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[ADDED] Horses Having Height

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → [ADDED] Horses Having Height

Topic is locked [ADDED] Horses Having Height

#62068 Posted on 2016-08-19 14:52:38

IMO, height affecting show results is a big no-no. For all the reasons previously stated.

Having it be taken into consideration by clubs would be cool, as it could add something else cool to the game, but I also see why some wouldn't agree to that.

Changing the art how Ulysses showed would be awesome, but I don't think it really needs to happen, mostly because Abbey doesn't seem to want to do that yet.

BUT I WOULD LOVE HEIGHT TO BE ADDED! Maybe just for extra uniqueness, or even for people to try and breed for, whether they like tiny horses or huge horses. It could still be a fun goal to get a certain height, even if it wasn't necessary to register the horse. Maybe you could even select a custom horse's height? I would love this because I'm saving up to create my IRL horse and want him to be the exact height that he truly is ^o^

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#110252 Posted on 2017-06-20 11:26:45

Added! ♥

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Abbey 🌸

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