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Spunky Foal Tags [closed]

ForumsTag & Signature Sales → Spunky Foal Tags [closed]

Spunky Foal Tags [closed]

#5316 Posted on 2016-02-18 18:23:47

Hiya! Welcome to my first tag sale! I'm offering custom recolors of these:

(There's a few small coloring errors here, yours will be clean. But I had to whip up some examples.)

It's entirely made by me! I will be happy to work on yours until it's what you want. Please note the chibi/MLP style - small precise details are difficult!

Simple recolor: 10k (the above are both simple recolors)
Complex recolor (specific spots/detailed markings): 15k
Redo mane/tail, add accessories: 20k+ (depends on what needs to be changed, post ref and ask)

Please have a reference of what you want!

1. Sno [paid] [view here or below]
2. Orla (Utah) [complementary!] [view here or below]
3. Orla (Davie) [complementary!] [view here or below]
4. closed
5. closed

I will probably only do 5 of these before I make a new base and start over.

Rules for use:
Don't claim that you did it. Other than that, you don't even have to credit me. (if someone asks who did it/where it's from though, you should direct them to my dA page) Use it on any site, anywhere, forever! Resell it! Edit it! Doesn't matter to me. ^^ If I have to put some kind of a signature on it for you to use it here though, I can do that too.

dA page:

Pick ups:

Arden for Sno

Utah for Orlo

Davie for Orlo

Last edited on 2016-03-10 at 20:10:02 by Starstuffi

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#5424 Posted on 2016-02-18 20:18:06

1. Sno

Do you think you can do this guy?
Would he be a simple? 10k? If not, ignore me...

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#5467 Posted on 2016-02-18 21:26:11

Yup! He's a simple! I'll work on your tag now. ^^

edit: First try done! Please see first post for your tag - let me know if anything needs to be altered. I tried not to over simplify/round the markings, and decided to use the side visible in his ref (right) for the markings in the tag (left). I'd be happy to edit anything for you. I will add a signature so it's usable here on EV when it's approved and paid for. ^^

Last edited on 2016-02-18 at 21:49:11 by Starstuffi

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#7304 Posted on 2016-02-21 15:55:12

1. Sno
2. Orla

Utah And Davie
These are cute!

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#7432 Posted on 2016-02-21 18:35:16

I'll add you to the list, Orla! It might be a couple of days. I'm not at home (with my tablet) tonight, and I have 2 12 hour shifts Monday/Tuesday, so we'll see how I feel when I get home.

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#10193 Posted on 2016-02-25 23:20:44

Hiya Orla.

I honestly forgot yesterday and had a bunch of personal stuff come up today when I intended to work on these. They're still on my docket and while it might be another few days, please know that you'll be receiving them for free. Thank you for your patience!

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#10329 Posted on 2016-02-26 09:45:37

OH. I LOVE IT. Please could you do Helix and Cola? I believe they are both simple.

If you're too busy then it's fine. :3

Last edited on 2016-02-26 at 09:46:23 by Tree

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#17650 Posted on 2016-03-10 18:47:17

I'm going to close this thread, unfortunately, Tree! I learned from this experience that while I can guarantee my art time/mood the day of posting, it's very hard for me to do so after more than 1-2 days of starting something.

you probably noticed how long it took to get a response

anyway, working on yours right now Orla!!

edit: added Orla's requests to the first post! I've also PM'd her, considering it's been 2 weeks...

Sorry for anyone disappointed! I'll try again another time, or message me with a specific request. Thanks!

Last edited on 2016-03-10 at 20:07:42 by Starstuffi

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