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[ADDED] Be able to breed from the mare's page?

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → [ADDED] Be able to breed from the mare's page?

Topic is locked [ADDED] Be able to breed from the mare's page?

#87637 Posted on 2017-01-15 16:24:54

This suggestion has been marked as "Added To The Game". Thank you, Ж wox, for the suggestion and to those of you who supported for making Equiverse better!

Just a little thing that's been bugging me a whole lot.

So for stallions, below the heading 'Pedigree, Breeding, and Foals' there's a link written in white text titled 'Breed a mare to this stallion', but there's no such link on the mares page. I propose that a link titled 'Breed a stallion to this mare' is put on the mare's page.

I want this addition to the game because it's tiresome to go through and find the stallion in the pair just so I can breed. I breed when the older horse out of the pair is aging tomorrow, so if the mare is older I will be checking her page to see when she ages rather than the stallions page. I have more than one hundred horses, and it takes a significant amount of time to find the other horse in the pair for each breeding, especially when I'm breeding multiple pairs on the same day.

if you don't support please tell me why

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Ж wox

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#87641 Posted on 2017-01-15 16:45:54

100% support; I believe Abbey mentioned adding this once but can't find the post.

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#209525 Posted on 2019-09-24 14:37:08

Added! ♥

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