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The Lion Queen [Sign Ups]

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The Lion Queen [Sign Ups]

#31791 Posted on 2016-04-17 16:10:52

Unfortunately I cannot provide you with some catchy plot summary to evoke any interest: to put it simply, this is a roleplay based on The Lion King, but with our own characters. Many things will happen, and you will just have to trust me when I say I will do my best to keep you interested. Please read the rules and info below before you sign up, thanks!

Sign Ups: [deleted everything in parentheses]

- Be kind, respectful, polite, and active. Inactivity will result in characters being given away or killed off without warning. It is not my job to send out messages to you if you are not on. It is completely your responsibility to check this roleplay and remain active. If you are going to be inactive for an extended period of time, let me know and your characters will be safe.
- Absolutely no graphic breeding or violence. I really don't care to read about chunks of flesh being ripped out or any of that other stuff, so don't include it.
- Please do not keep asking when this will start. Whining does not make me want to start it any sooner. We need a lot of characters and a lot active players in order to start.
- No one may play the mate of their own character.
- Literacy is not optional. There is the saying quality over quantity, and I hold true to that. Proper spelling and grammar skills must be used at all times. I understand small mishaps do happen, and I know I'm far from perfect in these areas, but you should be able to write well if you wish to join.
- I have the right to ban any player from participating or signing up if they violate any of my rules.
- I control the plot. Any and all major plot twists must be approved by me prior to starting them, or I will request an edited post.
- Be realistic. Lions here are normal lions. They do not have impossible markings or lightning stripes or whatever else, and they are not perfect. Every character has flaws.
- You must sign up at least one male and one female.
- Please ask if you have any questions. It will be easier to answer them before the roleplay starts as opposed to having to deal with them later.
- More rules may be added at any given time should I feel the need to input them.
- By signing up, you hereby agree to every term I have listed above. If you cannot follow my simple set of rules, you cannot participate in my roleplay.
- Have fun! If you're feeling left out, let us know and we'll be sure to include you. I want this to be a welcoming and happy community! :)

Pride Info:

The pride is run by a king and queen. The dominant figure is whichever is born of royal blood, while his or her mate is a consort. The monarch has absolute power, which means he or she is supreme leader, while every other animal is his or her subject.

The throne is inherited. Only those of royal blood may lead, unless there is an overthrow. Royal marriages are typically betrothals, but on occasion the future king or queen may be permitted to choose their own mate.


King: The presiding male in the pride. He is mate to the queen and typically serves as a guard-figure to protect the pride. [Chosen in RPG]

Queen: The ruling female in the pride. She is tasked with sending out hunting patrols, as well as being an authority figure and a symbol of stability to the pride. She is mates with the King. [1-me]

Princes/Princess: Children of the king and queen. The firstborn is destined to be the next leader. [None to start]

Huntresses: Any other adult lioness in the pride. They hunt regularly. [Unlimited]

Bachelors: Adult male lions who have been permitted to remain in the pride. They must swear absolute loyalty to the king and queen and are not allowed to continue their bloodline without given permission from the monarch. [3]

Adolescents: Young lions or lionesses who are growing more independent. Lionesses will likely join hunting patrols *only* to watch, but they are not permitted to join for their own safety. Lions will be kicked out of the pride once they reach two years of age. [Unlimited]

Cubs: Lions or lionesses in the pride who are still under the careful guidance of their mothers. [Unlimited-- *must* have a mother signed up]

Sign Ups: [everything in brackets must be deleted]

Name: [all names must be in Swahili. You can use google translate]
Meaning: [what the name above means in English]]
Gender: [Male or female]
Age: [in years and months]
Five Words: [five words to describe your character. Words, not phrases. Do not post sentences or your sign up will be rejected]
History: [mandatory]
Description: [be detailed when describing your character. Any pictures must look like art from The Lion King, and must be properly cited and allowed if you use them]
Crush: [optional]
Cubs: [try to avoid playing the cubs of your own character. Ask someone else to play a cub or a mother. Socialize!]

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#31803 Posted on 2016-04-17 17:14:45

Name: Safi
Meaning: Safi means "Clean" in Swahili, according to Google translate
Gender: Male
Age: About 6 months old
Rank: Cub
Five Words: Brave; loyal; strong; often wary
History: Safi and his sister, Uzuri (see below), were orphans for a while, wandering and stumbling about. Reaching a vast territory, they hoped to encounter friendly lions. That is when Huduma, a very young lioness (someone play Huduma? If not I shall :D) on a hunt, stumbled upon them while on the trail of a zebra. Huduma instantly stopped the hunt and decided to become the mother of the cubs.
Description: Safi is a little bigger than the average size for a six month old cub, but it is barely noticeable. His fur, a medium length, is the shade of pure, clean snow, with cream coloring his tail fur tuft, his ear hairs, his small mini-mane, and the tufts on his legs. His eyes are large and chocolate brown. His shiny white pelt ripples underneath with small muscles, though only a cub they are not very large. His sharp black claws are just the right size and are not overgrown.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Family: Huduma, Uzuri
Other: Nope

Name: Uzuri
Meaning: Beauty
Gender: Female
Age: About 6 months old
Rank: Cub
Five Words: Shy; small; worrywart; jumpy
History: Uzuri and her brother, Safi, were orphans for a while, wandering and stumbling about. Reaching a vast territory, they hoped to encounter friendly lions. That is when Huduma, a very young lioness (someone play Huduma? If not I shall :D) on a hunt, stumbled upon them while on the trail of a zebra. Huduma instantly stopped the hunt and decided to become the mother of the cubs.
Description: Uzuri's short coat is always kept well groomed and gleaming. It's dark brown color contrasts with the toffee brown of her tail fur tuft and ear hairs. Her large icey blue eyes are often filled with fear, though on occasion joy. They are very expressive and an easy way to read her emotions.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Family: Safi and Huduma
Other: None

Last edited on 2016-04-18 at 16:14:54 by Oswin

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#31840 Posted on 2016-04-17 19:06:47

Name: Wasiri
Meaning: "Secretive" as said in the google translation
Gender: Male
Age: About 5 years, 7 months
Rank: Bachelor (or King, if one is needed.)
Five Words: Observer--Secretive--Calm--Tempered--Patient
History: Wasiri was only an adolescent when his own father of a different pride was challenged by another. Unfortunately, his father was driven off with a crippling loss, and as tradition of lion prides, all of the cubs were to be killed off by the new King. Wasiri watched all of his own sibling die at the hands of the new King, and his mother just watch helplessly. Still being the young lion he was, he could only do what he knew how to do, and run. He ran out of the large territory to start his own life as a rouge until he made/joined a new pride.
Description: Wasiri's coat is a lovely, light, golden color that blends in perfectly with the tall grass of the plains. His large main is a shade dark, and the under layer is a dark shade of brown. His eyes are the typical shade of yellow, and on his strongly muscled arm is a light pink scar from a fight with a young alligator.
Crush: N/A
Mate: (Depends on his rank decided)
Cubs: N/A
Family: N/A

Name: Hasira
Meaning: "Angry"
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years, 2 months
Rank: Huntress
Five Words: [Grumpy--Tempered--Demanding--Confident--Active
History: Hasira had her previous pride attacked by illegal poachers as a cub, and had even managed to be injured in the event. This event traumatized her terribly, and even the sight of a human either sends her into a rage, or sends her running. Right as she was going to be send into the black market, authorities saved her, and patched her up before setting a microchip in her, and letting her go.
Description: She has a very pale coat, the color bordering between white and cream. Her shoulders are a shade dark than the rest o her body, as well as her ears, and muzzle. She has a small tear on her right ear, and a faint bullet scar on her hind. Her eyes are a dark brown color which usual gleamed with irritation, or fear with no in between.
Crush: Not at the moment.
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Family: N/A
Other: N/A

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#31846 Posted on 2016-04-17 19:47:41

Name: Najia
Meaning: "bright eyes"
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years, nine months
Rank: Queen
Five Words: || Dignified || Commanding || Mature || Pensive || Cautious ||

Najia was not the firstborn of King Sefu and Queen Mzuri. She had one elder brother, Mosi, who was destined to be thee next ruler for the Pridelands. She was fine with him taking over; she had little interest in such a great responsibility. While Mosi was off with Sefu, Najia was with Mzuri, learning how to behave like a proper princess. She was a bit of a rebellious girl who enjoyed to get dirty and was scolded often. She argued that she was not a ruler, nor would she be, and so why bother learning how to be one?

Mosi was only a few minutes her senior, but he liked to act like he was a year older than Najia. She was teased and pushed around, much to the dismay of their parents, and they only hoped their prince would grow out of his childish antics to become a more dignified ruler. He was betrothed to a young lioness named Afua and instead spent his time with her rather than tormenting his sister. Afua, knowing she would one day be queen, enjoyed bossing others around, including Najia. It was a constant struggle between the two to determine who had more authority, and both were scolded relentlessly by Mzuri for acting so stupid.

Over time, the young cubs matured and got along better. When Najia was two years and seven months old, the pride was ambushed by a group from far away who had lost their territory in a fire and sought out new one. King Sefu was ruthlessly slaughtered almost instantly. The two prides clashed head to head and fought for many hours until the Pridelanders came out victorious, but only after many deaths. Among them was Mosi. From that moment, Najia was the next ruler of the Pridelands.

She had one month to prepare. Mzuri had been grief-stricken from the loss of her mate and son and passed away, leaving the young and inexperienced princess as queen. She matured pretty quickly and began to act like a queen should, even though she was and is a mess inside. Many doubt her, for she is younger than any queen in the pride's history, and the area is unstable after such a terrible attack.
Description: Najia's coat is a very dark brown, almost to the point of looking black when she isn't in direct sunlight. Her eyes are rimmed with a very pale brown that is a stark contrast to her dark coat, as are her paws, belly, and muzzle. Her tail sports a long tuft of fur that is fawn brown in color. True to her name, Najia has bright golden eyes. She's a very petite lioness with a long tail and narrow face features. She has a soft and round face, giving her a very feminine look, and dainty paws. While she doesn't look like a leader, she holds her head and high and shoulders back, walking with the grace and dignity that her mother taught her.
Crush: TBD
Mate: TBD
Cubs: Will have eventually
Family: King Sefu, Queen Mzuri (parents), Mosi (elder brother), Makoas (half brother)
Other: XxX

Last edited on 2016-04-17 at 20:02:25 by Kyhas

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#31854 Posted on 2016-04-17 20:02:05

Name: Makosa
Meaning: Mistake
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year, five months
Rank: Adolescent
Five Words: || Defensive || Brooding || Sarcastic || Independent || Fearful ||
King Sefu was always imagined as a noble, good-hearted and strong king, which is true... mostly. There came a time when he began to become bored with his life. Every day was the same routine, and he sought out adventure. While walking alone on the edge of pride territory, he came across a beautiful lioness with a pelt as golden as the sun, and ices as pure as ice. She enchanted him, and he began to visit her daily, unknown to Queen Mzuri or his children.

After a while, the lioness, Kamili, discovered she was pregnant with the illegitimate child of none other than King Sefu himself. He refused to let her live on her own in danger and brought her with him back to the pride, telling the others that he found her in need. He did not say that the cubs she was carrying were his own.

A few months later came the arrival of the cub. From the minute eyes laid on him, it was clearly obvious who the father was. This caused a major rift in the royal family, and for many weeks the King and Queen did not speak to one another. They reconciled eventually when Sefu promised never to speak to Kamili again, much to her dismay. The child was named by Queen Mzuri herself, and she gave him the most degrading name one could think of-- Makosa. Mistake.

Makosa was not treated like anyone of royal birth. He was raised with the 'normal' cubs and King Sefu rarely spared a glance his way. He became bitter over this, wondering why he was punished for something that was not his fault, but he could not change it.
Description: A mirror image of King Sefu, Makosa has a rich brown pelt, not dark, but not light, either. His fur holds a reddish tint to it. His mane, which is well-grown for a lion his age, is light tawny and very thick. His eyes are dull brown, and he has abnormally long claws. Makosa is a large lion, with broad shoulders and thick legs, but he is little threat to the pride.
Crush: Open
Mate: XxX
Cubs: XxX
Family: King Sefu, Kamili (parents), Mosi, Najia (half-siblings)
Other: Unofficially, he would be the next in line if Najia died unless she has children. It is unlikely anyone would follow him if he ever were to become king.

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#31892 Posted on 2016-04-18 04:34:13

Name: Ukimya
Meaning: Silence
Gender: Female
Age: 5 moths
Rank: cub
Five Words: Silent, Shy, Sweet, Trustworthy, and Caring
History: Ukimya was a cub born to a loner lioness with her brother Giza. She loved her mother and brother very much. Until one day a male lion came onto there hiding spot. Immediately a fight began with her mother and the lion and Giza and her ran into the tall grass. Ukimya and her brother waited in the tall grass for ages it seemed like and finally caught a whiff of blood of there mother. The two cubs knew they couldnt stay so they ran of. Traveling for a week on there own they ran into a lioness named Naji (with your permission kyhas) and the lioness took both cubs in as her own.
Description: Ukimya is almost a exact replica of her mother. She has tawny gold pelt with dark brown paws. She has dark chocolate eyes of her mothers that seem to reflect kindness upon them. Ukimya has a dark caramel tail and light strands of sand color in them. Ukimya is a little leaner than her brother and looking feminine with sharp claws.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Family: Giza (brother) Naji (mother) if they can kyhas

Name: Giza
Meaning: Dark
Gender: Male
Age: 5 months
Rank: cub
Five Words: Happy, Confident, Brave, Loyal, Determined
History: Giza was born with his sister Ukimya to there mother a loner. Growing up he often played with his sister unlike having other options. Giza was living a happy life until a male lion showed up and killed there mother. They immediately ran into the tall grass that they were hiding in and into the Savannah. He and his sister surviving for a week on puddles and bugs they ran into a pretty lioness named Naji that took them in as her own cubs.
Description: Giza is opposite of his mother and more looking like his father. He has dark tawny fur all over him that looks like a brown. His shoulders and points are more of a lighter brown like a caramel color. Giza has a torn ear from getting in a fight with a small animal when he was little. He has dark green eyes that seem to make you look away and change to light to dark depending on the suns angle.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Family: Ukimya (sister) Naji(Mother) if kyhas allows it
Other: this looks really fun!

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#31992 Posted on 2016-04-18 13:19:44

Name: Hamu
Meaning: "Desire"
Gender: Male / Lion
Age: 3 years 1 month
Rank: Bachelor
Five Words: Protective || Gentle || Selfless || Humble || Quiet
History: Hamu was born to a lioness, as a complete accident. Though he has no story of woe, because he is a loyal, selfless, and protective lion and was welcomed to stay in the pride as he proved his worth. He is not one to truly suggest his ideas though he has plenty, so in his past he has been much over looked. Though he doesnt mind, as long as he is able to protect his pride and serve the monarch. Once his mother died, he tried growing closer to the pride, in vain though, as he is still often over looked and discarded when he shouldnt be.
Description: (art will be made of him later on)
Hamu is darker than usual, though still a sandy-caramel colored pelt that covers his muscled, but more lithe build. His long mane drapes over his shoulders, eyes, and in the winter when his mane grows more slightly, it drags on on the ground. Though he has a lithe, thin build, he is anything but weak, the average power of a strong male in his prime. His eyes are of a dark amber, as if his pupils have been encased in the golden liquid. His eyes easily give off his emotions. His long tail, which ends in a tail tuft much like his mane, dark brown and unusually long, and large paws stand out for his lithe build.
Crush: Najia, though it has nothing to do with her rank, but he sees a true inside beauty to her.
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Family: Chuki (cousin)
Other: N/A

Name: Chuki +
Meaning: "hate"
Gender: Female / Lioness
Age: 1 year 5 months
Rank: Adolescent
Five Words: Sarcastic || Rude || Selfish || Loud || Prideful
History: Similar in history to her cousin on both thier mother's side, she was born by accident to a loner and her mother. Chuki never really played with the others, and still much rather walk at the back and watch the lionesses' hunt than participate in adolescent events like watching cubs or hunting small pray around the pride rock such as mice or merekats.
Description: (art will be made of her later)
Chuki is an average lioness in pelt color, vibrant golden color with a paler undercoat. She is well muscled but not bulky. She has dull green eyes that give off that she is always bored or annoyed. She shows her strength in her abnormally long claws and canine teeth, and her rippling muscles.
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Family: Hamu (cousin on mother's side)
Other: N/A

If you would like Kyhas, i can do TLK styled art of the characters?

Last edited on 2016-04-18 at 13:20:36 by Agapi|The|Fish

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#32339 Posted on 2016-04-19 16:53:51

@ Agapi -- If you desire to do so, feel free. I'm afraid I have nothing to offer in turn for your kindness other than a hearty thank you. It is completely up to you! :)

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#32341 Posted on 2016-04-19 17:07:57

Anyone interested in playing Huduma? Her name means service in Swahili. :)

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#32344 Posted on 2016-04-19 17:13:52

I am oswin!

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#32364 Posted on 2016-04-19 18:46:27

You are? I didn't know that. XD

Sorry, I thought you, Purple Magic said you were in fact Oswin. I did t know you were agreeing to something. XD

Last edited on 2016-04-19 at 18:47:44 by ♑️Gamzee♑️[Grell]

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#32369 Posted on 2016-04-19 19:02:57

Aww, I'm born lately so it'll fi me free time. Everyone, if you'd like an image of your charter, pm me!

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#32509 Posted on 2016-04-20 10:01:24

Is this only for members under 13? I'd LOVE to join in, but if not, that's okay.

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#32555 Posted on 2016-04-20 12:34:35

Shifa, being that Kyhas's RPs are always open to any age allowed in the forum its posted in, I'm assuming this one is to, ;). That, and I'm pretty sure Kyhas is older than 13.

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#32559 Posted on 2016-04-20 12:38:13


Will think of two characters after I get this lesson plan done and go to my university's baseball game! Just can't wait...... ;)

Name: Abedemi
Meaning: "born during father's absence" from Western Africa
Gender: Lioness
Age: 1 1/2 years old
Rank: Adolescent
Five Words: Strong::Determined::Proud::Confident::Sweet
History: Nobody knows where Abedemi came from, nor who her father was. She knows, as so does her mother, but both refuse to tell anyone, for the father's secret is a dark one, and if they find out, she and mother would be driven out or even killed. She and her mother simply showed up one day, near the pride's borders, and were both covered with scars. All the scars were fresh, thankfully not infected, and both were severely malnourished. Within a few weeks, saw both healthy, healed up nicely, and her mother was ready to join in the hunting party. Abedemi preferred to watch the lionesses hunt, over watch the younger cubs, and often dreamt about maybe perhaps being the future queen.
Description: She is a silvery tan lioness, almost totally white, with bright blue eyes, a pink nose, and long sharp claws. She is rather good sized for her age, almost as big as her mother, and when she looks at you; it appears that she can see your heart.
Crush: Makosa
Mate: None
Cubs: N/A
Family: Mother, Zuberi
Other: Father, but nobody knows where he is

Name: Zuberi
Meaning: Means "strong" in Swahili from Eastern Africa.
Gender: Female
Age: 5 years old
Rank: Huntress
Five Words: Quiet::Secretive::Protective::Beautiful::Provider
History: One day, Zuberi just showed up at the edge of the pride's kingdom, very injured, carrying a young cub who was also very injured and both malnourished. She refused to tell what happened, but accepted the hospitality of the pride, the safety that a pride provided, and in return; she vowed as soon as she was healed up, she would show that she was an excellent huntress. She is a good mother, loves her daughter, and when she isn't hunting; watches the cubs to give their mothers a break. She doesn't like loud noises, prefers to not say a word, but listens to whatever orders the hunting leader gives, and follows through to the max; so as to bring home food for the pride.
Description: Zuberi is a fairly light colored lioness, tan in color, with amber colored eyes, and a pink nose. She is almost white, but more tan that her daughter is. The only thing that shows that she is differently colored than her daughter from the back is their tail tufts, as Zuberi has a black tail tuft, while Abedemi has a silvery white tail tuft.
Crush: N/A
Cubs: Abedemi *Can someone please play Zuberi? I want to play her daughter.*
Family: Her cub, Abedemi
Other: Has no interest in a mate, as her mate had been no good, but that's another story.

Last edited on 2016-04-20 at 13:15:58 by Feathered Gold

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