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I Fell Down the Stairs

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I Fell Down the Stairs

#80052 Posted on 2016-12-14 23:52:55

Yep, you read that right, I fell down the stairs in our house yesterday. I was very off balance yesterday due to having a seizure the previous night. Yes, everyone I have Epilepsy, and I've had it since I was 6 years old, (I'm 18 now) so I'm used to it. Anyways, I was off balance, and kind of out of it as I'd just woken up. But, I had to feed the horses, and so I ignored the fact that I really shouldn't be going down stairs by myself. Our intercom system is broken, and we've yet to fix it. Also my cell phone was downstairs so I couldn't call my mom.

I was barely on the first step, when I fell forward. I went head over heels, and then rolled halfway down before I managed to catch myself on one of the railing posts things. Call it Equestrian instincts, I suppose. So, I really fell a little over halfway down the stairs. My mom said she heard pounding and thunder type sounds, so she ran out of her bedroom and found me curled in a ball still on the stairs.

My god, I haven't been in that much pain in quite awhile. So, she helped me the rest of the way down and got me some snacks. I stayed in her bedroom for several hours and we watched Jingle All the Way and Christmas Vacation. When my dad got home around 7:00 pm we went out to feed the horses, despite the pain I was in (still am). He made me 4 pieces of Cinnamon Toast for dinner, since I wasn't extremely hungry and I love Cinnamon Toast!

I currently can't sleep as the pain is pretty bad, even though I've taken some pain medicine. Thankfully, no head injury, but very bruised up. I sprained my right shoulder, twisted my right ankle, and pulled a muscle in my right arm from hitting my right side so many times. It sucks because I'm right handed too. I expect that in about 3-6 hours, I'll really be feeling the pain of the fall. Might even find some other injuries.

Did I mention the stairs are hardwood? Ugh, it was not fun, and I'm an unhappy person at the moment. I could use some cheering up.

Anyone ever fallen down stairs before?
My mom has done so twice. But, those are stories for another time, as the second time she had to be immediately sent to the emergency room as she had a severe concussion and we were in NC not the state we lived in. My dad had to fly in an airplane to come to the hospital, where were at. Ugh, terrible memories. That was back in 2010 though, so she's pretty much all better now.

Anyways, I just thought I'd let all of you know, seeing as you're all like a second family to me!

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#80055 Posted on 2016-12-15 01:00:55

Awhh that doesn't sound fun at all :(

I have *knocks on wood* not fallen down any flights of stairs. Missed a step and fell down a couple yes, but not an entire flight.

Pain meds and ice ♥

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#80206 Posted on 2016-12-15 15:19:09

\oh no i hope you feel better sorry you had to go through that yes i have fell down a whole flight of stairs that were concrete it hurt sooooooooooooooooo bad i was in pain for weeks after

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#80207 Posted on 2016-12-15 15:19:51

That is never fun. We had a set of stairs that had carpet on them and my brother and I were continously slipping down that thing, always landed on my tail bone it seemed. We eventually pulled up the carpet and we didn't fall down them so much, but there was no carpet in between the wood and us anymore so I don't know if it was a fair trade XD

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#80214 Posted on 2016-12-15 15:33:41

Ouch! Don't do that! :(

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#80219 Posted on 2016-12-15 15:40:14

:( Poor Sibby!!!! *huggles*

I can't begin to describe the amount of times I've misjudged a step and fallen down some stairs; ranging from 5 to 30. Ouch! Thankfully, haven't broken anything, just bruised myself something fierce.

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#80277 Posted on 2016-12-15 23:07:18

At our old house, they had double padded the stairs or something. My mom fell down them once and broke her back, but was alright after medical attention/therapy. A few years later my sister fell down them and pinched a bunch of nerves in her back, and it left her paralyzed from the neck down for a few hours, and she had to relearn how to walk.

Needless to say, my dad went home the next day after she was recovering and ripped all the carpet and padding off of those stairs so they're be just wood, and no one had an issue with them again.

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#80282 Posted on 2016-12-16 00:30:02

Oh no Sib!! Hugs!!!

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#80407 Posted on 2016-12-16 15:28:45

I'm so sorry Sib! I ALMOST fell once, but I grabbed the railing. I was carrying my sis and i'm glad I didn't fall or my sis would be hurt.

Get well soon!

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