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#117661 Posted on 2017-08-12 13:44:03

* Horses unable to be registered in more than 1 club should be fixed.

Just an FYI, I've had a day off today as I've been spending time with husband, but tomorrow I'll be concentrating on trying to get all the bigger bugs (monthly fees, etc) under control.

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#117662 Posted on 2017-08-12 13:45:02

Thank you Abbey!

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#117731 Posted on 2017-08-13 04:14:16

* Applied a fix to horses being accepted into registry - notifications should now be correctly sent.
* Paying monthly club fees should no longer state personal funds when paid directly from the club's bank page.  It should also not check for the fee from money on hand.
* Club joining fees should now be removed from your money on hand.
* Donating to the club now corrects if a comma was added.
* Have fixed duplicate notifications if changing price and fee frequency at the same time.
* It should now show horse registration fees as incoming money rather than outgoing in the club bank.  This was just a display bug, money was transferring correctly.
* Monthly membership fees due should no longer display for owners of the clubs.  Also the funky colours have been fixed.

* I cannot replicate the reported bug of horses being rejected when trying to accept them.

@Rook - 2017-09-08 00:00:00 is when your club's monthly fees are due - it's the same as everyone else's because that's when I set it to give everyone a free month for their clubs.  Monthly membership fees are member-specific and you can see when members' fees are due on the members listing page.

Regarding paying membership, I just noticed that I didn't code anywhere for members to pay their monthly fee in advance - where are you getting a button to pay this and it doesn't work?

Monthly Fee and Membership Fees are different things here, so I'm just curious where you're finding a button to pre-pay membership when I didn't code one xD

This was a bug, that button should not have shown up at all. It should be fixed now :) there is also a button to pay for membership up front on the main club page as well for non-owners.

Last edited on 2017-08-13 at 04:23:43 by Abbey

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#117739 Posted on 2017-08-13 07:47:14

I just tried to accept some of my own horses into the gypsy club and it worked fine. Can't yet test it on other people's horses as none have applied. It could be the issue's somehow been fixed, but I'll report back once I've been able to test it properly.

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#117832 Posted on 2017-08-14 05:42:36

When I try to apply for my horses to be registered, it just says that "You applied for the registration of your horse, Shilo, in this club."

Neither of my horses are called Shilo lol. I was trying to apply to the gv club

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#117841 Posted on 2017-08-14 08:04:39

The same thing happened to me with the mystery horse named "Shilo"! Though it was the Friesian club for me, which was an automatic registry (so it isn't just manual registries). I saw the notice at the top of the page, but of course had clicked away before I got a real good look at it, and thought maybe I had imagined it. (And it was my last registerable horse, too, so I couldn't test it again.) I'd been scrolling down after each horse so quickly I don't know if it said it for *all* the horses I registered, or only the last one, or some but not others. (This was back on day two-ish of the new club system, if that helps.) All my correct horses did get registered, so it didn't seem to impact anything except the displayed name.

ETA: I applied for registration for all of my Welsh Ponies today, and all of them do indeed show up as "Shilo" in the top description.

Last edited on 2017-08-14 at 21:19:29 by «» Only the Wind

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#117897 Posted on 2017-08-14 16:38:22

Items in your display case show up on the list for items you can donate to clubs.

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#117925 Posted on 2017-08-14 21:22:19

The member limits don't seem to be working... I looked at the "Morgans of Color" group today, and it had 11/10 members. I joined, and it now has 12/10 members.

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#117954 Posted on 2017-08-15 09:10:29

Apologies if this was mentioned earlier and I missed it: When you receive a newsletter from a club, clicking on the club name in the subject ("A newsletter has been posted to xxx club called blah blah") takes you to a page saying the club can not be found.

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#118053 Posted on 2017-08-16 03:34:03

On my other club International Pintaloosa Horse Registry, there says on the main page where clubs basics are listed that there are  0 horses registered, but when I click on that link, there are all the horses that are registered within the club available to see :S

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#118058 Posted on 2017-08-16 05:03:59

@Notori - those horses should be removed now, sorry about that!

* Clubs should no longer be able to accept members if they have no spare membership slots.
* Items in display should no longer show up as items to donate.
* Clicking on the club name in notifications for newsletters should now take you to the correct club (will apply for future notifications only).

* I can't seem to replicate the bug which shows Shilo as the name of your horse.  I'm not sure what's happening here because if you check your bank and userlog history, the names show up correctly - so it should output the same name (as it uses the same variable) in the success message for applying.

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#118065 Posted on 2017-08-16 07:22:17

Just tried it now registering this horse (pending) in the Gypsy Vanner club. The horse was unlocked today and I was a member of the club before the changeover. I don't have any more Friesians or Welsh Ponies to test for the Friesian/Welsh clubs.

Also with the Gypsy Vanner club it's set to breed only but the list shows all my breeds, whereas other club pages only show the accepted breeds. 

I tried to replicate the issue with another club. I joined the Shetland Pony club and registered Brigade (auto accepted). I also did a test register (pending) to the Paint Horse club I was already a member of and still didn't get the issue. I registered with the Trakehner club and registered an unlocked horse without issue. So seems like it's only affecting a few clubs?

This is the user log, "Shilo" leads to Big City the horse first registered. My bank looks the same just with the actual club names. I registered another horse in the Gypsy Vanner club and still got Shilo in the message, log and bank. 

Last edited on 2017-08-16 at 07:33:36 by maplɛ

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#118080 Posted on 2017-08-16 09:17:05

I have the same bug as Maple when registering my horses in the Sabino Horse Society club. All of my horses get the confirmation notification with the name Shilo.

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#118164 Posted on 2017-08-17 11:12:23

Today when applying for registration for some of my horses into the Colored Horse Club, the names appeared correctly at the top of the page. (Not "Shilo.") It appeared to only be a display issue when it was occurring, since the correct horses were listed as having applied and such. If it happens again I will try to screenshot it.
In case it matters, since maple mentioned it: for the Friesian and Welsh Pony clubs (where the "Shilo" bug occurred for me) I was a member prior to the system change, but I joined the Colored Horse Club just a few days ago.

Though also to maple: for the GV club, since the registry is manual rather than automatic, it doesn't limit the breeds you can apply with, I believe. For an automatic registry, only horses that meet the requirements appear in the dropdown, but for a manual registry, any horse can apply regardless of the requirements, leaving it up to the owner/admins to accept or deny. Incidentally, I would really like a way to blend the two - like have the breed be a hard requirement so only the proper breed can apply, yet still have the individual horses be accepted/denied manually so that a club could factor in aspects of the horse the registry doesn't account for (color, genetics, pedigree, etc.) So it's not a bug, per se, but I do hope it eventually changes.

New Bug:
I did notice that after applying for registration in the Color Club, the horse does not disappear from the drop-down list. (You can't double-apply for the same horse; I tried just to see, and it does give an alert saying that the horse is either already registered or has an application in.)
However, I really liked having them disappear after applying for registry, since it made it very easy to see which horses I still needed to register. Now there's no way to tell if a horse has already been registered or not without trying again, or going to look at each horse to see, which gets super cumbersome for a large herd.
Now in the GV club (another manual registry, if it winds up mattering), some of my already-registered Vanners show up on the list again, but only the same GVs I just applied to the Colored Horse Club with. (The ones that again show up in the drop down for the GV club have been accepted already; they do not have pending applications or anything.)
I do not know if this will hold true for automatic registries as well, or will happen the same with a horse that hasn't yet been registered in another club. It just seems like something is wonky.

Last edited on 2017-08-17 at 11:57:30 by «» Only the Wind

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#118299 Posted on 2017-08-18 20:12:07

Every time a new person joins either of my clubs, it looks like it deducts money from the club instead of paying me the $ that go towards the clubs bank.

Last edited on 2017-08-18 at 20:15:35 by Notori

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