkol was having a hard time keeping up with her fast talking, and before she knew it, Wren was handing some coins over to the kid running the store and tugging Nikkol along behind her. "We can go to the bathrooms and you can try them all on. They mostly have camp merch there, but there were a couple items the Hermes kids had in that I think will look great on you. I noticed you earlier and you looked pretty lost. I think people will warm up to you once your out of that clothing. You're probably pretty confused, huh? I couldn't imagine what it would be like being dropped in a new time. Did it happen really quickly, like you saw your time and then - bam - you were here? Or was it different? Actually, nevermind, we're almost there. Oh, I have an extra hairbrush on me. We can brush your hair out and experiment styles. Oh! I have some makeup, but I don't know if you'd like it. We can see, though. And some perfumes, and - this'll be so much fun!" What is going on? 

She shoveled some popcorn into her mouth. "This definitely could use more butter. I should have put more on. It felt like a lot, but maybe it comes out slower than I thought."

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#191031 Posted on 2018-10-07 07:13:52

 "My bad. I should've informed you of that." He stopped in front of their cabin. "Just let me go grab the thing real quick and then we can head back to the orientation room. Don't go anywhere," he joked, opening the door and slipping inside.

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#191034 Posted on 2018-10-07 08:17:16

Denver collected his stuff and followed Ethel out of the tent. "One second- I'll be back." 

Eira wandered up the hill, studying the lone pine tree. That looks rather pretty. I'll have to draw it sometime. Eira crested the top of the hill, staring in awe at the valley below. It was more than she had expected. After a moment, she started down to go see what was going on.

Last edited on 2018-10-07 at 15:53:36 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#191076 Posted on 2018-10-07 23:22:53

As Denver hurried away, Ollie snagged Ethel's arm and dragged her to a stop, gritting her teeth and really digging in her feet to get the other girl to stop. "Ethel, I literally just told you that I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing. If you could stop being mad with me - for no good reason, mind you! - and actually help us, this would all be so much easier." 

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#191088 Posted on 2018-10-08 13:11:23

It wasn't long until Denver found Kahlen and Auberon. "We're heading out," he said, shouldering his backpack as she stood up, nodding. "I think we're heading out to Michigan first, but I'm not-" he was cut off as she hugged him. "Be safe," she murmured into his shirt. He nodded. "You're still okay with it?" "It's a bit late not to be. Iris message me on your way home?" Denver swallowed, nodding. "Yeah. I, um, need to go. Love you," he said as he turned to go. You can do this.

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#191090 Posted on 2018-10-08 13:31:01

 Ethel snatched her arm away from Ollie, glaring down at her. "'No good reason'? Ollie, open up your eyes! How can you not see that you're leading me on? I can't even tell if it's just you being you or if it has something to do with a love god like you said last night or what but you're giving me conflicting information in the form of how you just are and I just- I don't- I don't understand," she rambled, taking a few steps back.

Last edited on 2018-10-08 at 13:31:25 by Raptor

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#191096 Posted on 2018-10-08 14:18:20

"Leading you on....?" Ollie trailed off, her face going slack after she realized just how she had been projecting her emotions. "Oh. Oh, Ethel, no, it's not like that-"

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#191186 Posted on 2018-10-09 13:34:37

 "Then what is it like? 'Cause I'd love to know," she shot back. "I am sick and tired of people who don't have a grip on how they're presenting their own emotions."

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#191190 Posted on 2018-10-09 14:18:39

"I just- I'm gonna sound so terrible here, but I've just got this thing where I- I like- Well, no, not like, it's more than that -I have feelings for multiple people and I'm super fine with dating more than one person and it's like I can't help myself, I'm just drawn to both you and Beau and I forget that other people barely accept dating their own gender let alone what I have and I know that it's weird and I know that I'm a freak but I just- God, I hate this." She exhaled shakily with a laugh, wiping at her burning eyes with the back of her hand. "Argh, not self pity tears. Those are the worst."

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#191198 Posted on 2018-10-09 14:52:40

 She blinked at Ollie, stunned silent for a few drawn-out moments. "...Oh. That-... Wow, that makes a lot of sense actually. God, I'm so bad at reading people, I'm... sorry." She paused, ending her pause with a slight laugh. "And to think for a second there I was comparing you to my alcoholic dad."

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#191204 Posted on 2018-10-09 15:13:23

"It's fine." Ollie laughed, voice lighter that her previous bitter tone as she waved her free hand around vaguely, still pawing at her now drying eyes. "It's okay, really, I should have just said something instead of letting this drag on."

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#191207 Posted on 2018-10-09 15:45:23

 "Not gonna disagree with you on that," Ethel muttered. Before her mind could intervene, she held out her hand for Ollie to take. "You ready?"

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