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Foals of (W) Runner's Chance {86.17}

All Foals of (W) Runner's Chance {86.17}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Silver Zen 22 years old Ghostchant [w] Honey Comb
$for sale$ (84.93) 22 years old CarrierPigeon Smoky Xena
(W) Running To You {84.57} 20 years old Grace (W) Someone To You {82.97}
World's Chance 5 years old ᵍ ᵒ ᵃ ᵀ☀ retired
retired 3 years old ♔ Dulcet
retired 2 years old HF Satin
retired 2 years old Chronic (80.00)
retired 1 year old HF Silver