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Foals of Vanity {96.87}

All Foals of Vanity {96.87}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
R3C Vanidad 96.23❤️ 8 years old Why So Much Cream?
Hypnos * [D] 8 years old bedfordblack Relicario * [D]
DOF Faithful Fury 7 years old tinyember 𐎗 Dre-Gg-Ashes of the Beast
Vain Quest 4 years old Pegasus A Warriors Quest
Dead Vanity 3 years old Pegasus Chosen One
AA Eternal Wonder 3 years old Duchess TW {Erlendur} ll 79.90
Rageahall 95.76 2 years old TFLs Rescues 96.87 Nightrage eeePPPPP
Phoenix 1 year old Rose Winter Punch Bowl
New Foal 0 years old Extra Golden Delicious-95.98