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Are donations for rescues allowed?

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Are donations for rescues allowed?

#47539 Posted on 2016-06-16 22:42:36

@Zell just because we set up a donation pool do sent mean we need money... if people want to donate it is there option we are not begging them for money... in fact we have had enough to get started and going so please don't make comments in a place that you know nothing about. And as far as the RC horses that is the whole point. If they really do get deleted because no one wants them don't they deserve a chance to be taken in instead of being shipped off and deleted?and perhaps even find a new good home to go to? Even if they are just pixels it is not the horses so much we care about but the game itself. The same reason that everyone is on here, for the joy of playing the game.

Saying they don't matter is saying that you wouldn't care if all of your characters were delted? To some people actually have a connection with these so called "pixels" and they have a meaning to them just as if they were real.

Sorry if this came off as rude just sharing my opinion and intake from the situation.

Last edited on 2016-06-16 at 22:44:22 by Laney

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#47540 Posted on 2016-06-16 22:49:21

You can't really delete characters because they exist inside someone's mind..

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#47541 Posted on 2016-06-16 22:50:09

If you have enough money, then why bother with donations?

In real life if a rescue paid for everything out of pocket and had the funding to do so without the need for donations and still asked for/accepted donations, they would get into a lot of legal trouble (and unfortunately it has happened... along with other horrible things).

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#47557 Posted on 2016-06-17 00:15:32

Just my two cents here, I think that having a rescue to better the game is a brilliant idea (pending it doesn't just take up space, ie; has some kind of minimum criteria), although it's a bit cheeky to ask for money for what is essentially, at the end of the day, your project, when your fully capable of funding yourself:P

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#47561 Posted on 2016-06-17 02:05:57

As a player who run a training charity in the old version of EV and knows about financial side of the problem I would like to suggest you a strategy that could save you some money.
Focus on entering your PORC horses into other players' Riding Schools and avoid regular shows altogether. Thus your horses will be gaining stats as needed and will be brining some firm income (at least 315 EVD per horse). This way you probably won't be needing donations.

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#47568 Posted on 2016-06-17 04:20:59

I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who has commented with ideas or comments!

Unfortunately... We will most likely to be forced to shut down here soon. I logged onto the rescue account this morning and received a message containing the following...

I'm contacting you in regards to this account being shared. As the Equiverse ToS states,
"Members may not share accounts. The site is not responsible for any game items, site currency, horses, or other game assets lost as a result of account sharing. This includes sharing account details with any other member, a sibling, child, parent, friend, etc."
So, only one person can run the account. Otherwise, the account will be suspended.
Thank you,

I have removed the moderators name so that no fingers will be pointed. I am only posting this because I would like to inform you all of the situation that has surfaced. Laney and myself still must discuss what will happen to the rescue but like I said in the begging we are being forced to shut down. Thank you all for your lovely donations. The will not be wasted, I myself will still run a rescue and I'm sure Laney will do something similar.

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#47576 Posted on 2016-06-17 06:07:28

I have an idea guys...
Its a GAME for goodness sake, stop taking it so seriously!! If they want to run a rescue, thats fine - it doesnt affect your life, let them play the GAME how they want to!!
And here's another idea...
If you dont like it, leave the topic?

P.s. Vos I run a guinea pig sanctuary in real life and have a donation option available. If people want to help, then they are free to do that of their own accord even though i can afford things as is. The money all goes solely to the guineas so they can have extra nice things like toys :3

P.p.s Just saw Boppers post - but this all still applies. Let Bopper and Laney do what they want D:

Last edited on 2016-06-17 at 06:10:58 by Hoofieʱ

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#47577 Posted on 2016-06-17 06:09:56

One person can always run the rescue, do the dirty work if that's what you want to call it, and the other can still be an owner - just without the account information. Help make decisions, etc. If you keep it small it shouldn't be too difficult. Or you could both have a rescue, and have them be connected.

As for having a rescue, it's not something I would do personally. But if you feel like doing it, go for it. As much as everyone on the game is quick to say everyone should be able to play the game however they like I'm kinda appalled at how quickly everyone decided to jump all over the idea of having a rescue. If someone wants to save horses from being deleted more power to them, it's how they want to play.

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#47599 Posted on 2016-06-17 10:15:46

Thank you NITT for the suggestions :)And thank you Hoofie for being a supporter :) i have asked bopper to change the password and user name so that i have no accsess to the account. i have asked bopper to keep the account as her. The rescue now belongs to her as the rightful owner that way we dont have to be shut down. Even though i am no longer apart of this i still appreciate everyone who actually saw the good in our idea instead of bringing us down for it. Bopper will be running it so i wish her good luck!

Last edited on 2016-06-17 at 10:35:42 by Laney

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#47607 Posted on 2016-06-17 10:45:15

1. Account sharing is not allowed, regardless of how many people support the "rescue".
2. Arguing this fact won't change the Terms of Service.
3. Moderators can't simply "let them do what they want." Without rules EV would be chaotic.
4. They can still run a rescue together, just not on the same account.
5. I would appreciate it if Moderator messages would remain private. The moderator's name was removed, yes, but those are only meant to be seen by the moderator and the player.
6. There is a rescue center for a reason.

I don't make the rules, I only enforce them.

Considering that this topic is escalating into more of a fight than anything, I suggest you guys stop arguing, otherwise the topic will be locked and removed.

Thank you.

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#47620 Posted on 2016-06-17 12:13:02

We were not trying to start any sort of fight. We were only asking a simple question in the begging. After that was answered I'd did escalate... But everything is fine. Thank you all for everything. Yes as Laney has stated I am now the owner of the facility.

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#47622 Posted on 2016-06-17 12:21:59

Nari i am not trying to pick a fight with anyone just to clear the air there. It has been sorted out now so there is nothing to worry about. We dont think the cause of this whole thing is you, as you stated you dont make the rules you just enforce them.

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