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You are amazing

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You are amazing

#37939 Posted on 2016-05-12 16:12:05

Okay, guys. So, there's been something bugging me lately. If this turns into kind of a rant, I'm sorry.

I've been talking to my friends here and in RL. And there's a few thing a lot of my friends bring up. Body Image. Self hate. Insecurities. So, I'll explain why this bugs me so much. But, please realize that I will be sharing a few things that I rarely talk about and am not very proud of. So, please be kind and do not judge.

Hi. I'm Adeline. I'm seventeen years old. I just graduated a few days ago. But school was a real hardship for me. I have a Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as SAD. Whenever I'm around people, I feel uncomfortable and strange. I live in fear that I'll screw up and disappoint those close to me. And whenever those feelings sink in, I go into panick attacks. Bad ones, too. Whenever they kick in, everything goes blurry. The noises around me get louder and louder till I can't take it anymore. I feel like everyone's eyes are boring into me. I sob uncontrollably. Students in my school noticed this. I was already a nerd, but now the teasing was unbearable. I also never had an extraordinarily beautiful body. I had scars and bruises. The popular girls teased me bru tally about my body and my disorder. This drove me to a dark place. I resorted to self harm. I'm not proud of it. But it happened. I had such a bubbling of self hate. It felt like it was swallowing me up. It got to the point that I attempted suicide.
I took an overdose of pills and was sent into a coma. It was to much for my developing body to take. I was in a coma for two weeks.

Like I said before, a lot of people are unhappy with their lives. But I learned a lesson the hard way. When I woke up surrounded by friends and family, It changed my view. I realized that My life was worth living. I had a great life. I just wish that I would've realized that sooner. And I hope you realize how amazing you are. It is so common in our generation to degrade ourselves. But it's time that we all changed.

If you are struggling with feelings similar to mine, Know that you're not alone. Don't corner yourself like I did. Don't make mistakes like I did. You are amazing. Every single person here is beautiful in their own way. You all have amazing qualities. You are the greatest friends. And hey. We all have our quirks. That's what makes us human. If you feel yourself going downhill, talk to someone. Get yourself out of the situation that brought you there.

Sorry for my rambling. My point is... Don't you ever give up. You are a beautiful person inside and out. Don't forget that. Never let anyone get you down. Truth is... all those people insulting you and poking fun at you, well their just jealous of how spectacular you are.

Hi. I'm Adeline. I'm seventeen years old. I just graduated a few days ago. School was always a hardship for me. I have Social Anxiety Disorder, also know as SAD. It used to be that when I was around people, I would feel uncomfortable and strange. I lived In fear that I would screw up and dissipoint those close to me. Things that people said got to me. When that happened, I would have panick attacks. Words hurt me so much that it drove me to places I always sworn I'd never go. It hurt me mentally and physically. But never mind that. That's in the past. And guess what. I came out stronger than ever. I still struggle with SAD. But I'working through it. I know now that I am beautiful. I am strong. My imperfections just add to my perfection. I am victorious.

And so are YOU.

I am do sorry for my endless rambling and ranting. But I felt that it needed to be said. So you guys... There's one thing I want you to take from this. I repeated it many times but let me say it again.


I love you all so much. I hope you all know that if you ever need anything, I am always here. If you need help, message me. If you need a listening ear, I will always be available. And even if you just wanna chat, never hesitate to ask. I love you all.

- Libra

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#38049 Posted on 2016-05-13 10:00:22


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#39295 Posted on 2016-05-19 03:46:43

I don't exactly enjoy being around people either. I'm shy, and HATE doing things alone (even going into the library to check out some books) I'm always annoyed that i'm still shy. If i'm around people I know, then i'm so talkative that my friends can't say anything! Most people like me (except for someone I know that is annoying to everyone, anyway) because of my personality. Everyone thinks i'm really nice, and my school teachers always trusted me. (Well, I lied once or twice, but I got away with it because they believed me) I used to think I wasn't pretty, but I do now. Beauty shines from the inside out. I don't give up, and that's how I open pickle jars. :D I'm always making my friends laugh!

Last edited on 2016-05-19 at 03:49:20 by Princess Celestia

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