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About this new "account locking" thing...

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About this new "account locking" thing...

#96726 Posted on 2017-03-08 04:46:23

So my game is less than a week old, and the other day I read about an update to keep horses from dying. The problem is:

I logged in several times yesterday, but the device I have logs me out if I'm on a different page for more than 30 seconds, and I never fully got around the motions with my horses. Even then I still logged in several times within the last 24 hours, so why did it lock my account this morning? And now, despite having 3/4 days left in my payment, it took all of my horses out of their stables so I have to pay to put them back.

Question: Is this something we're supposed to keep an eye on during this test run, or is this how it's going to be?

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Lofty Remsby

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#96730 Posted on 2017-03-08 05:11:05

So my wasn't the only acount that locked for no reason. The only thing that has happened to me is that I got a second new foal notification for a foal that was born yesterday.

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#96731 Posted on 2017-03-08 05:11:58

There's a thread about it on the Bug Board, both of my active account got locked at 03:55 and no horses have reset.

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#96735 Posted on 2017-03-08 05:25:40

This sounds like a bug. I've never heard of that happening before but it definitely shouldn't happen. I would recommend reporting it in the bug board. Try to include as much information as you can, like what device you're on. Do you have any idea why it logs you out so quickly?

The issue with your horses being taken out of their stables is what normally happens if your account gets locked, and you will lose the payment. The issue is more that your account got locked when it shouldn't have. I'm not sure what's going on there.

Last edited on 2017-03-08 at 05:26:51 by UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#96739 Posted on 2017-03-08 05:43:47

There has been a bug with locking some account at 3:55, right before the cron, I had it on my second account too.

About the kicking horses out of their stables even though still having 5/6/7 days boarding payed left, I've had that too when I tried locking and unlocking a division (I barely use it, but it was with the missing foal issue). Didn't see anyone else post about it, so thought it was just me, but maybe another bug.

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#96782 Posted on 2017-03-08 09:14:10

The post for the bug with the account lock is HERE with an explanation by Abbey, it literally was just a bug! but anyone affected should lock and unlock their account to make sure the bug clears.
Although your other problem sounds like a much bigger problem and one that;s only affecting you. I know if you don't check the "keep me logged in" on your login you'll be logged out in about 15 minutes of activity, but 30 seconds seems excessive. If you could gather all the details and post on the bug board maybe we can get some answers.

The removal of horses from stables when your account/division is locked is to prevent the horses from taking up space without paying the stable owner. This is remedied in the new Manual Progression option that's being tested right now and will be implemented gamewide sometime soon. In manual progression your board days continue to count down if you don't log in, but your horse will stay boarded until they have no board days left and the stable owner kicks them out.

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#96928 Posted on 2017-03-09 08:59:10

Thanks for all the info, everyone. The friend who told me about this game said it was most probably that glitch.

30 seconds is a bit of exaggeration on my part, it's closer to several minutes, but that I know is my phone. Unless I choose "remember me" all my web pages log me out. I was just wondering if that had anything to do with what was happening.

Thanks again!

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Lofty Remsby

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