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Question for ya'll!

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Question for ya'll!

#84011 Posted on 2016-12-29 21:53:26

When buying Characters, what do you look for?

What styles do you prefer? Realistic, Chibi, Somewhere in between?

Do you prefer natural color and markings or more abstract and "different"?

I spend a lot of time designing and coloring characters but want input from the actual market! I don't need all the extra characters I have laying around because no one is interested in them lol

So, what do you prefer?

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#84012 Posted on 2016-12-29 22:01:26

1. Somewhere inbetween

2. "different"

I'll only buy designs on chibi lines if I see a really cool design I like

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#84031 Posted on 2016-12-29 23:25:49

I like things that are unique looking but could be actual horses myself. That's my preference.

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#84035 Posted on 2016-12-30 00:52:09

On both I prefer something in the middle.

I like a toony look to my horses, but chibi is a bit far and the deformation can obscure the pattern.

Colour and markings... I love markings that could be real, but aren't found in real life. Made-up genes with rhyme and reason I really dig. I tend to like colours kept tame, but a little bit of fun can't hurt~

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#84049 Posted on 2016-12-30 06:50:03

When buying Characters, what do you look for? accessories, scars, and/or unique designs that really capture my imagination and make me want to buy and use that character for stories and recolors alike

What styles do you prefer? Realistic, Chibi, Somewhere in between? in between... I want to be able to read the character's emotions through slightly-cartoony drawings (like mine), but chibi isn't realistic at all and can't really be used unless revamped imo

Do you prefer natural color and markings or more abstract and "different"? rainbow colors everywhere is a bit much, but I do like unnaturals as long as they're regulated... my favorites are semi-naturals or even just naturals with unique markings, but a plain old natural isn't bad either

So, what do you prefer? stuff being sold in the 13- boards heh

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#84104 Posted on 2016-12-30 11:07:16

As for the lineart, I much prefer a realistic or close to realistic set of lines. It doesn't have to be perfectly true to life but I would much rather have a design that looks believably like a horse than something chibi. The chibi thing has never appealed to me for whatever reason, I guess cause I like to think of my characters as real in a way.

I can't explain exactly what I look for in designs, because the ones that capture my attention aren't consistently one way or another, but I think I generally am into non-conventional/unpredictable designs.

Designs that incorporate semi-unrealistic elements can be good, such as a spattering of an unnatural colour, or coat patterns from a wild animal breed, or a twist on completely natural horse pelt colours/shapes that makes them more interesting. I want something that feels special and not like another average-looking design anyone could come up with in a couple of minutes. There has to be something there that makes that design speak to me.

That being said though, an interesting design doesn't necessarily have to be a super complicated one either . . . as someone who does recolours a lot, when I see an overly complex design I am hesitant to buy it because I know how difficult it will be to have recoloured. So that plays into it as well.

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#84106 Posted on 2016-12-30 11:12:02

I much prefer natural designs and like River, realistic lines. The more realistic the whole design looks, the better. I love my appy designs and adore dunalinos, red duns, dapples, flaxens n silvers

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