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REMINDER: Personal Information

ForumsEquiverse Chat → REMINDER: Personal Information

Topic is pinned Topic is locked REMINDER: Personal Information

#14 Posted on 2016-02-13 08:59:33

Please do NOT include or post personal information that can be used to track you down in real life. There is a lot of security issues with sharing information online to people you may/may not trust. You never know who is who they say they are.

Personal information includes, but does not limit to...

∙ Real life name;
∙ Birth date;
∙ School;
∙ Town;
∙ Stables you ride at;
∙ Places you frequent;
∙ Anything else that people can google and physically track you down;
∙ And anything that people can use to steal your identity

PLEASE, PLEASE be careful of ANY information you post on the internet. EV staff wants everyone to stay safe!! ;D

Last edited on 2016-02-13 at 08:59:44 by ηarimasha∙

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