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Pedigree of Color/Stats - 9

Horse Parents Grand-Parents Great
Color/Stats - 9
Quarter Horse
◦°˚WE|5 Line of ...
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Mr Martini 5nss
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Red Raven 841
Quarter Horse
Quarter Horse
🌀 Gem *
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Chrome Rocks *
Quarter Horse
Quarter Horse
🌀 California Chro...
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Potential As...
Quarter Horse
*duno* Firestone ff
Quarter Horse
🌀 Windtalker *
Quarter Horse
🌀 Gem *
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Simply High ...
Quarter Horse
(SSS)Spirit Mile High.*
Quarter Horse
🌀 Cash On Wheels *
Quarter Horse
◦°˚WE|13 It's On...
Quarter Horse
◦°˚WE|5 Foreverwing
Quarter Horse
𝔅ℜ Red Raven 841
Quarter Horse
Quarter Horse
🌀 Gem *
Quarter Horse
🌀 Coconut Kisses *
Quarter Horse
🌀 05. FULLY LOADE...
Quarter Horse
🌀 07. Coconut Mac...
Quarter Horse
◦°˚WE|23 Sunflower
Quarter Horse
Taking Recognition[f...
Quarter Horse
SH RecognizeAPlaya[f...
Quarter Horse
SH Take Notes [ffZz7...
Quarter Horse
◦°˚WE|31 Navi
Quarter Horse
[G] Ws. Making Maverick
Quarter Horse
Silver Lace
Quarter Horse