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Foals of Liberty {96.17}

All Foals of Liberty {96.17}
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Adeline * [D] 11 years old bedfordblack Aa Dd Dunalino
Opalescent [95.41] 10 years old Kelsie GAR Sun Sultan
Triple Threat 5 years old Swamphorse Wonders Champion
Quest to Liberty 4 years old Pegasus A Warriors Quest
Ⓚ | ♦ Vanilla Ice [95.54] ♦ 4 years old Kat 𐎗 Dre-Gg-Ashes of the Beast
Rageaholic 93.97 3 years old TFLs Rescues 96.87 Nightrage eeePPPPP
New Foal 0 years old Extra Golden Delicious-95.98