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Foals of ⁶ Altered Logic

All Foals of ⁶ Altered Logic
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
° Tip of Logic 22 years old Sonoma TW {Tipperfly} l 58.11 | SHW
ELE.I Deep Blue* 22 years old Sabriel ⁴ Into the Ocean
⁷ Abandoned Logic 22 years old Sonoma ³ Burning Abandon
Seventh Generation 9 years old ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔡 - 009| parisian star. 7ns
42 oeo 67.41 EeAa 4 years old Confessor II ³ Burning Abandon
63.42 hP Stone Cold 0 years old 55.63 hP Token of Appreciation