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Foals of .Ravendell Avalon [73.14]

All Foals of .Ravendell Avalon [73.14]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Hornett✵♂✵72.47✵[S Jumping] 14 years old Aericalflight Silver Dun Right (79.33) (SJ)
33 ooo 73.53 EeaaCrDfZRn 13 years old Confessor II Silver Dun Right (79.33) (SJ)
32 eoo 75.15 EeAaCrDfZ 12 years old Confessor II Dea Felici (80.23) (SJ)
33 ooo 77.74 EeAACrDfZZ 12 years old Confessor II Silver Dun Right (79.33) (SJ)
VAL Witchy Woman 12 years old Valkyrie Terrifying
Ravendell Arya [74.45]* 10 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Felicitous Fox (79.50) (SJ)
7 oee 70.25 EeAACrf m1 10 years old Confessor jum10 Blodwyn Rapunzel 65.35
Ravendell Alexa [78.35]* 10 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Sterling Trust (80.96) (SJ)
Ravendell Deryn [61.94]* 8 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Ravendell Dark Star [50.50]
.Ravendell Anthem [65.60]* 7 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Ravendell Money Jar [59.01]
SJ Rouani 7 years old MysteryManXD PARC Sparrow
Ravendell Starfox [73.25]* 7 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Sterling Fox (78.50) (SJ)
.Ravendell Arlon [74.81]* 6 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Blithe Fox (81.30) (SJ) 61
Ned 732 sj 6 years old bertram Effluence
Ravendell Arlona [73.54]* 5 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Blithe Fox (81.30) (SJ) 61
Ravendell Atos [77.40]* 4 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Blithe Fox (81.30) (SJ) 61
VS Rß Javendark 62.92 ZCrEE 4 years old Radairc Ravendell Dark Star [50.50]
.Ravendell Arlun [77.39]* 4 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Blithe Fox (81.30) (SJ) 61
.Ravendell Aspen [75.07]* 3 years old Rose - Ravendell Stud Blithe Fox (81.30) (SJ) 61