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Wigs? O.o

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Wigs? O.o

#8834 Posted on 2016-02-24 00:50:33

Sooooo for those of you who know Ghoul more personally, you know that I like to change up my hair color A LOT. The last time I saw my natural color was like five or six years ago. So I decided to grow my hair out and let my natural color come back. Several months in, and I began to go crazy from not being able to change it up a little. I'm stuck with a dingy brown color until it grows out... So I decided to splurge as a late birthday present and buy a few wigs. I. AM. SO. HAPPY.

I got a red curly one (which I'll show below), a really long pastel pink one, and a short half-black and half-white one. They're all pretty cool and I'll show them all off eventually, but the red one was the only one I got a picture of today.

Happy me is happy.

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#8839 Posted on 2016-02-24 01:01:00

I've considered doing something similar. I love my bright colors but my hair does not. Get this; my roots bleach out to nearly pure white in 5 minutes. My ends you can bleach 5 times for more than 30 minutes each separate sitting and it never gets to even near white/platinum. Even with a color remover, first. Then.. the rest of my hair takes color beautifully but my roots refuse. Not to mention that the last time I tried to go for dark burgundy/purple yeah... rust orange. My hair turned Rust. Orange. Not even kidding. My hair hates me. -sigh- But I do so love my bright colors. At one point my hair was black except for one section in front. That section was rainbow colored. Well.. red, fuchsia/hot pink, bright purple, darker purple, blue, turquoise and green. I'm sad I didn't take a picture. It was really cool and I miss it.

Buuut.. it'll be a long while before I do anything like that to my hair again. My thyroid and hormone levels are way out of balance and effecting the texture of my hair. It's pretty dry and brittle right now and no, it's not from bleach/color remover/dye. I haven't done anything to my hair in so long I'm about back to my natural color and my hair is still pretty wacky. -pout-

Last edited on 2016-02-24 at 01:04:30 by Mouse

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#8947 Posted on 2016-02-24 10:29:48

Wow, that sounds pretty difficult o.o That's no fun! Mine is pretty easy, the color holds well and it bleaches pretty easily. I generally only have to bleach like once a year, and that's just whenever I'm taking black out. My hair is still decently healthy, but I still want to give it a break for a little while and let it relax xD You could definitely consider getting some wigs too though, they're actually pretty cheap on Amazon if you get certain ones c:

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#10707 Posted on 2016-02-26 20:41:06

Wigs are awesome! I wish I could wear them. I have a beautiful brown curly one but my scalp is just too sensitive :'(

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#10710 Posted on 2016-02-26 20:44:36

what a cool idea! XD

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#11390 Posted on 2016-02-27 18:01:39

Wooo Guess what!? I just figured out how to make it so I can wear wigs again! Numbing cream is my friend, weird I know but hey... if it makes it easier on me I'll take it.

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#11425 Posted on 2016-02-27 18:49:37

You look lovely! I have mousy brown hair and I get bored and dye it, too. (In fact, I've been itching to dye it lately.) Unfortunately, my hair is thin so I can only dye it once a year. I normally go for red, but I like the wig idea. I could change the length & color. Just curious - how much did they cost you? It's okay if you'd rather not say. I just thought I'd ask.

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