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Continue The Story Game

ForumsForum Games → Continue The Story Game

Continue The Story Game

#110051 Posted on 2017-06-19 16:29:51

so this is always a fun one.

You can post 1 - 5 sentences to continue the story.

rules are :

always leave the story in a place where the next person can continue it

don't complain when the next person takes the story in a different direction - that's the point of the game!

whilst the story can get silly, don't let it get too silly and make it difficult for the next person to continue it

okay, so to start the story...

One day, a girl named Jay woke up and realised she'd slept through her alarm. Realising she'd overslept, she quickly pulled on the closest clothes too her and ran down the stairs to grab some toast for breakfast. It was only then she realised her parents had disappeared, and could only find a mysterious clue on the kitchen counter with a picture of a horses head and signed with an X, telling her to go too...

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