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Mass Moving Horses & Instant Foals

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Mass-Move Horses in Divisions

You can now move horses en masse from one division to another. To do this, there is a new "Edit" button in the top right of the page. When you click this, you will have checkboxes appear next to ALL horse names within the divisions, and the division dropdown at the bottom.

Clicking on "Move All Horses" only applies to the horses in that division, not all horses you own.

In addition to this, the dropdown has been removed from your Unassigned division on the main page - to move horses from your Unassigned division you will need to click Edit.

This has been a very popular suggestion in the past few months so I hope that how this is implemented is convenient :)

Mare Gestation
* Mare gestation has been removed from the game, foals will now be born instantly when you breed horses.
* Any foals that have not yet been born will be instantly born on your next rollover.
* Mares should no longer display as being pregnant, but the normal breeding cooldown of 7 days will remain.
* Gestation Rush has been removed as an item from the game. If you have a Gestation Rush in your inventory, please transfer it to me (#1) and I will refund you the 3 credits it was worth.

Smaller Updates
* Social media buttons for Equiverse have now been added to the bottom of every news post on its article page.
* The chance of white markings (face and leg markings) being passed down from parents to foal has been increased. Additionally, the chances of new face and leg markings being generated on foals without a marking for each slot has been introduced.
* The breeding Preview Foal option now includes face and leg marking possibilities and, if both parents have had their genotype revealed, it will now print the possible foal's genotype.
* The Item Catalog page has been updated to be more organised and include item descriptions where necessary.
* In an effort to stop the Rescue Center being used as an easy dumping ground for mass-created horses, it now costs money to leave a horse. This is subject to change in future again, but for now it will be staying.
* I have added additional text to the Preview Foal feature to clarify that it is not guaranteed that you will get the foal that shows in the preview, it's just an example of what is possible with that breeding pair.

Clubs in August
I am slightly behind on club coding for August, however July elections will still determine who owns the club when we move forward.

I will be disabling clubs from the 1st August so that I can finish coding the new clubs system. It should hopefully not be too much longer after that until we re-open clubs again. I aim to have it ready within the first few days of August at the latest, although I will hopefully be ready for the 1st regardless.

Hope everyone is ready for it! :)

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Posted by

Abbey 🌸

Posted on
2017-07-25 06:30:52


I love these new updates! A small suggestion regarding mass-moving horses: perhaps instead of the button reading 'edit' it could say something like 'rearrange horses'. It would just be slightly clearer what it does then.

Posted by

UlyssesBlue (#60734)
25th July 2017 at 23:05:00

Thank you!

Posted by

Coconut the dog (#112043)
25th July 2017 at 23:49:58

Awesome updates !!! Thank you

Posted by

argo (#102746)
26th July 2017 at 22:00:54