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Etabia *Sign-Ups*

#128250 Posted on 2017-11-14 18:38:53

You are about to be submerged into the world of Etabia.* Here, you are a wolf. 

Etabia is split into two. There is the Mul Pack and the Bia Pack. 

Mul is a pack of fighters. The pack has a wide range of personalities found within, but all are passionate about the destruction of Bia, even though not all are full of anger. Mul are known for their matted fur, a style they adopted and claim it protects them in battle. The punishment for any crime in Mul is severe, and any wolf of their enemy pack that is captured is either imprisoned for life or executed. Mul's death sentence is drowning, for though fighters they prefer to avoid gory executions. Any Mul who joins Bia can never return, and if captured are shown no mercy. The pack's territory is the only forest in the small world of Etabia.

Bia are a peaceful bunch. They have chosen not to fight the Mul. They are a nomadic pack, moving from place to place in the vast desert. They know of every oasis and that is where they settle for a week or more at a time. They place guards around their temporary homes to alert them of any approach by the Mul so that they can flee at a moment's notice. Bia's philosophy is love, and so wish that Mul would choose to live peacefully with the pack. They welcome any Mul that escaped to join them.

Mul Pack

Pack Dynamics: 

Alpha is the very top leader. The Beta is their second-in-command. Hunters go out and search for Bia. They also are sometimes called "Warriors." Guards watch the prisoners and keep a lookout for enemies encroaching on their territory and pack hub. A Sweet is a female nursing pups (young wolves). The average wolf is called a Median.

Alpha: Tanis

Beta: Lux 

Warriors: Vyre

Guards: Arcane

Medians: Gaia; Rasae; Keeta

Sweets: Nona

Pups: Koda, Valric

Bia Pack

Pack Dynamics:

Alpha is the leader. The Beta is the second-in-command. Medians, which make up the most of the pack, are the average wolf. Sweets are females nursing pups, and Guards keep watch for approaching Mul wolves.

Alpha: Malvis

Beta: Sable

Guards: Bellator

Medians: Hush; Kol; Luna; Stella




Wolf Name: 







- Please read all the information on Etabia and the packs. I know it seems like a lot, but it will help you understand the RP more.

- No swearing

- Not too much gore

- Romance allowed, but keep it clean

- No god-modding

- Be nice please!

- Keep it PG / PG-13 please


Last edited on 2017-12-06 at 08:57:54 by Oswin

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#128253 Posted on 2017-11-14 19:10:25

Wolf Name: Tanis

Pack: Mul

Rank: Alpha

Description: Tanis has a tall and well-muscled build. His fur is jet black and in the typical matted style of the Mul Pack. His hard eyes are a steel grey.

Personality: Tanis rules with an unbending paw. He is harsh and strict, not letting any misdemeanor be forgiven. He loathes the Bia Pack and wishes to wipe them from existence. Tanis is head-strong and an imposing figure. He thinks he is doing what is best for his pack and wishes to see them prosper.


Wolf Name: Hush

Pack: Bia

Rank: Median

Description: Hush is a caramel brown, with long soft fur and a dainty build. But don't let her smallness fool you. She is a swift runner, one of the fastest in the pack. Her eyes are a warm hazel. She has a long tail and small ears.

Personality: Hush is quiet for the most part. She is willing to help where needed, but likes to have times alone in silence. 

Other: I've never been good at personality descriptions lol

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#128264 Posted on 2017-11-14 20:27:15

Wolf Name: Nona

Pack: Mul

Rank: Sweets

Description: Nona is rather larger size for a female and was better known for her previous rank as a guard before getting pregnant. Now with a smaller litter of pups, she is a bit round as she tries to lose her pregnancy weight before getting back into the job. She is a stormy gray color but framing her dark eyes is a lighter mask as a great contrast. She has a noticeable chuck from her right ear missing and a scar on her tailbone from previous fights.

Personality: Nona tends to have a softer spot for pups but other than that she is very challenging to debate with. She has the attitude of a strict parent to everyone, not just her little ones. Sometimes she can be a bit sassy and sarcastic but she is a stickler for rules, however she may let a few things slide is they were minor enough. 

Other: Gave birth to three pups but only two managed to survive it. Both of the pups being male, one being Koda and the other is Valric. 

Wolf Name: Malvis

Pack: Bia

Rank: Alpha..?

Description: Malvis a bit slim to be the typical alpha but has the overgrown height to make up for it. However, he uses this lack of pure muscle for agility and speed in his attacks for the advantage. His fur is a rusty brown color with a hint of tan mixed in there somewhere. His eyes are a warm brown color to match his personality, and charm.

Personality: Malvis is a very forgiving soul but takes the safety of his pack very seriously. Any hint of danger calls for immediate action, some may call him paranoid, others a grand protector. His charisma is through the roof with his ability to be patient with others and find a somewhat middle ground between parties. He absolutely loves other wolves, and would most likely suffer if he didn't have others to talk to, he needs that social bonding to go on.

Other: Nope

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#128332 Posted on 2017-11-15 11:16:40


Wolf Name: Gaia

Pack: Mul

Rank: Median

Description: She’s slim and a bit small, but that doesn’t stop her. Although she lacks stength because of her size, she’s very fast and agile, almost like a cat. Her fur is a very dark grey and her eyes are icy blue, filled with determination. She’s the daughter of a warrior

Personality: Gaia is stubborn and once she knows what she wants, there’s no stopping her. Her mother has always told her she’s gonna become the best warrior in the mull pack because of her nerve and cunning, and thats what she expects of her. But Gaia has always been a rebel. She does not support Mul’s harsh, senseless laws nor does she understand the hate for the Bia pack, so she wants to leave. She’s planning an escape, even though she knows that means living in hiding forever, and probably staying a lone wolf the rest of her life.

Other: she’s got a huge crush on Hush, (even though she may never like her back), which adds to the hate for her own pack

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#128358 Posted on 2017-11-15 14:16:46

You're both accepted!
 Rem, Malvis can be alpha. Not sure if I made it clear enough (if not tell me so I can fix it lol) but Bia doesn't fight lol. They used to until they changed their ways, and maybe Malvis used to be a known fighter. But now they choose not to fight even when attacked. Maybe as alpha he allows his guards to fight as long as they don't kill and only in the circumstance of the pack being in danger?

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#128381 Posted on 2017-11-15 16:23:03

Wolf Name: Sable

Pack: Bia

Rank: Beta

Description: Sable is a lighter brown, with a spotless white mask that covers most of her muzzle. Her coat possesses a certain gleam that she is very proud of, and her eyes seem almost black in poor light, but are a shadowy emerald with hints of hazel here and there. They seem to hold many secrets, the way they seem to shimmer in such a knowing way when she looks at you, and her paws are surprisingly petite compared to the rest of her. She is slightly smaller than most, but she isn't really delicate looking.

Personality: Sable has a very determined air about her, yet she knows not everything goes the way you want it to-you can tell she learned that the hard way. But you can see almost immediately that she doesn't let that stop her. She has learned from experience not to worry when something goes wrong, instead planning how to fix the problem. That's how she's become such a successful Beta. She has a fierce loyalty to her pack and a just as fierce hate of the Mul, no doubt secured by her parents both being captured and killed by the Mul. She would do anything for her pack, and wishes there was something more she could do to protect them from the Mul. She refuses to trust anyone unless they do something extraordinary for the pack, and has no close friends. She's not really vain normally, but is somewhat overly proud of her appearance. She tries not to let it get in the way or brag about it, but it's not hard to tell she still brags to herself.

Other: N/A

Wolf Name: Rasae
Pack: Mul
Rank: Median
Description: Sae hasn't yet reached her full size, being a younger wolf, and so is small, but indicates becoming a rather large wolf once full grown. Her coat is reddish brown, and her small, sharply pointed muzzle and long legs give her a rather fox-like appearance. She has lighter, tan fur on her underside, and an innocent gray-brown gaze, and has small features except for her large eyes, which make it hard to take her seriously. She is quite skillful at stalking prey due to her quiet, careful steps and small size that helps her hide, but not at much of anything else, or at least so it seems to her.
Personality: Rasae doesn't have any real reason to dislike the Bia, but never questions the reason everyone hates the other pack, for that's what she's grown up being told. She has never considered joining the Bia, but if she thought past what she's always been taught, she likely would. She isn't independent enough, never questioning anything she's always done or known. She feels hard pressed to prove herself a good hunter, as she has very little self esteem. She generally stays on her own, but wishes she had some close friends.
Other: She prefers to be called Sae, and will probably join the Bia during the roleplay.
Depending on how this roleplay turns out, I might make more characters.

Wolf Name: Vyre (Veer)
Pack: Mul
Rank: Hunter/Warrior
Description: Vyre has an unruly brown coat, with shorter than average fur length and streaks of grey that indicates his age, somewhat older than the average wolf, but just as powerful and agile. He's larger than most, only by a small amount but enough that he seems to tower over everyone who gets on his bad side, and his eyes are a commanding dark brown, almost black, with a silver sheen. Vyre's muzzle has a sharp point, and fails to fully conceal long, vicious teeth.
Personality: To most, Vyre seems like a typical "evil" wolf, with no desire whatsoever to be nice or kind to anyone, but really he's just the result of the tragedy marking his gentle mother's death. He's never told anyone really what happened to his mother, but he blames the Bia for the incident, for an unknown reason, which is the foundation for his powerful hate of the Bia. He would like almost nothing better than to see every Bia pack member captured and the pack completely demolished, and will go to great lengths to prove it. Yet beyond the wolf who hates the Bia more than anything, who can't be offended or scared, there lies a great sadness, and beyond even that, a kind and peaceful wolf, who has a great fondness for his sister, who's younger than him and he rarely so much as speaks to. His gentle side often peeks through his tough exterior when among friends, however, but any mention or reminder of the Bia will bring him on high alert, and he'll duck inside himself again.

Wolf Name: Keeta
Pack: Mul
Rank: Was a pup until recently, now is a Median
Description: Keeta is a brown-black mixture, almost like the wolf version of seal brown. Her brown has a reddish factor to it, though, and her muzzle and paws fade into the red-brown color. She has a look of extreme attention on her face almost full time, and has an easy, silent tread, to the point where you can't hear her coming until she's right behind you without extra good hearing. Being barely older than a pup, she is small, but is large for her age, sharing her older brother's size, but not his overly muscular trait. She does, however, share his agility, and has a kinder, more gentle rendition of his almost black eyes.
Personality: Keeta has a very easygoing personality, and stays calm and cool under pressure. She's well known to be kind and generous, and so is liked by just about everyone in the Mul pack. She might seem like she likes everyone and is always happy and calm, but she shares her brother Vyre's belief that the Bia are responsible for the death of their mother, and hates them more than anything. Because of her personality, she has reacted differently to her hatred of the Bia than her brother, and so covers it with her nice, helpful actions and outward personality. She tends to react to any mention of the Bia more with sadness than anger, but under that is a powerful anger that hasn't yet been fully released and is slowly growing more wild. She might not know it, but it's there, and will be released when she really meets a member of the Bia. She feels sorry for her brother, and wishes he spent more time with her, so despite what you might think when you first meet her, Keeta has had a very sad childhood
Other: Sometimes is called Kee
Sorry I didn't make anyone for any of the ranks we need more wolves for, but I'm hoping we can get some more people for this, I can't wait for it to start!

Last edited on 2017-12-05 at 21:21:20 by ❄️ PoniesStars ❄️

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#128390 Posted on 2017-11-15 17:58:11

Just so everyone knows, the Mul pack should hopefully be the larger of the two. :p that's what irks them - they have a larger size and brutal strength yet Bia continues to elude them

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#128391 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:03:36

Malvis can be known to have fought in the past, that would make perfect past story for him. :)
Now he'll be a peace loving character. 

Edit: Oh I forgot, should I make character sheets for Nona's pups?

Last edited on 2017-11-15 at 18:04:59 by RemRem

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#128392 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:07:03

Yes, please. :)

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#128397 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:32:21

Wolf Name: Koda

Pack: Mul

Rank: Pup

Description: Koda was the second born of three in his litter, and out of the two who survived, he is the strongest. He was born a rather large pup, and isn't afraid to flaunt that fact in front of his runt brother. His fur is mostly a rich tan color but grays out the closer it is to his chest, belly, and face. He is not the tallest of the bunch, but he certainly is not the smallest.

Personality: Koda is a very brave and confident pup. He loves attention, and isn't afraid to be a little conceited in front of his little brother. However, he is the only one allowed to mess with Valric, anyone who disagrees will have to face the wrath of not only his mother but Koda's sharp tongue.


Wolf Name: Valric

Pack: Mul

Rank: Pups

Description: Valric, the last born of the litter and the unfortunate runt of it all. He is just barely smaller than the average wolf, and is more on the slimmer side unlike his strong brother Koda. He is naturally clumsy but when push comes to shove, he is actually quite agile and quick. His fur matches more like his mother's but with a lighter tone to it. His fur matches more like the color of steel.

Personality: To put it bluntly, he is a nervous wreck. He cannot make a decision without thinking twice about it but when the time comes for it, he is very good at putting up a brave face. He tries his very best to impress those around him, and even though he is lost in his brother's shadow, he refuses to give up.


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#128403 Posted on 2017-11-15 19:10:39

By the way, I edited my post with another detail about Sable.

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#128484 Posted on 2017-11-16 18:43:10

@PoniesStars - Okay c:
@Rem - Thanks!

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#128667 Posted on 2017-11-17 20:51:50

I'll start this up if we get at least one wolf in guard, warrior, and beta positions of mul and the guard position of bia

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#129333 Posted on 2017-11-22 16:38:20

I edited with another character, I needed an evil wolf. XD

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#129334 Posted on 2017-11-22 16:40:55

Alright, awesome!

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