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Foals of 3-Au(Aa,Gg,FF,Zz,Rn+,Spsp

All Foals of 3-Au(Aa,Gg,FF,Zz,Rn+,Spsp
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Au Ras Serenade [96.01] 22 years old MissileSweet >|§|< Del Monte >|§|
5-Estelle(Ee,Aa,Dd,FF,Zz,Spsp) 8 years old Trinket >|§|< Del Monte >|§|
☬ | Bull Dancer [127] ✓ 5 years old Black Heights Stables >|§|< Del Monte >|§|
AQHA|Dun Buckin'|93 4 years old AQHA >|§|< Del Monte >|§|