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Foals of (Q) SilSmCreDun | 77.88 | 2978

All Foals of (Q) SilSmCreDun | 77.88 | 2978
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Acrobatic Rooster Ale 11 years old Deer Creek II s. ย❂Rooster's Paradox 84.70
New Foal 10 years old Blue Veil Silver Blaze
Onyx and Omens | 80.69 9 years old Kinder Sunny Onyx 83.29
(Q) Nothing Like Home 86.80 3 years old DanishGirl 1791 spd
New Foal 86.44 2 years old Wild African Paradise Golden Sun
New Foal 88.79 1 year old DanishGirl 1791 spd
retire 0 years old Spooks SR Shadow Lights {93.95}
New Foal 88.98 0 years old (Q) Dancing Spirit 96.66