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Making A Successful Stable?

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Making A Successful Stable?

#41451 Posted on 2016-05-27 09:47:52

What does everybody do to make their stable successful with training others horses, riding school and boarding? I have 30 stalls for $10/week, 4 arenas and the riding school yet the only thing that I seem to be successful with are show entries...

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Diamond K Stables

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#41531 Posted on 2016-05-27 15:33:49

I make most of my money off arenas. I have 114 of them right now, and I buy one new one every day. I use them to make $100 shows, and that brings in anywhere from $50,000-$80,000 a day, usually. A little off of training, too, but only a few hundred dollars. I also show my horses and almost always make a few thousand in profit there, but I'm really aiming for stats. I don't do boarding, because I find the income doesn't justify tying up the stalls for me. I get a little off of putting my non-showing horses in the riding school, a few thousand here and there for studs, and an occasional horse sale. But it's mostly from making shows with my arenas. I think that is the single best investment you can make in the game. I'm supporting my herd of 224 with plenty left over.

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#41535 Posted on 2016-05-27 16:21:35

Unfortunately Riding Schools and Stables both default sort by player id, so your Stable and Riding school may not make you a whole lot of money on it's own simply because your player number is much higher than many others. The only way to really get your name out there is to advertise your stables or offer some sort of incentive to get people to use your services. Being active in discussions on the forums, posting on the news, being active in clubs, etc. all gets your name out there. actual advertising of your stable and it's services should be in the Other Sales portion of the forums under advertisements. For the riding school right now there's nothing to improve upon once you have it, but you can always expand your stable slots further for a relatively small sum. Having more space means people can board more horses at once if they desire.

Arenas ares hard to get noticed and require a bit of money when you first start with them. There's all sorts of naming tricks to get your arena to show up first since they're sorted alphabetically. Most people like to train all their horses in one arena so periodically upgrading your slots really can help! Even just one slot a day builds up over time. I recommend doing one every time you have a bit of spare cash and upgrade your most used and highest level arenas first. Personally I'm going for One of each discipline and Grade level but I have the horse load to be able to get there on this account. On my spare I offer a training deal for players to get a portion of their money back if they train with me. Remember players are going to go towards the cheapest and or fastest way of doing things most often, so make sure you're competitive by pricing low with a lot of space

Creating shows will always be your biggest money maker most likely(I don't usually make shows so I can't verify, but it's the one thing that everyone needs more of). You can price high and get a few high paid entries or low and get a medium amount of lower priced entries. Remember a lot for EV players use the convenience of Auto-show which has the options Cheapest(default), Most expensive, lowest entries and highest entries, so it's usually best to stick to high or low fees.

EV is a deluxe rich environment so many people will use their own stables and their own training arenas, but if you develop very nice ones, well organized easy to use training arenas, a Simple riding school and spacious Stable space, and advertise accordingly you're bound to pick up a few customers that will stick with you.

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