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A Pride Is Forever - TLK Inspired Lion RP - SU's

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A Pride Is Forever - TLK Inspired Lion RP - SU's

#88032 Posted on 2017-01-18 05:16:39

@Cerulean; Just realized this, but please no NPC males. All cubs not fathered by the king were fathered by rogues, loners, outlanders, etc. But none within the pride as that is not allowed for a male to father cubs unless they are King. Though NOC lioness are fine, I'd prefer them to be few and far between.

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#88049 Posted on 2017-01-18 10:42:58

Thanks, fixed profile :)

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#88120 Posted on 2017-01-18 21:38:31

Name; Nzuri (pronounced Z-uh-rr-ee)
Name Meaning; beautiful, good, agreeable, fine
Age; 4 years 6 months
Sex; Lioness (Queen)
Coat Color; Nzuri was named at birth due to her beautiful coloration. She has a darker brown-red coat, much like that of Kovu, who brought the darker colors back into the blood of the Royal Pridelanders. Her undercoat is much paler, almost off-white, with a red tint to it. She has the marking of the great Queen Uru on her forehead, a diamond like shape, the color of her undercoat.
Nose Type; Pridelander
Tail Tuft Color; Black
Eye Color; dark green
Paw Pad/Nose Color; dark grey-red-brown color
Build Type; Nzuri is built like a lighter version of the late Queen Sarabi, with a roman like nose/facial build. She isn't to light, and her build is pretty similar to the former Queen's, though she is more in shape.
Personality; Nzuri is a very intelligent lioness, and she knows it. She is firm in her decisions, and sometimes a little brash. She doesn't care much for lions and lionesses who disrespect her or her pride, and won't hesitate to put them in their place. But with that being said, she is also pretty forgiving to those that don't pose a threat to her pride. She doesn't like cubs much, but knows as a Queen she must have at least one litter, and must help care for the cubs born to other lionesses. She is very strong willed, and will do what she wants, when she wants. Though she is smart with her decisions and always puts the Pride before her own needs.
Crush; None Yet
Kin; She was an only cub, parents are dead (died of old age)
History; Nzuri was born into Royalty. Being the only cub of her parents, they had no choice but to make their beautiful little princess the heiress. When she started her training, at first she knew she could never be a Queen. But as time grew on, she learned and started becoming a very promising heiress. Though her dreams were, and still are, very bold, her parents thought she would only lead herself to disappointment.
At about 2 years old, Nzuri was betrothed to a lion who was the heir to the new and growing pride of outlanders. But he turned his back on the pride when Nzuri insisted on the prides coming together and living at pride rock in the pridelands where prey is plentiful and life is good, and that they should allow lions, though a minimal amount, to stay with the pride.
This was no loss to the princess, as she never liked him much anyhow. But now she is queen without a queen, and a queen without her king is nothing in the eyes of many.
Other Info; Most find Nzuri very beautiful for her uncanny resemblance to two of the early Queens, Uru and Sarabi.

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#88611 Posted on 2017-01-22 09:04:59

TLK is one of my favorite Disney movies! (I will back with a lioness or two!)

Name; Mpenda (muh-pen-da)
Name Meaning; "love"
Age; 5 y 1 m
Sex; Lion
Coat Color; Mpenda's tawny coat resembles his mother's almost exactly. It stands out because of its lighter shade, rather than the typical golden coat. His soft underbelly is a paler white, as is the fur around his paw pads.
Nose Type; Outlander
Tail Tuft Color; His mane is thick and full, and fades from bronze to a darker, richer brown (also the color of his tail tuft).
Eye Color; Amber
Paw Pad/Nose Color; Dark Brown. His paws are slightly larger than normal.
Build Type; Mpenda is sinewy and lean. He constantly trains with the other lions to keep his muscles loose and fresh. Although his coat resembles his mother's, his build favors his father's.
Personality; Mpenda is an lively, wild young lion, always doing idiotic things to get some attention, particularly the young lionesses. He loves playing with cubs, and telling them stories of all his uproarious ideas. He isn't always so rowdy, though. He can be mature at times when something serious happens. His mother disapproves of him and doesn't usually say more than one or two words to him each day.
Crush; No real crushes yet, just flirty right now.
Kin; Rashida, his mother, and his Outlander father he never knew.
History; After his mother met a charming Outlander and conceived of a cub, the Outlander abandoned her after promising her he would stay. When the cub was born, she loved Mpenda, even naming him "love", but wen he became the wild lion his father was, she resented him and worried he would become the heartbreaker too.
Other Info; Jelani's best bud. (If that's okay!)
Questions/Comments/Concerns; ø

(If Jelani's best friend,)

He grew up with his two best friends, Jelani and Nzuri, always showing off for them. He never thought of Nzuri as anything more than a friend, but that could change.

Last edited on 2017-01-22 at 09:09:05 by Noelle

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#88672 Posted on 2017-01-22 15:55:13

(Mpenda would get on great with Jelani!)

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#89163 Posted on 2017-01-26 09:42:26

King -
Queen -
Nzuri | Agapi |
Lions - (max 7, 2 available)
Siwatu | Feathered |
Nuru | Koda |
Jelani | Tiger |
Moja | Cerulean |
Mpenda | Noelle |
Lionesses - (unlimited)
Utu | Agapi |
Malia | Feathered |
Aina | Daphne |
Asha | Tiger |
Sauda | Koda |
Lenya | Cerulean |
Cubs - (max 3 per lioness)
None yet

Siwatu | Malia [siblings]
Jelani | Aina [siblings]
Nuru | Sauda [siblings]
Jelani | Mpenda [best friends]
Moja ♥ Nzuri [crush]
Siwatu ♥ Nzuri [crush]
Jelani ♥ Nzuri [crush]
Nzuri ♥ sshhh i cant tell [crush]


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#89165 Posted on 2017-01-26 09:47:00

Looks great!

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#89211 Posted on 2017-01-26 14:26:53

I can't wait to play!!!! :D

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#89225 Posted on 2017-01-26 15:59:47

I can't either Feather! But I want at least a couple more lionesses before we start, so we have a decent sized pride to start.

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#89488 Posted on 2017-01-27 21:18:35

I can not wait to start this!

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#89979 Posted on 2017-01-30 06:31:18

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Name; Maua
Name Meaning; Flower
Age; 3 and 8 months
Sex; lioness
Coat Color; Maua has a tawny colored pelt with golden in it. Her darkest coloring being around her muzzle, ears, tail and bottom of her legs mostly. She has ear tufts that are lighter on the inside of her ear.
Nose Type; Pridelander, round
Tail Tuft Color; Tanish brown
Eye Color; light amber colored
Paw Pad/Nose Color; Tanish brown
Build Type; Pretty much on the average size, she has a scar on her nose from getting into a fight over prey. Maua has light spots on her underbelly that get darker when they go back.
Personality; Maua tends to be on the shy side in the pride. Only if you are her friend then she is friendly towards you. When she believes in something nothing can change her mind she sticks to the truth of things. She can have a temper around the males and is not afriad to back down from a fight if need be. Maua also does not like the males if they are around her and constantly annoy her and tends to hide in her favorite spot in the pride.
Crush; N/A
Kin; None
History; None
Other Info; Her close sister died from being kicked in the head by a zebra on a hunt that is why she is so bitter towards others, that is also why she doesn't like zebras.

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