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Foals of Apello 96.88 [E] 41nss

All Foals of Apello 96.88 [E] 41nss
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Pathfinder 96.89 22 years old Cowgirl For What It's Worth 94.07
Vanilla Cupcake 96.06 22 years old Nikki Khaleesi 91.18
Pão de Açúcar 95.72 22 years old Nikki Sugarcoated 94.81
🎶 Marge 🎶 22 years old Marco 🎶 Margaery 🎶
Loiro 94.53 22 years old Nikki Chess 92.65
[MiS] | Korella ζ | 92.24 13 years old Misneach Kortana 93 [E]
[MiS] | Quint ζ | 93.58 13 years old Misneach Jaffa 92 [E]
⍣ Yenene 93.28 [E] 53nss 13 years old Vesper ⍣ Nayati 91 [E] 136nss
⍣ Suleta 92.57 [E] 38nss 11 years old Vesper ζ Niabi 90 [E]
⍣ Eyota 95.55 [E] 50nss 11 years old Vesper ζ Niabi 90 [E]
⍣ Leyati 93.36 [E] 40nss 10 years old Vesper ⍣ Nayati 91 [E] 136nss
⍣ Tiponi 94.93 [E] 63nss 8 years old Vesper ζ Tumbaga 92 [E]
R's Aquarell 79.01 X+ZCrDStyRn 2 years old Radairc 2 ³Rough Diamond 62 f² S Z² [E]
Apello/Jaffa 95.18 0 years old Aleph Jaffa 92 [E]
ζ Moonlit Appeal 96.86 0 years old Aleph Moonlight Sonata 94 [E]