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Foals of Spitfire 58.98 Drive

All Foals of Spitfire 58.98 Drive
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[DR] ||58.73|| 💛 Spitfire 17 years old BWRGallanttry Indiana Jones
Shelta (Tovero) 14 years old 🌳Broad Oak Stables DV[~]DAITHÍ
Sweet Dreams 12 years old phisor Cian
RUBATI (FfTovero) 11 years old 🌳Broad Oak Stables ♚savvy♚67.16♚
Peachy 8 years old 🐶Faye🐼 Cricket
Kearne Spitfire // (TSp-R) 6 years old Sherlock H. Kearne
Ghost of the Red Basin (4) 3 years old Mallory PETSHA (TT)
Woodland Spirit 1 year old Evernaught 78.52 Hickory