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all locked horses for offer -pm-

ForumsHorse Classifieds → all locked horses for offer -pm-

all locked horses for offer -pm-

#59171 Posted on 2016-08-05 20:58:03

Well, I've had my breeding Quarter Horses and their foals locked for a little while now.
I'm thinking I will sell them all then put more money into my Movie-Themed show Geldings.

So, as the title says, pm me offers on them!
I will accept no little than 10k. As most of them have 200+ stats.
I do have some oldies but goodies that only have a few days left in them - i would like if they could as well go to some good homes.

Please be fair!
Thank you!

I need them gone soon!

Last edited on 2016-08-27 at 11:22:51 by snoglobe

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