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ALL Arabians are for sale (ONLY 2 left!!)

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ALL Arabians are for sale (ONLY 2 left!!)

#6732 Posted on 2016-02-20 18:15:37

It was so long ago that I locked my account that I have no idea what I was doing with my Arabians. What I was aiming for/breeding pairs etc. Now that the recode has happened I don't know if I want to come back yet or if I want to breed arabians etc. If I do come back I think I would like to start fresh so I have put up ALL my horses for sale.

I do know that before I locked my account my horses would have had clean pedigree's. No deceased horses in the lines or inbreeding (no matter how far back I would always check) so if the owners import their accounts or in a year and the rest get imported their pedigrees should be fine.

-I also don't believe I kept any siblings or related horses.
-There are lots of foundations
-Lots of Sabino and Rabicano in my herd

Come take a look!

I've decided that starting from now the next time I log in after cron runs I will accept the highest bids. Take care of the horses that are left, accept the highest bids after the next cron after that etc. Until none are left or haven't gotten a bid on three consecutive days then possibly put them in the RC.

45 horses sold
2 horses left

Only 2 Left
Cheap Prices added to horses! $1000-$2500 range

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 15:26:06 by takingthe.r.eins

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#9491 Posted on 2016-02-25 07:38:02

Oehh i will take a look :)

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