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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#254602 Posted on 2022-03-13 08:34:49

     "Oh I just told her a story," she said looking down at Sky before looking back at Star, "Just about you and Rowan. Though she did ask about where he is...I just told her that he kept us safe like he always did and always will. That and that I'm sure he's trying to come back. I just couldn't tell her what really happened." she said with a sigh looking down at her half-sister. 

     Lily sighed as she watched the man hurt the stallion. She just had to do something, but if she did anything right now, Bart would hurt her. Though, after a couple hours there seemed to be no one in sight. "I can't get him out of here yet, but I might get lucky with the mares," she said putting her hood over her head. Lily carefully ran over to where the two wild mares were being kept, but they started to act nervous and make some noise when the girl approached. "Shh. I'm here to help. Stay quiet," she said in a quiet and soft tone. The teenage girl carefully opened the gate, but the mares just stood there looking back and forth at the girl and their leader. The stallion only gave a nod as the two mares slowly walked out of the pen. They stopped looking back at Rowan and Lily before running off. 

     "Come on Dakota! We have to go, Rowan can handle himself. We have to get back to the herd before we're seen by anyone else!" she said giving a nod to Rowan before the two mares galloped off. Within an hour, they reached the grazing grounds, but there was no sign of the herd. "They aren't here, but I remember them running north," she said as Dakota galloped behind her. Within a couple of hours, the herd was in sight. "Star!" she called out from a bit of a far distance.

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#254627 Posted on 2022-03-13 13:25:52

    "Best years of my life, and thanks for not telling her what really happened to her father, and I am sure he will be back soon sweetie" she nuzzled her daughter, and turned to Nyx, and nuzzled her. "He will come back, don't worry about it" she whispered to nyx as she had nuzzled her. 
   Star had talked with nyx for a while, and was interrupted by two mares, who looked oddly familiar in way "Ember? Dakota? H-how did guys escape? W-where is rowan?" She franticly searched for her mate, but found no signs of him.

  Sky was sleeping, and was very tired at the moment. And has been sleeping for a while. She wished her sire would come back soon.

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#254630 Posted on 2022-03-13 14:45:20

     "That girl. The one that helped free Nyx and Apollo, she opened the gate. Though, she couldn't do the same with Rowan. The man that caught him almost never has his eyes off of him. We're lucky the girl was even able to free us without being seen..." she said once her and Dakota had reached Star.
     "Star...I know this is hard to hear, but that man is harsh. Before we left, the man had a bridle and saddle on him. Whenever he bucked...he was whipped," said Dakota not wanting to bring bad news.

     Lily watched the two mares gallop away when she heard a voice from behind, "I knew you were up to no good!" cursed the man as he grabbed her wrist. "Your coming with me," he said dragging her. "You just cost me a lot of money young lady."
     "Let me go! They deserve to be where they belong!" she said trying to remove his hand from her wrist. Rowan turned watching the man drag her beside the pen, and bit the man when he was within reach. 
     "You darn stallion! Your going to regret doing that!" he cursed letting go of Lily as she ran away. "Come on out you little pest. I'm not done with you," he said looking around to see where she went.

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#254631 Posted on 2022-03-13 15:01:27

     "Soo he is being treated poorly, we need to get him out of there, before something else happens to him" she said bring her tears to her eyes. She needed to something now and quickly  other wise if rowan was fully tamed, he was gonna be sold to someone else, and he wouldnt be seen again. "Are you guys doing okay, you weren't hurt?" She wanted to make sure that they were okay.
"What were his conditions like?" She was scared to ask if he was damaged or not.

    Sky wanted to save her sire, and bring him home safely to the herd, but she was only a week old, same as her brother. "Sissy what do they mean that daddy is being whipped, and being hurt? Why they hurting him" she was scared and wanted her sire so badly.

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#254632 Posted on 2022-03-13 15:18:14

     "You can't go there. He won't let the man win, but he's exhausted and the man won't let him rest. We're fine it was like no one saw us, but the man just wants him. He said Rowan is going to make him a pretty penny whatever that means." she said, "Rowan needs you to stay here with the herd, and your foals Star, but as for his's not that well," she said hating the fact she kept saying bad news. 

     "Not know Sky," she said as she stood up, and walked a few feet over to Star and the two mares. "The girl, you said she freed the both of you?" she asked.
     "Yes she did, why?" said Dakota, the rose gray mare. 
     "I trust her then. I mean she saved me and my son, and freed the both of you. I'm sure she'll do the same to my father when she has her chance. She's on our side," she said looking over Star trying to give her some hope. 

     Lily hid behind the hay bales as Bart looked for her. What was she going to do now? "I have to think of something quick," she whispered as she caught a glance of the wild stallion. By now, it was late afternoon. When Bart wasn't looking, Lily quickly and quietly ran to a hiding spot closer to the stallion. Rowan noticed her moving closer to him, and just had a curious look in his eye as he slowly walked to the fence in the direction she was hiding. What is she up to? he thought being a bit curious. Though, she only shooed him away to not get her caught.

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#254635 Posted on 2022-03-13 15:30:21

    " your right, but it just hurts to hear him being so damaged by a human, and me not being able to anything about it" she looked away as her eyes got teary eyes.  She couldnt bring to tell her foals, what was happening to their sire. " hopefully he comes home soon" she looked at the sky trying to keep hope on everything.  She trotted over to foals, and nuzzled them.

   "I wanna know what happening sissy? What do they mean? She was getting scared, and wanted to be with her sire right noe, but there was still no sign of him everywhere. She could tell her dam, was crying, and was getting worried about her sire not being here.

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#254647 Posted on 2022-03-13 17:19:23

     "I'll tell you later Sky," she said looking back at Star, "He may be, but I'm sure he's trying to come back. I know that he's trying his best to get past how he's being treated and come home." she said having some more hope than she did before. Nyx gave Star some space, and let her be with her foals for awhile. Though, she turned back over to Ember and Dakota, "It's to have the both of you back regarding the situation at hand," she said before turning away to her family. 
     "It's to be out there," said Dakota as she shook off the feeling of being fenced in.

     Thunder hung out with Apollo for some time, but trotted over to his dam as he noticed her teared up. He didn't ask anything, but tried to comfort her. "It's alright mommy" he said. Though, soon enough both foals had nursed.

     Once Bart was out of sight, Lily had climbed into the pen Rowan was in, "Easy boy. I won't hurt you. Stay quiet, or you'll get the both of us in even more trouble," she said slowly walking towards the stallion. Rowan reared and backed up as much as he could, but he couldn't get away from the girl, "Come on boy. You remember me don't you? I'm trying to help you, but you need to calm down and stay quiet," she said as the stallion listened. The teenage girl slowly walked towards the calm stallion. He flinched once she put her hand on his neck, but he looked at her in a way she knew it was alright. Lily jumped onto him, and put the reins in hand. "OK I guess it's now or never," she said as she opened the gate from the stallion's back. "Let's get you out of here," she said urging him into a gallop as Bart jumped in front of them. Though, Rowan had jumped over him, and galloped into the woods. He was going home, but with a girl on his back.

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#254648 Posted on 2022-03-13 17:39:08

    Star laid down with her twins, trying to be there for her foals, and everyone else in the herd. She had to stay strong and positive for everyone. She watched the sky as the sun set through out the night sky leaving the could being pink and orange. She watched the before sun set, and she looked back to find her twins sleeping right by her side. 
    Not soon after the twins had fallen to sleep, she closed her eyes falling to sleep for bit. She dreamed of her family being back to together, and them living a good life, but she always knew that being in the wild was risky thing to do, and she knew that from the start, but she was proud her decision she had made. 

    Sky was sleeping by her mom side trying to comfort her in anyway she could, she was loving and most kindest filly you could think of. 

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#254650 Posted on 2022-03-13 17:51:56

     "Easy boy. Let's rest here for the night," said Lily as they were far enough from the stables. She unmounted the stallion, "I know you want to get back to your herd, but we can't go searching for them when it's dark," she said as he pulled on the reins. Soon enough he stopped, and laid down. The girl removed the bridle, "There you go," she said tossing it into the bushes. Lily had laid against the stallion, and eventually fell asleep as well as Rowan. 
     Rowan woke up once the sun was halfway up. He nudged the girl as she woke up, "Alright alright I'm up, let's go get you home." she said jumping back on him. Lily held onto his mane as they galloped further North. After about an hour, Rowan saw the herd from afar. Lily slowed him down, jumped off, and removed the saddle, "Go on boy," she said as he neighed loudly with a rear, and galloped to his herd. 

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#254651 Posted on 2022-03-13 18:17:02

     Star was still sleeping with the twins by her side. She slowly opened her eyes awaking a bit. Her eyes popped wide open, when she saw a familiar horse running towards them, she quickly got up and ran so fast to him, nuzzling him "I'm so glad you made it back safely" she started to tear up, because she didn't know if she was gonna see him again. She sealed in his scent, and everything "i-i missed you so much dear" she nibbled on his mane.

    Sky was sleeping, when she felt her dam get up so quickly, and she opened her eyes so quickly to find her sire running towards them "Daddy!!!!" She raced towards her sire crying. She slowed down to a trot once she had reached him, and nuzzled him so much "I missed you daddy!" She sniffled a bit. She was a daddy little girl. She peeked around him, and seen his was a bit bloddly on his hindquarters, from the whipping "daddy why you bleeding!?" She was concerned around her sire, and the he was bleeding.

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#254674 Posted on 2022-03-14 05:19:40

     "Me too," he said nuzzling her glad to be out of that place, "Though I couldn't have made it back if it weren't for that girl again." he said looking back at Lily. The stallion looked back at his herd, and his family. Rowan nuzzled Thunder and Sky, "It's nothing Sky. I'm fine," he said exhausted. The herd slowly woke up seeing that the stallion had returned. Nyx slowly woke up shaking her head when she saw her father. The mare quickly ran over, "I was so worried about you!" she said nuzzling him.
     "There's no need to worry anymore then," he said glad to be back, "We won't be able to return to the grazing grounds for awhile. That man will be searching for me for awhile I have no doubt about that." he said.

     Lily smiled watching the stallion being reunited with his herd and family. She watched the herd from afar seeing the mare and what would now be a yearling that she had saved. The two mares she had freed had returned as well. Though she was completely shocked to see two healthy and living twin foals. Lily smiled watching the herd for awhile before starting her long walk back to the stables knowing she'll be in big trouble.

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#254684 Posted on 2022-03-14 07:55:15

      "We need to help clean those wounds dear, other wise they might get infected" she laid down next to him, and nibbled on him mane. She was happy that he was back home safely. "So should we move the herd again? maybe this time farther way from the stables?" She was concerned about the fact that the humans might still come looking for him, or maybe someone else.
 "Foals, you are not allowed to any farther than I can see you. This is only for you safety. I don't want the humans to take you" she nuzzled the foals, as they were laying beside their father, who they terribly missed.

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#254686 Posted on 2022-03-14 08:43:38

     "It's nothing Star. The herd is far enough for now, besides I haven't slept in awhile, and I'm exhausted. That man wouldn't give me a break," he said with a snort as he laid down. Rowan looked over, and saw Ember and Dakota, "Thank you to the both of you for keeping Star here and leaving me behind." he said thinking of the herd before himself like he always did. The two mares had only gave a small nod before turning around to mingle with the others. The stallion's body flinched every now and then as he still got the feeling he was being whipped. His mouth was sore, and he often tasted blood due to the harsh bit that was put on the bridle.

     Lilly began to walk back to the stable proud of the good deed she had done. Though, she knew she was going to be in big trouble. After about an hour or two, she saw the lights of the stable from afar. Once she was back, she saw her horse, Ebony, and greeted him. "Don't worry boy I'm fine, at least for now," she said quietly before heading to her room.

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#254687 Posted on 2022-03-14 08:54:32

      "I'm sorry dear, I just was trying to help you out" she was only trying to her mate out, though he did look exhausted. She could tell that he was kinda of a different horse after what happened at the stables. She got up, and started to graze for a bit, while he slept with the foals beside him.
  Star looked over, and saw that him sleeping peacefully, finally getting some rest, after a few long days at the stables, and how he was being harsh on him. She was kinda worried about him though.

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#254690 Posted on 2022-03-14 09:49:14

     "No it's alright Star," he said with a small yawn. Not too much later, Rowan had already fallen asleep with the foals beside him. Though, he kept dreaming that he was at the stables still. He could feel the whip hitting him in the flank, the bit cutting the insides of his mouth, and the uncomfortable feeling of the saddle. He got some rest out of sleeping for a couple hours, and finally decided to open his eyes. The stallion shook his head as he slowly got up not waking the foals. "I'm gonna go get a drink..." he said still exhausted, but he spoke in a quiet tone.

     Nyx grazed alongside Star, but looked up at her father as he got up. The mare looked back over at Star, "I'll go after him," she said following her father. Rowan had found the nearby river, but it was a different part of it as it was not as big and the current was slow. 
     "I know your following me daughter," he said before taking a drink.
     "I'm not letting you stray from the herd by yourself. Not again." she said walking over to her father. Once she was beside him, she looked at him, "What's wrong?" she asked knowing he was different in a way.

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