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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#254691 Posted on 2022-03-14 10:03:01

     Before her half-daugther started to follow her sire "I'm worried about him nyx. He seems a bit off." She was really concerned about him. Star stayed back with the foals, making sure they were safe. After star was done grazing for a bit, she laid down with the foals, not trying to wake them up. She nuzzled them gently as she was trying to comfort them, even though their sire back, je wasn't the same as he was before the accident. 
    The sun was rising on the west side of the herd land, she watched at the sunrise rose. She didn't sleep a wink that, because she was worry about her mate. She was blinded by the sun reflect right into her eyes. Not long after, she had gotten up from laying with the foals, they woke up, and nursed for a while. She waited for her mate to come back, and hopefully be okay.

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#254697 Posted on 2022-03-14 11:23:38

     "I'm fine Nyx. It's just been a hard few days. I'd never wish any of that on anyone," he said walking into the water, and slowly laid down. The blood had slowly washed off, but the wounds stung. This never bothered the stallion before, but now it felt like he was being whipped again.
     "I find that hard to believe," she said sounding like her father before he was caught.
     Rowan only got out of the water, and finally faced his daughter, "That man almost won. That man broke my spirit. I lost myself back there. I was about to accept defeat Nyx." he said walking past her back to where the herd was staying for now. Nyx was heartbroken to hear her father say those words. She knew it would take a lot for someone to do that to her father, and now she knew how hard it was for him. "Father I-..." she didn't know what to say as he walked off as she just stood there. Though, she eventually followed going back to the herd. Once they returned Nyx left her father alone, and said not a word to Star. It wasn't her business to tell.

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#254699 Posted on 2022-03-14 11:40:52

      Star could tell something was off about them two. She trottwd over to her mate "please rowan, whats wrong? you don't seem like yourself these days anymore" she nuzzled her mate. She was really concerned about him, and wanted to help him in any possibly way she could. She wanted her fearless rowan back, the one she fell in love with, from the start. Never did she think that this would of happen to him. 
    "I-i brought you one of my flowers dear, I hope this makes you feel better." She didn't know what to do to make him happy anymore, she tried her best and everything she could. She was scared what the future could hold for them. The sun was high up,in the sky. At this time of the day, it really beaitful, she took it all in, and laying with her mate.

    Sky was trying to get her sire to play with her to make him haply again. "Daddy? Me is worry about youz" she said tearing up. She was still little, and didn't understand what was going on, but she wanted her sire back. Little did she know that her sire spirit was broken, and he was about appeccted his defeat. She hopped on his back, trying to make him laugh in good spirits. 

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#254707 Posted on 2022-03-14 14:17:48

     Rowan sighed as he kept his head halfway to the ground since he returned. The broken stallion glanced over at Nyx and sighed once more before speaking, "Star...I-" he said not really knowing what to say, "I almost...gave up back there." he said looking up at Star as his eyes had lost his spirit. "I was about to just accept defeat. I was trapped in a small round pen for days. No rest. No food. No water. I was on the brink of giving up until that girl came. She climbed on my back...and I let her.." he said with a sigh. Nyx gave a small smile glad he finally told Star what was wrong. Rowan looked over at Sky and gave a small laugh nuzzling her.

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#254708 Posted on 2022-03-14 14:31:43

     "Dear, you had to do what you had to get home safely, and yeah you might of been on brink of giving up, but you didn't give up. You saw a leap of faith, and took it when that girl came" she tried comforting her mate in every way possibly. She nibbled on his mane. It broke her heart to see his spirits broken, but she was gonna try and bring it back for him.
    Sky kept making funny faces, and trying to be funny to keep her sire laughing, and hopes to bring his spirits back. She rolled in the mud, and make him a mud pie "hehehe daddy I made you a pie, and it really yummy" she said with a qruickly smile on his face. She made happy faces. Upside down faces. She did everything she could to make him happy again.

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#254711 Posted on 2022-03-14 15:52:24

     "It feels like I'm still trapped in a small space with a sharp object in my mouth, and the constant feeling of being whipped," he said as parts of his body still flinched. Rowan looked over at Sky, "You know mud isn't food right?" he said with a small laugh. Though his attention went to Thunder as he ran over and pinned Sky.
     "I told you that you weren't always going to win," said the colt with a large smile on his face proud of his achievement as he stood tall over his sister.
     "Oh yeah?" she said pinning her brother again, "Just admit it I'm better than you," she said with a giggle still covered in mud. Her brother just wiggled out from underneath her with a bit of a snort. He was beaten by his little sister yet again. 
     "Alright you two," said their father as he walked over with a bit of a laugh and nuzzled the both of them.

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#254712 Posted on 2022-03-14 16:08:24

     "Dear, its gonna feel like that for a while, but eventually its gonna go away, and you are gonna feel better in no time, I love you don't forget that" she nuzzled him, before he walked off over to Thunder and Sky. She watched at the foals were trying to prove, who was the best at winning, like always she giggles at them.

     "Told yah, I always win, no matter what" she was proud she pinned her brother. She started to make more mud pies, and thought of a good idea, and deicide to throw them at her sire and brother. 
   "Hahaha I gotcha big bro, and daddy!" She rolled around in the grass laughing soon hard she couldn't stop. Little did she know her sire, and big bro plotted a revenge scam on her while she wasn't looking.

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#254716 Posted on 2022-03-14 17:49:34

     Rowan tried to dodge the flying mud, but it got everywhere on him. The stallion looked over at Star and Thunder before walking over to the filly who couldn't stop laughing. Thunder trotted over, and had a feeling on what his sire was going to do. The stallion and his colt both shook the mud off themselves as it got even more mud on Sky, "How's that?" he said feeling a bit more like himself.

     Nyx smiled glad her father was acting more like himself. Though, she knew it was going to take him awhile for him to heal from it. The mare had looked around before walking up to her father, "I know you just came back, and it's not safe to go back to the grazing grounds yet, but we can't stay here much longer. It'll be winter soon, and the first snow is close," she said not wanting to ruin the fun, but they had to figure something out.

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#254717 Posted on 2022-03-14 18:08:20

      Star smiled as Rowan was acting more of himself. She decided to stay back, and gave rowan some time with the foals, since they missed him when he was gone at the stables. She grazed with the other mares, for a while. She swished her tail back and forth, and stomping her hoof on the ground. Keeping away the flies that were still around for the fall. She wasn't looking forwards to the winter, and was worried about the twins, and how they would surivie during the winter.
  After Star was done grazing, she trotted over to her mate, and foals laughing "Looks like you guys had fun today" she nuzzled her mate. She was the cleanest out of the there of them. But that was soon about to change.

   Sky was laughing when she covered in mud, by her sire and big bro "Hey!" She laughs. Though they gotten back at her for throwing mud at them. She trotted over to her sire "we should get momma, she not even dirty yet" she whispered to her sire, so her dam couldn't her them since she was close to them. 

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#254747 Posted on 2022-03-15 06:28:07

     Rowan gave a small nod to Sky, and looked up at Star. The stallion and his foals then shook most of the mud off of them and onto Star. Rowan laughed a bit for a few, "Alright let's go down to the river to wash off," he said as they started to head down to the river. "Stay close you two," he said once they started to get a bit too far ahead, "Be careful in the water, and don't go too deep," he said when they ran into the water. The stallion walked into the river as he cleaned himself off before getting a drink. Though, a familiar voice spoke from behind.
     "I was hoping that the man sent you away," said Cisco sounding disappointed.
     "Stay behind me you two," said Rowan as he turned and faced the stallion, "Close to it. I always come back Cisco. What are you doing here so far up North?"
     "Men are constantly searching for you down South," he snorted, "Almost lost the herd. Looks like you had a good time down at the stables," he said with a small chuckle.
     "You have no idea what happened down there," Rowan said with a snort as he nudged the foals back to the herd, "C'mon let's go," he said urging the foals to walk in front of him back to the herd.

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#254750 Posted on 2022-03-15 07:03:54

     Star had walled into the river cleaning herself off, after they deicided to shake all their dirty on to her. As they were cleaning themselves off in the river, she heard the familiar voice too, and walked over to Rowan "what does cisco want!?" She was worried the not-so-nice stallion was gonna challenge her mate again. After their encounter, with Cisco they walked back to the herd with the foals. 

    Sky followed her dam and sire back to the herd "Daddy who was that? Why was he soo mean to you?", she was scared that that stallion was gonna come back and hurt someone. The little filly still had a lot to learn about the world, and so did her big bro, if he was gonna be lead stallion of his own herd one day in the future. The filly trotted over to her sire, and laid down between his legs "Daddy me heard the story about how you and momma meet" she nuzzled her sire.

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#254751 Posted on 2022-03-15 07:25:57

     "For once he didn't want anything. He was just disappointed that I'm back." he said as they walked back to the herd. Rowan looked down at Sky, "Someone that you should never approach," he said as they returned to the herd. "Turns out that man and some others are looking for me according to Cisco. I don't know if I should believe him or not..." he said, "He's probably just trying to trick me." he said looking at Star trying to figure some things out. The stallion looked down at the filly, "Oh really?" he said with a small smile as he nuzzled her in return.

     Nyx walked over when they had returned, "Let me guess you came across Cisco?" she said due to her father's expressions.
     "How you'd know? Why didn't you tell me he was nearby?" he asked wishing he knew sooner.
     "I've heard rumors that he has been in the area, and I didn't want to worry you since you just came back from that awful place." she said still grateful that he made it back.

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#254752 Posted on 2022-03-15 07:39:16

    "Yeah, he probably trying to trick you and get in your head, don't let him get in your head though" she nuzzled her mate, before he laid down with sky. The made grazed for a while near her mate, and foals. She was worried that cisco might try something later on in the future, when they least expected it. After grazing for a while, she down next to her mate, and nuzzled him laying her head on his back, hoping he didn't flinched when she did that.

     "Yeah its my favorite story daddy, sissy nyx told me the story about you guys. I wanna hear more of it. Me accidentally fell asleep during the story. I wanna heard" she kept saying that on repeat, until they told her the story. That story was her favorite, and she could hear that story over and over and never get old of hearing it.

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#254756 Posted on 2022-03-15 07:54:59

     "I've known him since we were colts, and he has never changed," he said with a snort, but they didn't know who Cisco really was. They were step-brothers, and Rowan preferred to keep that quiet. Though there was a reason Cisco hated Rowan, because he wanted to become the next lead stallion when their father died, but Rowan was chosen instead. Rowan looked over at Nyx with a curious look.

     "Alright little one." she said with a small chuckle as she laid down by the two. She started the story again, and Thunder pranced over and listened to it as well when he was done playing with Apollo. Though, when Nyx started to talk about the winter, it had began to snow for the first time. "Well would you look at that," she said looking up at the falling snow.

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#254758 Posted on 2022-03-15 08:05:47

     "Well would you look at that dear, its snowing" she chuckled as she cuddled closely to her mate for the night. The mare was concerned about the fact her little filly, was still a bit on the skinnier side, and what winter would be like for them. "It seems that winter is coming a lot more earlier than its suppose too. I'm worried about sky and the winter. She is still on the skinny side." She looked at sky and nyx cuddling together while nyx told her the story about her sire and dam. Then she returned looking at her mate nibbling his ears, and nuzzling him.

    "What is this white stuff?" She interrupting story time again. Sky was soo cold, as the flurries of snow touched her body. The little filly started to shiver, because she had little fat on her. She tried finding some warmth, while laying with nyx, but it was cold. She still listened to the story as nyx kept telling the story "So my daddy had another made, before my momma?" The little filly was confused about how he could of had another mare, before her dam.

Last edited on 2022-03-15 at 08:07:35 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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