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Foals of Fabelhaft Devil Twist [SJ

All Foals of Fabelhaft Devil Twist [SJ
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Fabelhaft Mer Q. Re Twist [Agi 7 years old Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes] Fabelhaft Mer Q. Re Lady [SJ
DWB m 42ns 60.88 SJ 0 years old Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes] Fabelhaft RDR II * [SJ
DWB S 28ns 60.67 SJ 0 years old Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes] Fabelhaft Fickle Heart [SJ
DWB S 21ns 60.52 SJ 0 years old Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes] Fabelhaft Mer Q. Re Fault [SJ