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#80285 Posted on 2016-12-16 00:49:14

I'm not sure if this has been proposed this way and I just missed it or not. I'm proposing that instead of being booted out when locked, the days you board your horse just continue to countdown, and you get booted out as soon as it hits 0. This would keep from loosing so much money when you have to lock your sections or accounts. Especially when its do to an emergency. Not sure if I did a very good job explaining it, but that's the basic idea.

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#82069 Posted on 2016-12-22 15:20:13

I agree with this because you did pay for those amount of days so I agree that when it hits zero then to kick you out because then you would just be taking up room in that person's stable. I really like this idea because, like you said, I lose so much money just for this reason.

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