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500+ stat 2nd gen Trakehner foals!

ForumsHorse Classifieds → 500+ stat 2nd gen Trakehner foals!

500+ stat 2nd gen Trakehner foals!

#94872 Posted on 2017-02-23 22:33:30

Hello all! I'll have about a half dozen or so 2nd gen Trakehner foals available. Most will have no more than 1 sibling - so this is a great opportunity to incorporate some new blood into your lines! For direct sale, will be adding more foals in the morning. :)


Platitude x Keynote
Black Roan Tobiano - EE aa RnT
550 birth stats, SJ statted
55.79 confo
*only one sibling*
Price: $65,000

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