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Some little updates

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Some little updates

#82914 Posted on 2016-12-25 22:21:52

So, first of all I had a wonderful Christmas, and Christmas Eve. Well, besides one incident, but more on that later.

What I did today.

1. Exchange gifts. My parents adored their gifts, and they got me something I've wanted for a while, but couldn't afford....the American Pharaoh Breyer Horse! I was so excited when I unwrapped it! My uncle got me a gift card to Michael's, which I'll be calling him to thank him. Michael's is like paradise for me, and I'm wanting to buy some more prismacolor markers; so it's nice to have a gift card.

2. Went to our neighbor's lake to go fishing but didn't get a single bite lol. It seems the water was too shallow and is over-fished.

3. Tacked up and rode Rosie in our outdoor arena. She hasn't been ridden in an arena in over 10 years! She was an absolute dream, and I couldn't be more proud of her.

4. Watched Christmas movies and my dad cooked dinner while I set the table.

5. Watched another movie, and talked about the day.

All in all a very fun day, and very happy as well. Now onto the incident on Christmas Eve. We were at Walmart getting some groceries, and the place was packed. I had a sling on as I have a bruised collarbone, and badly sprained shoulder from my tumble down the stairs. Well, you'd think people would be polite enough to let us by without shoving into me? Nope, at least three people roughly shoved past me on my bad side, and if anything they injured my shoulder more. Luckily, my dad was there to help me get by everyone and make people move a little bit. As it seemed people didn't have a care in the world about the fact I was injured.

No one even asked what happened or if I needed help grabbing something from a high shelf. Even with dad there, I did try to help him get stuff in the cart seeing as Walmart was about to close in like 45 minutes. There wasn't very much Christmas spirit I'll give you that. But, other than that, we had a good laugh about the fact that the police were having difficulties outside making sure no new customers went inside.

I actually heard one of them call for backup as the doors to Walmart were crowded, with people wanting inside despite the fact that Walmart was closing in like three minutes. We felt very sorry for the policemen, having to deal with that kind of crowd. But, it was still kind of funny; at how annoyed they were.

Also wanted to inform you guys that I haven't received any news yet on Oppy's condition or if they've had to put him to sleep. Here's a picture of Op and me at my grandmother's on Thanksgiving day

For those that don't follow me on deviantart. He's a Sooty Buckskin American Shetland x Welsh Gelding.

Oh, and little Shawn is getting gelded due to his attitude problems. He's kicked me twice now, and bit me a number of times. He currently is being a butt about me treating his rainrot, and tries to kick and bite me every time I try to put the medicine on it. Yes, we have tried all kinds of methods to stop this behavior, but alas he is not cooperating or responding to it. There's other issues as well, but overall the little boy is getting gelded. We were going to keep him a stud, for our breeding program, but alas his attitude as a stallion is just not pleasant. He is nothing like his daddy T-bone who is a total sweetheart. He's owned by Shawn's breeder. Also Sidekick our stallion is the sweetest, gentlest, and most trustworthy horse we own. Well, besides Rosie. We've owned Sidekick for 20 years now.

Anyways, that's all the updates for now. How was your Christmas?

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