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Soooo...I Kinda hate myself for this...

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Soooo...I Kinda hate myself for this...

#25549 Posted on 2016-04-01 13:06:23

But y'see, I was talking to a good friend of mine about OLD drow RP characters whilst going through and organizing the unsorteds on my weebly character collective.

He basically told me to do characters representing my old ones.....and perhaps the entire drow pantheon.

I...kinda jumped on this because....excuse the enthusiasm here.....


Their mythos, their pantheon, their culture, their looks, their society. EVERYTHING. They are pretty much the only race I played in DnD, aside from the odd dwarf here and there... I was lucky enough, when I myself wasn't in the position of DM to HAVE DMs in my old gaming groups that allowed me the exception of playing them.

I really miss those days.

Maybe I'll do a whole slew of drow inspired characters.

And no, they aren't just black with stark white hair and red eyes. They actually come in a larger phenotypical variety, albeit the classic drow is white haired, coal black skin and red eyes.

Waugh. I want to do this so badly. :'D

if I can undertake this challenge, I will keep this post updated in the replies, as I won't post any updates until Im done with each individual.

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