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Life's Struggles [1x1]

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Life's Struggles [1x1]

#182388 Posted on 2018-08-04 15:23:07


Carter smiled happily, giving Pearl, Pepper, and Ryker a pat on the head. "I couldn't say no to them either," he said with a laugh, giving Pearl and Pepper another milk bone each. The scarfed them down before turning and barreling out the door that Morgan held open. The smile widening on his face, he followed Morgan out the door sitting next to her on the steps and wrapping an arm around her, pulling her closer. He watched as Pearl and Ryker played in the yard with Pepper jumping out of their way every time they got close to him. The sun was beginning to set behind the houses across the street, giving the sky a red glow. "I love you," Carter spoke just above a whisper, placing a kiss on Morgan's cheek. His gaze went back to the sky, his mind beginning to wander off in thought.


Simon took Addy's dishes with a smile, washing them and placing them in the dishwasher before turning it on. He laughed at Addy, "Do you love them more than me?" He began clearing the table, putting the leftovers in containers, sealing them and placing them in the fridge. "I'll join in a minute, " spoke over his shoulder, putting the last of the leftovers away. A meow came from down the hall, the slender figure of Mickey coming out from hiding from somewhere in the bedroom. Simon walked over picking up the fluffy gray tabby, stroking him gently. "I know, those dogs are such a handful," he talked to the cat as if he could understand it. Placing the cat on the counter, he pulled out a small bag of cat treats, placing some on the counter. "Come on Minnie, I have treats." Instantly, the orange and cream cat came out from under the couch again, prancing over and jumping on the counter next to Mickey. Simon stroked both of the cats, placing the treats back in the storage cabinet. Stroking the cats one last time, he opened the door for Gemni and walked out behind, taking a seat on the bench next to Addy.

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#182408 Posted on 2018-08-04 18:17:40


Leaning into Carter’s side and kiss on the cheek. Turning and pressing her lips against his and leaning in for a moment. Pulling back with a smile at Carter’s words to her, turning red and nodding towards him with a devious grin planted on her face “How much do you love me Carter Lane Beck?” Tilting her head and leaning into Carter giving another kiss to his lips and then pulling away once more. “I love you more than food and I really love food.” Giggling at her comment and looking back to Ryker and Pearl playing in the yard and Pepper dodging out of the way. “You know what sounds better than Morgan Blackwell.....Beck sounds better in my opinion but, that’s just me.” Giggling again and placing her hand in Carter’s with a content sigh. “I love you a lot and honestly I’m glad I’m your first girlfriend your my first boyfriend....because then no other guy would break my heart....and your like my other half that I need in life.” Turning red at he routtle rambling and leaning into Carter and resting her head against his shoulder blinking her light blue eyes. Ryker giving a playful bark chasing after Pearl with the stick he found on the ground in his mouth.


Sitting on the bench and rocking it gently back and fourth and stopped it when Simon came out and sat beside her. Watching Gemni run to Buffy and getting into a playful bow in front of her. Turning to Simon and blinking her hazel-green eyes gently staring into Simon’s brown ones. “I love you more than them....but, depending on the day it could be them.” Shaking her head with a grin and kicking off the porch floor making the bench rock again. Leaning into Simon’s side and turning giving him a kiss on the lips softly and pulling back to rest her head on his shoulder. “ you honestly speaking love me or Hayley more....I know you had a thing with her in the past and I don’t know if that relationship was better than ours is....but I love you more than I say the words I love you.” Taking a breath from her long sentence and looking at her hand that was holding onto Simon’s that was squeezing tighter starting to leave nail prints in his hand from her nails. Letting go slightly and turning to Simon “If you don’t want to come tomorrow that’s understandable because....Hayley and Bailey will be there most likely and I don’t want you to go if you don’t want to....” closing her hazel-green eyes momentarily and then opening them again. Addy taking a deep breath and leaning into Simon’s side keeping silent and enjoying the feeling of his closeness.

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#182417 Posted on 2018-08-04 19:02:04


Grinning as he thought for a moment, watching the last of the sun sink behind the horizon and allowing for the stars and moon to come out of hiding. "Hmmm," looking up at the twinkling starts, "I love you all the way to that star and back." He raised a finger pointing at one of the brightest stars in the sky. He leaned in to the kiss, laughing at Morgan's comment. "Very subtle hint," he joked, leaning in for another kiss. "I love you so much," he said drawing out the 'o' in 'so'. He squeezed her closer, his eyes on Ryker and Pearl playing around, Pepper finally having the courage to run around with them after the stick Ryker had. 


Simon closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the sounds of the night and the playing of the dogs. He only opened his eyes when Addy spoke, looking at her with a laugh. Running a hand through his dark hair, he leaned back rocking his feet back and forth on the ground in tune with the swing. "I love you more," he spoke truthfully with a sigh, "There's a reason that Hayley and I are no longer together and never will be. The reason being, she's more money hungry than she is with being in a serious relationship." He brought back the memories of the past, remembering very vividly. His eyes shifted away from Addy as he watched the sun set for a moment. "My relationship with Hayley is long over with and I have no feelings towards her either," he assured her. Leaning in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around Addy and squeezed her close. "I love you, Addy."

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#182428 Posted on 2018-08-04 20:49:40


Leaning into Carter’s side with a content smile. Nearly jumping at the sound of her phone ringing in her back pocket, light blue eyes blinking gently and pulling away from Carter grabbing her ringing phone out of her pocket and grinning at the face and name that popped up. Sliding and holding the phone to her ear “Hey mom how are you?” Breath hitching in her throat as her mother put her on speaker. “I’m doing well honey but, I’m calling to check in on you.” Morgan giving her throat a clear glad that eveerything was fine. “I’m doing fine mom.” Answering her shortly and staying silent as her mother replied again. “That’s great Morgan is that boyfriend of yours there...what’s his name Carter, right?” Face turning red and hearing her mother practically shout his wrong name and then his right one through the phone. “He’s right beside me mom.....why?” Morgan leaning back into Carter’s side and biting the edge of her lip gently with nervousness. “Well honey it’s just that I was planning on stopping by since I want to meet this young man again.....I’ve  only met him once and it was brief but, I’d love some more time to get to know my soon to be son-in-law.” Gulping at her mother’s words and shaking her head turning redder. “Mom his family is stopping by tomorrow I guess you can come and meet them as well.” Smiling at the thought of her mom meeting Carter’s family. “Love you mom....yeah ok....I’ll tell him.” Ending the call and putting the phone down beside her letting out a big sigh escaping her lips. “She invited herself over and told me to tell you she’s excited to meet you.” Morgan leaning forward back into Carter’s side “Um you wanna finish that tickle fight and go cuddle?” Offering the idea and leaning foreward giving a kiss to his cheek.


Hearing Simon’s reassuring words and information of why he didn’t  work with Hayley. Nodding her head and leaning close to  Simon with a small smile planted on her face. Addy taking a deep breath and looking to the yard with a yawn escaping her. “I love you more than you love me.” Saying the complicated sentence and giggling at it. Planting a kiss to Simon’s cheek and resting her head bsck against his shoulder. The swaying of the bench making another tired yawn coming from Addy. Blinking her hazel-green eyes as the stars and moon started to appear above them. Resting her head on his shoulder and leaning back against the swinging bench and closing her hazel-green eyes. Head bobbing once and then falling still against Simon. Soon soft snores were coming from Addy laying still beside him.

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#182443 Posted on 2018-08-05 07:02:10


Carter leaned his head against Morgan, watching the stars sparkle above them and the sound of Pearl's exhausted breathing coming his way as she plopped down on the porch behind him. Reaching over he scratched her head, patting her on the side. He faintly heard the conversation between Morgan and her mom over the phone, his cheeks flushing red when her mom said his name wrong at first. Turning his attention to Morgan when she got off the phone, he nodded, "That's great." He remembered briefly meeting Morgan's mom before, but he was still slightly nervous about it. Patting the tired Pearl once more, he jumped away in surprise, suddenly remembering the tickle fight that Morgan mentioned. "Oh no you don't," he said with a small laugh, backing away slowly. "You'll have to catch me first." He turned on his heels, dragging the door open and running into the house, through the living room then down the hall, circling around as an attempt to stay away from Morgan.


Simon continued to rock the bench back and forth, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and laughing at Carter and Morgan. He saw the two go off somewhere in the house, hearing laughing. Looking back to Addy he smiled, taking a moment longer to rock back and forth in the swing. Closing his eyes again, he began to reflect back on the day and then thought about meeting Addy's family and her meeting his. He smiled at the thought. Opening his eyes, he looked back over at Addy, hearing the faint snores coming from her. His smile grew at the sight, slowly stopping the bench from swinging and standing up, scooping her up with him. "Gemni, Buffy," he called the dogs, the two of them coming back on the porch, opening the door slowly and allowing all the dogs to file in, Buffy and Gemni rushing to the bedroom. Simon closed the door behind them, carrying Addy to the bedroom and placing her on the bed before he went into the bathroom and got ready for bed, removing his clothes and replacing them with a pair of dark gray sweatpants. Walking back in the room, he slid in the bed next to Addy, wrapping an arm around her and snuggling close.

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#182521 Posted on 2018-08-05 19:31:03


Giggling and getting up following after Carter holding the door open for the dogs to come in on the way. Once inside and following after Carter with grabby like hands. Giggling and rubbing into the living room where he was now inbetween her and the couch. “Well Mr.Beck it looks like there’s a problem.....” nodding her head to the couch and stepping foreward and closing the space between them. Reaching at his sides and tickling for a moment before leaning up an planting a kiss to his lips briefly. “” breaking up the sentence between her kisses to his cheek and tickling him on his sides. “Now that I’ve you wanna go cuddle and sleep?” Suggesting the idea with a smile and leaning foreward keeping him in a hug. Ryker Shaking his fur and trotting to the room that Morgan and Carter shared immediately darting to the dog bed. Stepping on the memory foam dog bed and circling once and plopping down on it with a sigh escaping his muzzle. 


Opening a hazel-green eye and feeling Simon pick her up and start to carry her to bed. Smiling and pressing closer to him as he carried her. Being placed on the bed gently and breathing softly tiredness hitting her again. Rolling over to where Simon got back into and moving closer to him. Soft snoring soon being heard from Addy’s side now that she drifted off to sleep again. Gemni running to the bedroom and hopping on the bed laying down on the end with a grunt and closing her brown eyes. Snores now filling the room of both Addy and Gemni. 

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#182617 Posted on 2018-08-06 07:19:39


He looked around trying to find a way to escape, but found none when he realized he was pinned behind the couch. He looked to Morgan almost accepting his fate when he bursted out in laughter from her ticklish attacks. "Dang it," he spoke, gasping for air for a moment, out of breath from all the laughing. He smiled against Morgan's kisses, hearing the words she spoke between each one. He nodded, bringing her into a hug, "I love you too." Scooping her up and carrying her to the bedroom, dropping Morgan on the bed next to him. Pearl trotted in behind, curling up on the floor at the end of the bed with a sigh, Pepper crawling under the bed in his usual spot with old blankets he had harbored underneath. Holding Morgan close, Carter closed his eyes giving her a peck on the nose before soon falling asleep with a soft snore escaping.


Simon gave Addy a peck on the cheek, closing his eyes and falling asleep to the soft snores coming from both Addy and Gemni. Buffy laid next to the bed on Simon's side, chewing on a squeaker toy before finally rolling on her side and falling asleep. Simon woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing, his eyes fluttering open as he rolled over ad he picked it up reading the caller id. "Hello," he spoke in the phone groggily. "Hey Simon, honey sorry to wake you so early in the morning. I just wanted to call and tell you that your grandparents will coming down into the states next week and they'd love to see you," his mom spoke in a hushed tone. Simon closed his eyes, barely listening, but catching the important parts. "Alright mom." He hung up the phone, throwing it back on the nightstand and rolling over, wrapping an arm around Addy and falling back asleep. 

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#182648 Posted on 2018-08-06 09:24:16


Hearing Carter’s words and being picked up and carried to the bed. Snuggling against him and closing her eyes soon falling asleep beside him. Rolling and turning through the night worried about meeting Carter’s family and finally getting back to sleep. Light blue eyes opening wide and feeling drool hit her hand dangling off and seeing Ryker licking her hand gently. Rubbing his head gently and turning watching the sleeping Carter next to her. Turning her head to the bedside table and reading the time which was 8:07 am. Pulling back the covers and gently getting out of bed quietly to not wake him up. Snapping her fingers and commanding Ryker to come with her. Exiting the bedroom quietly and making her way down the hall to Addy and Simon’s shared room. Opening the door slowly and peeping in blinking her light blue eyes at Addy sleeping. Morgan clearing her throat and opening the door a bit more and stepping in. “Addy....Addy....Addalyn....” holding back a giggle when Addy sat up in bed and turning to Morgan sleep still etched on her face. “C’mon I’m hungry and want to make pancakes and bacon....please.” Exiting out when Addy came after her to help make breakfast with her. Both girls trying to stay silent and keep it a surprise for the boys.


Rolling over and covering her ear with a pillow to block out the extra noise from Simon’s phone call with his parents. Staying still the whole night and sleeping contently next to Simon. Almost jolting awake at the sound of her name being called numerous times. “Ssshhh I’m coming I’m coming...” holding back a giggle threatening to escape her lips. Holding a hand over her mouth and moving the covers to the side gently and sliding out of Simon’s grasp replacing her body with her pillow. Following after Morgan and shutting the door behind her carefully and quietly. Nodding her head at what Morgan asked if she could help make pancakes and bacon. Walking behind Morgan to the kitchen and getting out the griddle from the top cabinet. Placing it on the counter and reaching for the Pancake mix box and setting it beside the griddle. Addy blinking her hazel-green eyes and beginning to get the bowls and ingredients together to mix the pancakes in and what with.

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#182697 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:14:22


Carter rolled over, waking up periodically from Morgan tossing and turning next to him. Feeling the bed move and the absence of Morgan, he rolled back over rubbing his eyes and looking at the time before closing his eyes and falling back asleep. What felt like only a few moments later, he was woken up by two wet tongues licking his hands. His eyes opening to the sight of Pearl and Pepper sitting next to each other, Pearl barked noticing that Carter had woken up finally. He could smell the faint smell of syrup and bacon coming from the kitchen. Pulling himself out of bed, he pushed the covers aside, rubbing his eyes and nearly knocking into Simon. "Nice bed head," he laughed looking at Simon's messy hair. He walked past Simon, going to the kitchen and sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen island. "I thought I was cooking from now on," Carter spoke with a yawn.


Simon opened his eyes to an empty bed, hugging on to a pillow instead of Addy. He stretched, yawning and noticing that Buffy nor Gemni were in the room either. Sitting up in bed, he closed his eyes for a moment longer before hearing a loud meow sound. Opening his to see Minnie hopping on the bed and curling in his lap. Stroking the fluffy cat he smiled as she goofily rolled around for belly scratches. The smell of bacon entered the room, drawing Simon's attention to get out of bed, pushing Minnie aside and walking out of the room. A sleepy Carter nearly bumping in to him. "As if you can say anything," he said pointing at Carter's own messy hair, laughing. Following Carter into the kitchen, he walked around the island, wrapping his arms around Addy and rested his head in the crook of her neck. "Good morning," he spoke softly, giving her a kiss. 

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#182703 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:55:13


Mixing the batter and pouring it onto the griddle in medium sized circles. Getting out the the kitchen utensil to flip them with and placing it next to the griddle. Blinking her light blue eyes to Carter and Simon who appeared both with bed heads. Morgan taking a little breath and smiling back at Carter with a shrug “Well I wanted to make breakfast today and plus I wanted to surprise you.” Flipping the pancakes and bacon on the griddle. Picking up the pancake mix to pour more into the griddle. Blinking her light blue eyes and pouring more into the griddle in medium sized circles. “How’d everyone sleep?” Asking tbe simple question and turning her attention back to the griddle tiredness shining in her light blue eyes. Grabbing the plate and putting the cooked pancakes on the plate with the bacon. Ryker giving a little bark and sitting by the griddle and going into a begging position giving puppy brown eyes to Morgan. Grinning down at Ryker and picking up a peice of the bacon strip and breaking it into fifths for the dogs. Giving a little peice to both dogs and placing the rest of the pancakes they were done on the plate. Turning off the griddle and picking up the plate moving it to the table.


Helping Morgan get the stuff out and leaning back against the kitchen island a giggle escaping as she watched both boys come out with there bed heads. Leaning into Simon’s touch and grinning as he kissed her softly. Kissing back for a brief moment and then pulling away hearing Morgan’s question “Well I slept perfectly incept someone woke me up with a phone call....” Grinning up at Simon with a wink  up at him and shaking her head. Watching Morgan’s expression and hazel-green eyes softening at the tired look. Following after her to the table and sitting down at her spot as normal putting two pancakes on her plate with butter and syrup. “This might not be as good as Carter’s but, at least it’s something.” Giggling and pushing herself up against the table in her seat. 

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#182808 Posted on 2018-08-06 15:38:33


Rubbing his eyes, he held his head in his hands watching Morgan and Addy cook the food, a smile coming to his face. "Thank you," he said finally getting up and walking around to the coffee maker, adding a cup and hitting the button for it to start brewing. "Who else wants some," he asked while opening the cabinet, starting to pull out mugs. Carter let out a yawn, feeling a paw hit his leg and looking down at Pepper who was begging for food. Pepper turned in a circle, looking over to the cabinet housing the doggy kibble then back at Carter. He smiled walking over to the cabinet and opening it, putting a scoop in each bowl. Pearl and Pepper both rushing to the bowl at the same time, happily eating away at the kibble. He tossed the scoop back in the kibble container, opening the kitty food and scooping out some food and placing it in the bowls for Minnie and Mickey on the counter away from the dogs' reach. Walking back over to the coffee maker, he began to pour himself a cup of coffee, allowing for Morgan, Addy, and Simon to set the table. "I slept fine," Carter added, bringing the cups of coffee over to the table, "but it doesn't look like you did."


Simon smiled, "I slept perfectly, but my mom did call at an unusual time." He dropped his arms from around Addy, taking a step back for her to finish cooking. "She told me my grandparents are coming down next week, perhaps you'd like to go with me to visit." He grinned at the thought, turning his attention to Carter making coffee. "Make me a cup please." Buffy ran around the house in hot pursuit of Mickey, the cat quickly grabbing on and climbing the cat tower in the corner of the living room. Looking down at the canine, Mickey glared flicking his bushy tail back and forth. Buffy barked wanting for Mickey to come down and play, but soon forgot all about the cat and rushed over to her food bowl when Carter filled it. Simon shook his head, watching Mickey slowly come down from the tower and rushing over to the counter for his own bowl. Simon got the silverware from the drawer, placing them on the table next to the plates before taking his seat next to Addy, scooting his chair closer to her and wrapping an arm around her.

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#182868 Posted on 2018-08-06 18:55:07


Letting out a another yawn and covering her mouth with her hand to block it. “I’ll take a cup a large cup.....please.” Blinking her tired light blue eyes back to Carter and shaking her head to wake herself up more. “I may or may not have been stressing over my mom meeting you and your pa-parents meeting m-me.” Quieting down and saying it softly her light blue eyes locked on Carter’s dark blue eyes. “Are your parents really going to like me?” Asking the question that Carter already reassured her about, which still made her nervous. Taking a sip of the large coffee mug and placing it down and picking up the fork beginning to cut the pancake up on her plate into tiny pieces. Lifting a bite to her mouth and chewing it and swallowing it and then repeating the process again. Setting it down and taking another sip of her coffee. Light blue eyes halfway closing and shaking her head again to stay awake.  Ryker going to his dog food bowl and beginning to crunch in the dry dog food slowly enjoying his breakfast.


Addy taking a little breath and leaning close to Simon her hazel-green eyes blinking in an empathetic way for Morgan trying to stay awake at the table in the other side. Hearing Morgan’s reason and nodding her head gently and clearing her throat with a sip of the coffee in front of her. “They’ll love you Morgan we all love you what’s not to love you bring joy and fill the room with happiness when ever someone’s I’d be afraid of Simon’s parents comparing me to Hayley....besides I’ve also broken up with him for a little bit when I was nearing the end of school since I was stressed.” Shaking her hand and squeezing Simon’s hand gently “I’d love too but, will they compare me to Hayley or they’ll probably think I’m the one you should’ve moved on from...since I was so stupid to break up with you whenever school got stressful.” Shaking her head and taking a sip of the hot coffee and then placing it back down with a small sigh. Lifting up her fork and beginning to cut the pancake into tiny peices like Morgan did and eating them. Finishing the bite she had in her mouth and grinning from Morgan to Carter. “I must admit Carter’s cooking is better than yours and I nominate him to cook for us forever.” Giggling and leaning over to Simon planting a small kiss on his cheek and then pulling away to her seat. Gemni walking to her dog bowl quickly and beginning to eat her breakfast taking big crunch’s of the kibble.

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#182870 Posted on 2018-08-06 19:28:15


Carter handed everyone their cup of coffee, settling down in his own seat with his eyes watching Morgan trying to stay awake. Taking his fork and tearing a piece of the pancake, swirling it around in the pool of syrup on the side of his plate before sticking it in his mouth. Swallowing it, he turned back to Morgan. "I'm sure they will absolutely love you, besides you guys were my first ever real friends, " he spoke with a smile, "and you are my one and only girlfriend." He leaned over in his seat, giving her a kiss on the cheek before straightening back in his seat and taking a sip of his coffee. Repeating the process of tearing a piece of pancake off and swirling it in syrup until the entire plate was empty. He finished off the last of his coffee and leaned back in his chair, finally stuffed from the meal. Carter laughed at Addy's comment. "Great," he spoke with another laugh. "What do you suppose I cook for my family?" Pearl backed away from her food bowl, slowly walking over and plopping on the floor beneath Carter's feet while Pepper wandered off into the living room, pulling out a bone to munch on. 


Simon gratefully took the coffee from Carter, "Thanks." Picking up his fork, he divided his pancakes up and shoving the syrup covered pieces in his mouth and chewing slowly. Taking a sip between each bite, he listened in on the conversation for the moment staying quiet and nodding in agreement with Addy's words. Swallowing a bite, Simon looked at Addy. "Hardly doubt they'll bring her up, they never liked her from the beginning but they never told me why," he spoke indifferently, not bothered by it. "Anyways, it really isn't up to them whether I should have moved on from you or not." He shoved another bite of pancake in his mouth, chewing it slowly. "And it's all in the past, so I'm sure they'll love you just the way you...just like I do." He finished off his plate, pushing it away slightly and picking up his coffee and sipping at it slowly, letting the warmth of it wake him up. Buffy finished off her food and walked over to the front door, scratching it with a paw and looking over to everyone hoping that someone would let her out.

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#182896 Posted on 2018-08-07 04:36:42


Closing her light blue eyes momentarily and leaning into the kiss and then finishing her pancake and coffee. “Um I’m going to get dressed.....Addy come help me pick something out....please.” Asking the broken up sentence and pushing back the chair and standing up and picking up her plate and mug. Carrying them into the kitchen and placing them in the sink. Addy following after her. Walking to the bedroom she and Carter shared and walking to the closet which was divided half in half. Flickering on the light switch and entering it. Scanning her light blue eyes down the dresses to pick out “Navy or Red?” Pointing to the two dresses that hung up in the closet on her side. Seeing Addy pick up the Red one and hold it out with a smile for her. Hugging Addy once before backing up and light blue eyes widening at the brown spider that clung to the dress top. Dropping the dress and seeing the brown spider crawl towards them. “S-sp-spider....” Pointing to it and backing to the corner with Addy following after her. Seeing the spider walking slowly on the carpet towards them in the corner to get back to its web. Morgan trying to shove Addy in front and vise versa. “NO Addalyn I’m not going to Kill Kill it.” Both girls in the corner of the closet. Feeling something land on her shoulder and letting out an invoulantary shriek causing Addy to let out a shreik. Feeling a hand brush her shoulder and see Addy smack a second spider of her shoulder. Light blue eyes widening at the two spiders on the floor. Morgan clearing her throat once before, “CARTER!!” Screaming his name with tears rushing to her light blue eyes.


Finishing her meal and hearing Simon’s reassuring words “Thanks honey.” Hazel-Green eyes watching Simon’s face momentarily. Hearing Morgan’s broken up sentence causing her to giggle “Sure I’m done and we can get you all presentable for his family and your mom coming.” Smiling and carrying her stuff after Morgan to the sink. Placing it in and following after Morgan to the bedroom and then the closet. Stepping inside and looking at her side scanning it over with her hazel-green eyes. “Well the Navy blue dress is pretty and can be worn on a date with him but, the red dress will make you pop out more and it matches your hair so do this one.” Smiling and picking up the dress examining it for a moment “Plus I’m sure Carter wont mind it since it does show skin in the back in some places.” Holding it out and seeing a Morgan grab it before throwing it down with a shreik. Hazel-green eyes widening to the spider that landed on her foot. Flexing her foot out and kicking it off rushing to the corner where Morgan was both girls fighting over who got the corner. “This is how I go by a spider....what am I gunna say to Simon.....more like you once I’m dead by these spiders.” Whacking the one of Morgan’s shoulder and letting out an involuntary shreik along with Morgan and hearing her call Carter’s name. “SIMON!!!!” screaming his name with the same tears forming in her eyes. “Tell Simon I love him and he’s the best thing that every happened to me....he’s got the most precious brown eyes....gosh that smirk and those sarcastic comments...” swallowing the lump forming in her throat and clinging to Morgan.

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#182920 Posted on 2018-08-07 10:43:56


Carter nodded, backing his own chair away and taking his dishes to the sink, turning the water on and beginning to rinse off all the dishes while Simon put the clean ones up from the dishwasher. Finishing off, the last of the dishes, he placed them in the dishwasher, closing it to await more dishes later. Drying his hands, he walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch and crossing his legs before turning the tv on and flipping through channels. Landing on a rerun of 'The Office' he laughed along with Simon at the funny parts. A fit of laughing was interrupted, both boys looking to each other before simultaneously getting up from the couch and rushing down the hall, pushing one another out of the way. Carter looked over Simon's shoulder trying to assess what was going on. His eyes averted to the floor at the large brown spiders crawling around, backing up slightly and pushing Simon out of the way towards the spiders no less. "You ki-kill them," Carter stuttered, grabbing on to the sleeves of Addy and Morgan's shirts and pulling them out of the closet. 


Simon cleared off the table, placing the dishes in the sink and allowing Carter to rinse them while he put away the clean ones from the dishwasher. Once finished, he turned and walked to the front door, allowing for the dogs to go outside, standing on the porch watching them for a moment before heading back inside and joining Carter on the couch to watch a rerun of 'The Office'. Laughing along with him, it was cut short when he heard both Addy and Morgan screaming for them. Simon stumbled from the couch, fighting Carter to get to them, stopping in the doorway, looking at Addy and Morgan before seeing the spiders on the floor. He felt his body shoved forward towards the spiders, nearly losing his balance but catching himself before he fell face first. Rolling his eyes at Carter, "I didn't know I lived with three girls and not two." He grabbed the nearest shoe, drawing his arm back and squishing the first spider and doing the same to the second one. He walked out of the closet and into the bathroom, getting the bath tissue and cleaning up the spider corpses and flushing them down the toilet. Walking back into the bedroom, he pulled Addy to him and hugged her tight, placing a kiss on her forehead. 

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