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Greek Mythology Sign-Ups

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Greek Mythology Sign-Ups

#141644 Posted on 2018-01-17 17:44:08

Strange things have always happened to you. You've never been in a school for a full year. You've seen some pretty monstrous things - and now you're finding out that they were real monsters. 

Turns out, you're a demigod. Either your father or mother was a Greek god or goddess. You've arrived in Camp Half-blood, one of the only safe places from monsters in this earth. On top of that, the world is in danger, and there's a prophecy - of which you might play an important role.

Based on Percy Jackson series, but you do not have to have read it to join. However, if you haven't, you might want to know at least a little about Greek mythology.


Character Name:


Godly Parent:





- Be nice

- No swearing 

- Nobody can be a child of Hades, sorry

- Only one person can be a child of Zeus

- You are a new demigod and are still testing your powers

- No godmodding 

- You can't be super powerful, but you can be decently so, as long as it fits with who your godly parent is [you can have virtually no powers if you want, too, lol]

- This is a detailed/semi-detailed RP

- I have the rights to accept or decline your form

- romance allowed with the consent of the other player

- while I'd like detail, no need to be extremely graphic with battle scenes

- Good luck on your quest!

Last edited on 2018-01-17 at 18:22:57 by Oswin

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#141649 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:00:29

(Hey do you accept minor gods/goddesses as parents??))

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#141651 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:01:41

Character Name: Jade S. Harper

Gender: Female

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Description: Jade is 15 and slightly below average height at five foot and three inches. Her skin is a rich, coffee-with-creamer tan. Her soft, chocolate brown hair falls halfway down her back. Her face could be described as "square," with a strong chin and cheekbones. Her eyes are a swimming green/blue, constantly shifting shades and hues like the ocean. 

Personality: Jade is loyal to the bone, willing to sacrifice herself for her friends. She does her best to be kind, but can be a bit cocky sometimes. 

Other: and there, my friends, is an example of a personality from someone who simply can't write a personality xD

Last edited on 2018-01-18 at 15:01:22 by Oswin

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#141652 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:02:04

Yup, minor gods/godesses are just fine!

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#141659 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:15:40

Also, are we allowed more than one character? Just to even out genders

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#141664 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:20:01

Sure, go ahead! :) 

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#141669 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:39:45


Character Name: Kahlen Winter

Gender: Female

Godly Parent: Apollo

Description: Kahlen is tall (5' 6'') and slim and very athletic. She has long dark brown hair that is slightly wavy, bordering on loose curls and dark brown eyes. She is strong despite her small build. She is sixteen years old.

Personality: Kahlen has a commanding and very no-nonsense personality. She prefers being straightforward and to the point, but recognizes the value in a good strategy. She is willing to listen and often comes across as a quietly imposing person. She won't often comment unless she feels what she has to say is important and is fiercely loyal and dependable. She prefers the shadows or solitude, and is content to silently watch the current proceedings. She prides herself on her skill with the bow and sword, those being her weapon of choice. Despite being only 16, Kahlen has some pretty scary things in her life. She's been wandering around with her brother in between schools because no one seems to see what she does. Her trust in you must be earned, but once you get to know her, she gets a little more open and relaxed.

Edit: this is kind of accurate, but I'm gonna try to describe her personality a little better.

Kahlen is, frankly, scared of people. She won't admit it, but due to past family relationships and other situations going in the wrong direction, she is terrified of trusting people. She'll often come across as intimidating and unfriendly, giving you the "I don't care" or "I don't need anyone else" attitude, which is partly true. She hides her feelings and thoughts (and her true self) behind a sort of impenetrable mental wall as an attempt to keep herself from getting hurt. Kahlen isn't very social- even with her cabinmates- and often has to be grudgingly dragged to things like dinner at the pavilion or the campfire.

Because she hides behind a wall, she has a bad habit of letting her emotions and problems and thoughts build up until the wall shatters and a mental breakdown occurs- think of it like a reservoir slowly being filled to the point of overflowing, then the wall keeping the water in suddenly breaking and huge flood coming from it. It's pretty accurate in an emotional sense.

Even though Kahlen pretends not to need anyone, she does- and she's terrified of losing the people close to her. She can also become kind of like an emotional volcano- at times you're never sure when the full force of her wrath will erupt. Other times it's more of a small earthquake, warning you of a possible eruption.

In other words, she's an unpredictable emotional mess.

Other: Kahlen's twin is Denver.

Last edited on 2018-06-23 at 17:41:03 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#141673 Posted on 2018-01-17 18:47:40

Character Name: Katherine Aldebrandi (Katie)

Gender: Female

Godly Parent: Hermes

Description: Katie had long dark hair that's usually messily tied up out of her way, and green eyes. She's taller than average, and has a slim figure. She has a scar through her eye (ending above her lip) and one on the other side of her face along her jaw.

Personality: Katie is hot headed, snappy and reclusive. But she really does want friends - she seeks attention and validation almost a little too much, and she can be a little naive and easily taken advantage of because shes so trusting of other people.

Other: Fifteen years

Character Name: Alexander Ivanov (Alex or Alexi)

Gender: Male

Godly Parent: Asteria (Mother of Hekate, sister to Leto, former greek, current titan goddess of falling stars and possibly nighttime divination.)

Description: Alex has messy dark hair that he leaves unstyled - he doesn't care for appearances as he prefers the dark - and very powerful deep blue eyes. He average height, with a slim but strong build, and has vitiligo.

Personality: Alex can come off as a little cold or harsh, but he's honestly a really nice person, you just have to get to know him.


Last edited on 2018-02-16 at 08:26:33 by The Gaiaphage

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#141804 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:26:28

Character Name: Ethel Clementine Carden
Gender: female
Godly Parent: Nemesis
Description: Ethel stands at 5 feet 6 inches and is 15 years old. Her hair is dirty blonde in color, but is a lot darker than her cousins' (this doesn't really apply to anyone besides me because her cousins aren't in this lol) and has more brown in it than regular blonde... if that makes sense. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is by no means cut evenly, because more often than not she just cuts it off with a pair of scissors when it gets too long. Her skin is rather pale, and scars from various events can be seen if you're looking for them. Her eyes are dark hazel, but they can sometimes be super light and scary. Just as a side note, she has braces.
Personality: Ethel is very opinionated and is not afraid to tell you what she thinks. However, as rude and obnoxious as she may be, deep down she has a strict moral code that she follows and never makes a decision without forethought. She is not afraid to call out hypocritical actions or those that go back on their word. She is fiercely loyal to what she believes in, and will not relent until she gets her point across.
Other: when in doubt make your new character related to one of your other ones because hey Rick Riordan did it

Character Name: James, unknown middle or last name
Gender: male
Godly Parent: Hermes
Description: Jamie is 13 years old, with very freckled pale skin. He's 4 feet 8 inches. His eyes are pale blue and always have a mischievous glint in them. His short yet shaggy and messy hair is slightly curly and is dusty blonde in color. Just as a side note, he has braces (yes I copied this sentence from Ethel's form, I need more characters with braces so bam).
Personality: James is a troublemaker, but it's all in good fun. He's kind of a smartalec, but he never means to upset or offend anyone. He tends to avoid serious confrontation. However, beneath all of his jokes, he hides a sad and lonely side of him that hardly anyone ever gets to see. He never met any of his family members, and has no earlier memories besides being in an orphanage when he was little. He ran away when he was 6 and has been on the streets pretty much ever since. He's been to a few foster homes over time, but none of them worked out.
Other: I was trying to describe him in an original way and he somehow turned into miniature Luke lol

Last edited on 2018-09-21 at 12:32:29 by Raptor

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#141805 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:31:15

do it........ do it....... do it........ 

(i have such a horrible memory that i literally have to use the same two characters for everything or ill forget who they are)

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#141806 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:33:05

@Bandit and @Gaiaphage - accepted! 

Also, I'll be refining my form soon [since currently it sucks lol] and putting up some hints as to what your characters will be facing. ;) 

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#141808 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:41:27

goodness my form is a mess please excuse it as I fix it

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#141809 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:46:53

@Raptor - lol okay. 

also ssssssssssssh not sure what that reference was to but I just [like 5 minute ago] finished The Son of Neptune. xD

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#141811 Posted on 2018-01-18 14:53:47

I was referencing his Magnus Chase series XD ("Chase"... sound familiar?)

edit: I'm finally done

Last edited on 2018-01-18 at 15:01:31 by Raptor

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#141812 Posted on 2018-01-18 15:03:16

Yep, sure does. xD Also, you're accepted. Can't wait to start!

Edited my form, but the personality part still is lacking. Whatever... you'll learn during the RP lol

Note: No characters should be older than 16 or younger than 13 [while you can be exactly those ages if you'd like]

Also note: Not accepting anymore female characters. We need some boys xD 

hint coming soon ;) 

Last edited on 2018-01-18 at 15:03:59 by Oswin

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